When you’ve gotta go…. you’ve just got to go
Can self-care be as simple as taking a toilet break?
Fixing or healing – which do you choose?
Explore the difference between seeking to be fixed or to truly heal. How we understand illness and disease influences our response to it – if we see it as something that just happens to us then we are reliant on the medical system to fix us, whereas if we see it as related to how we are living then we know we can also take steps to heal from within.
Conventional medicine & healthcare systems in a state of crisis
Health systems are in crisis, unable to sustain the costs of care. Conventional medicine’s focus on end-stage symptom management isn’t working, hence why we must understand the root cause of all ill so it can be prevented and/or truly healed.
The importance of breathing
The way we breathe affects our health and even the way we feel. Read more to find out about the benefits of breathing and how to breathe to feel relaxed and reduce stress
Breath, Stress, Relaxation, Health, Gentle breath, Healthy living
The placebo effect – evidence the body heals itself
People often report improvement in symptoms despite being prescribed a medication that is not real. Is this evidence that the body can heal itself?
Your body and disease – what does it all mean?
Is there more to disease and illness than we allow ourselves to see? Could it be possible that there are deeper reasons for it happening?
Ill health, Sickness, Body awareness, Health, Disease, Lifestyle diseases, Medical treatment
Is the answer to our health right under our nose?
Could the way we live be our medicine? This article explores the possibility that this could be true, and shows us a way forward, a way to live.
How love benefits your health
Love is who we are – it is our natural essence. Allowing love to flow in our body can be the strongest, most effective medicine in this world.
The truth about Walking vs Running
Struggling with running injuries? Find out The Truth about Walking vs Running and the resultant injuries that can so often occur.
Awareness, Body awareness, Connective tissue, Fitness, Health
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
Esoteric, Healing, Connection, Essence, Health, Love, Gentleness, Inner-heart, Stillness
The chilling facts about dairy
Let’s look at some chilling facts about dairy consumption. Read on and you’ll see we should perhaps have a media campaign that asks ... "Is dairy bad for you?"
Work is medicine
We often describe the benefits of work as money, or staff perks, but what if work itself was a beneficial part of our well-being?
Burnout, Career, Empowerment, Health, Medicine, Returning to work
How the mood we move and exercise in affects our health
Ever considered how the mood you’re in during exercise effects your health? Here’s some great reasons to check in with how you’re feeling before you hit the gym or your daily workout.
Exhaustion and chronic fatigue
Exhaustion was Lucy’s day-to-day routine, her definition of normal, she was heading towards chronic fatigue. Then a simple reading from Serge Benhayon gave Lucy an opportunity to see her normal was definitely not normal, that there was another way.
Knowing when to let go and rest
The readings of Serge Benhayon are multidimensional, timely and timeless. Nicola Lessing shares the reading she received during a heart incident that led to surgery, and how the support and wisdom of this reading is still relevant and valuable many years later.
Health, Healing, Universal Medicine, Awareness, Health conditions, Hardness, Heart disease
Healthy habits and healthy lifestyle tips
We all want to live in a way that supports healthy habits and means a healthy lifestyle. Read how we can reduce cardiovascular disease, lung disease and obesity by developing healthy habits.
Healthy living, Health, Self-love, Lifestyle, Lifestyle diseases
There is no such thing as an ‘alternative’ to medicine
‘Alternative medicine’ is a term that is often associated with many practices of variable efficacy, questionable ethics and sensibility. Many doctors do not recommend that people seek assistance for their health care only in ‘alternative medicine’, as the results are variable.
Flaws in the system are killing young doctors
The media has reported a high incidence of stress and burnout amongst our young doctors, resulting in some taking their own lives. Could the demands of the current medical system be contributing to this tragedy?
Should we re-consider what illness and disease mean for us?
How do we see illness and disease? Do we see it as a final point, something that is a curse, or something that is healing, and returning us back to who we truly are?
Disease, Ill health, Sickness, Health, Body awareness, Healing
Health and healing
How do we understand good health and are we truly healthy? Is there more to good health than just not having a disease? To have truly good health we need to heal what is going on for us.
What if you hold the key to your own wellbeing in your own hands?
Are we more in control and in charge of our health and wellbeing than we realise?
Do I listen to the mind or the body?
Have you ever had what felt like a tug of war between the mind and the body – your mind saying one thing and your body something else?
Surrender, Sleep, Body awareness, Gentleness, Health, Relaxation, Well-being
When does exercise become abuse?
Exercise – we either love it or hate it! But in what quality of energy are we actually exercising, and when does the line get crossed and exercise becomes abuse?
How do I return to good health?
How do we return to good health? When you feel unwell, how do you know what to do and what direction do you take when you want to feel well again?
Ill health, Health, Well-being, Human body, Lifestyle, Health conditions
Is there a healthy way to be ill?
None of us are immune from ever being ill and we have many phrases that reflect that this is an everyday part of life. We cannot always prevent ourselves from getting sick, but is there a healthy way to be ill?
