Topic:Retirement SEE ALL TOPICS
Winning the lottery
Ever dreamed of winning the lottery? Seems like a great idea and you’d never have to work again, right!
Myth-busting retirement
This true story questions the cultural attitude that focusses on longing for retirement day so life can be lived more enjoyably. Do we really believe this to be true or have we not examined the issue to its full extent?
Why retire? Does it truly serve the individual who retires, and the workforce they leave?
Retirement is a relatively new concept, perhaps 100 to 120 years old.
Retirement, Ageing, Career, Work life balance, Health conditions, Money
A day with Serge Benhayon
What stands out spending any amount of time with Serge Benhayon is the endless supply of energy this man has to draw from.
Work life balance, Livingness, Performance management, Practitioner, Relationships, Retirement, Therapies
Work – the binding factor in our society
Do you know that feeling of not wanting to go to work? Have you ever questioned why this is the case and what impact it has on your life?
Ageing – to be feared or lived?
How do we feel about ageing, and what are the pictures we carry? Is there a way to age that brings a deeper purpose to this stage of life?
Ageing, Cycles, Death, Passing over, Retirement, Returning to work, Wisdom
Serge Benhayon – Inspiration for Life
Having met Serge Benhayon about twelve years ago, my life and that of my immediate family has changed beyond anything we could have imagined. I have been introduced to having a relationship with the truth of myself in a way that has deepened everything.
Who said it was the normal to retire?
What is the impact of retirement on our body? And on society?
Longing for retirement
Retirement is viewed as a well deserved right by most people. But are we all missing out when we place so much emphasis on reaching retirement and what is the quality of our relationship with work in the meantime?
Developing a supportive work ethic
There are people who work hard, and there are people who we judge as sloppy, or unmotivated. What type are you and, if you consider yourself a hard worker, how do you live your life so that you don’t burn out?
Loving work til the end
Is retirement actually good for our body? What if work was the best medicine for our body til the end?
Ageing, Career, Death, Elders, Retirement, Work life balance, Work stress