Disease, Health, Sickness, Lifestyle diseases, Healthy living
By connecting to our natural rhythms we improve our well-being
Let’s look at some natural rhythms and cycles that we have that, if followed, support our personal development and well-being.
Connection, Human body, Well-being, Sleep, Health, Depression, Moon, Vitality, Disease, Menstrual cycle
Men Audio
A collection of free audio and quotes for real men and their friends!
Free downloads, Essence, Behaviour, Health, Relationships, Gender, Body image
A changed attitude to life – no more feelings of deep grief
A testimonial by Julie Matson on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon
What is living medicine?
We often consider that medicine is something that is outside of us, that we take or do to make ourselves feel better. Did you know that the way that you live is your greatest form of medicine?
Medicine, Livingness, Health, Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Vitality
Living Medicine – alternative, complementary or universal medicine and what’s the difference?
What’s the difference between alternative and complementary medicine? Is there an even grander form of medicine that is universal?
Our mind might tell us to have a cigarette but if we asked our lungs they would say no.
Why do we override what our organs would tell us if we listened to our body?
World health day – Are we settling for a ‘well-being’ that is not truly well?
What do we define as health? Does it mean to be well and if so then what are we calling being well?
Championing the myth of living longer
People are living longer. Do we consider how they are living and what quality of life they have in their final decades? Is it truly living if we are medicated, drugged and artificially sustaining life in a body that is carrying so much illness and disease?
Medicine, Health, Well-being, Ageing, Vitality, Healthy living
Healing and religion: a true relationship
Did you ever imagine the relationship between healing and religion could be inextricably linked? What is it we have missed then in our understanding of these two words.
Healing, Religion, Healthy relationships, Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Health
The five essential ingredients of human beings
A car mechanic cannot fix a car if he does not know what the different parts of the car are and how they work together – likewise we cannot have a healthy body if we do not know the component parts; the ingredients of a human being.
Restoring balance in the body does not work: Supporting its healing does work
To revolutionise our failing health care system we need practitioners to assist clients to heal, not to ‘cure’ them, and for both practitioners and clients to take more responsibility with living in a more gentle and self-caring way.
The body IS intelligent
What if the mind is not that intelligent – what if it were only the receiver of energy, like a radio that picks up a signal, and it wasn’t actually capable of thinking?
Inner-heart, Human body, Wisdom, Research, Health, Well-being, Intelligence
The spirit and the Soul – what's their relevance to health?
Plato said, “This is the great error of our day that in the treatment of the human being, the physicians separate the soul from the body.” Is this as relevant today as it was then?
To dairy or to dairy free? Our body holds the answer ...
Are dairy products really supporting our bodies and our well-being? Read on to find pages that support – where you can be your own scientist, letting your own body tell you what is right for you.
Dairy free, Food pyramid, Health, Body awareness, Diets, Food science
Have you ever considered what is true health and well-being?
There is a vast difference between being truly well and the absence of disease.
What would happen if we became CEOs of our own health?
What would happen if we stopped seeing doctors as “Gods” and the answer to all our prayers?
Stress at work
Stress at work – here we consider: what is stress and is it possible to be stress-free at work? What does self-care at work actually mean? What really constitutes work-life balance?
Why are doctors killing themselves?
Our code of ethics asks us to, “First, do no harm.” So why are doctors killing themselves?
Bullying, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Health, Medicine, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress, Well-being, Burnout
Developing self-care as part of health and well-being at work
We regularly see in the media, the HR press that well-being at work matters. This article introduces an aspect that is seldom written about in health and well-being at work - self-care at work.
Health, Absenteeism, Career, Well-being, Burnout, Healthy living
Sleep revolution
Many of us are obsessed by sleep – mainly because we think we are not getting enough! But there is a way of approaching sleep that may just cause a revolution in the way we think about it, and the way we experience it .
The energetic science of music
What is the full impact that music has on our health and wellbeing, and what does this mean in relation to how music is made?
Serge Benhayon TV – The Science of Responsibility
What is ‘responsibility’? Could it actually be completely different to what we imagine it to be? Could there be more to it? To unpack this phenomenon, Rebecca Baldwin (previously Asquith) and Serge Benhayon explore the quality that makes up the ‘being’ in human being.
Health, Well-being, Spirit, Soul, Lifestyle diseases, Sickness
Exercise and Newton’s 3rd Law
Newton’s third law of motion, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” considers the measure of force that returns to our body in movement. What does this actually mean?
Millions of dollars and still no cure for cancer
Millions of dollars and many decades of research have gone into finding a cure for cancer and yet we still have no answers, no solutions and no way of preventing this dreadful disease.
Are my food choices disguised as self-medication?
Who or what is actually making or driving the choice of food we apparently crave? And do we truly eat to support the physical body or is there a not so hidden agenda directing us?
Men's health – Starting the conversation
As men, we are constantly bombarded by a society that is always telling us what a real man is, that a real man has it all together. But men’s health statistics paint a different picture.
What is ill-health?
In this short October 2020 audio of the Month, Natalie Benhayon questions what we are comparing ourselves with to say we do not have ill-health?
Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness – volume III
Only a lived way delivers the truth we so desperately need. For inspiration and insight, here are 717 pages of lived wisdom; keep on reading …
Healthy body healthy mind
Taking time to love your body can lead to a healthy mind which means less critical thoughts. Love the body and the mind will follow.
Health, Mindfulness, Therapies, Love, Anxiety, Depression, Feelings, Breath
From running to walking as exercise for my body
Ray was running to escape his problems; read how he instead began to walk and exercise for true health and wellbeing, and what a profound effect this approach to exercise had on his everyday life.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – True health care
This is a personal account of how the Esoteric Healing modalities brought a new level of integrity to daily life and professional practice.
The sexualisation of the young – learning a Social Script through pornography and the rise of new sexual and reproductive health issues
Do you think porn is ‘in’ and a modern way to learn about sex? Just have a look at the new sexual and reproductive health issues and you will see a subscription to abuse and violence.
We have to live medicine
If medicine means to heal in full, what does that signify and how does that apply to us? Everything we do every day has an impact on our body – medicine is made up of the choices of how we live.
True health – are we missing something?
Despite the vast array of medical and health options, the rates of illness and disease continue to rise. Perhaps there is another way?
Has genetics failed us?
We think we inherit our health issues from our parents, so we say things run in the family, that it’s genetic. Do our genes set us up for a predetermined destiny, or are we overlooking something?
I take better care of my car than my body!
Have you ever considered that you take better care of your car than you do of your own body – a Ferrari or a beaten up jalopy, which one are you?
True health is more than a label
What does true health mean? Is it about a label, a tick box exercise, or is it about truly loving and caring for our bodies?
Love, the greatest medicine of all
Could love be the missing piece at the heart of all the pain and suffering and illness in the world? And could reconnecting to that love be the greatest medicine of all?
Don’t shoot the messenger!
We have one of the world’s leading experts in health and medicine with us 24 hours a day – our body! How can we deepen our relationship with our bodies and listen to what our bodies are telling us?
How are you?
How are you, really?
Health, Health conditions, Human body, Ill health, Sickness, Well-being
Who invented medicine anyway?
We have diminished our natural awareness of our bodies and our health and given our power away to the modern medical systems.
Evidence-based medicine – what is evidence anyway?
The modern trend of an increasing reliance on outside information, rather than learning to listen to the wisdom of our own bodies needs to be thoroughly questioned and explored.
Suicides, the health profession and dentistry
We look to the health profession and dentists for wellbeing leadership and we get – very high rates of suicide!
Why do we only self-care when sick or exhausted?
Is self-care just a new fad to add to your to do list? Or can caring for yourself be something you won’t live without?
Building a relationship with the body and food – a personal story
Together we had little notion that developing such a relationship with the body and the food we ate would reap such abundant health, clarity and wellbeing, coupled with a natural balancing of our body weight.
How do we know if our choice around food is a true one?
Do we choose food based on what our body says, or based on what we have been told is good for us?
Women, what is it that we really loathe when we loathe our body?
What are we really loathing when we think we loathe our body?
Body image – inside out
Body image - Why and when did dissatisfaction with our outer appearance arise?
Sweeping sensitivity under the carpet
Do we as men ignore our awareness at the expense of our bodies, our tenderness and connection to our true selves and if so, what are the consequences?
Who said it was the normal to retire?
What is the impact of retirement on our body? And on society?
Communicating with your Healing/Medical Practitioner
In this humorous and enlightening video, Doctor Sam Kim gently broaches the subject of body awareness and doctor/patient communication.
Starting the conversation on men’s health video
Builder Adam Warburton talks about how as men we can start the conversation on how to start taking more responsibility for our own state of health
Exercise and convalescence
How can gentle exercise be of support to a person convalescing from illness, disease or surgery?
What is convalescence?
Convalescence conveys much more than simple physical recovery. It offers us an opportunity to reflect on where we are it as well as the opportunity to care deeply for our body and being.
Motivation to exercise – could it be about commitment?
Is it enough to be motivated to exercise? Could it be more about the commitment we have to ourselves?
Why we love to walk
This article explores the many possibilities of why we love to walk and what is at the very heart of it.
The state of our health
Worldwide, people tend to rely on medical systems and science to explain and treat illness and disease. But what’s our part at the individual level?
Just the way I am
Have you ever considered that your personality traits and behaviours may not be who you actually are? Is all that we have accepted as us ‘normal’ or is there a whole other fullness and richness to life.
What is exercising in connection?
Exercising in connection and in tune with ourself, our feelings and our body can result in a completely different experience of exercise. What is exercising in connection and how do you get started?
Three steps to exercising in connection
Exercising in connection and in tune with ourself, our feelings and our body can result in a completely different experience of exercise. What is exercising in connection and how do you get started?