Topic:Pornography SEE ALL TOPICS
Young people, pornography and bullying
Today’s teenagers are the first generation of young people to grow up with ‘sexting’, sex tapes, and using pornography to bully others. Have we fully considered the very real impact of pornography on teenagers’ lives?
How much has education really advanced us?
We have long viewed education as a positive force in our society, one leading to progress and better, more civilized lives. But is that really true? From headhunting to pornography . . . how far have we really advanced from what we think of as our ‘primitive’ selves? How are we breeding desensitization to violence in our kids?
Education, Anti-social behaviour, Pornography, Role models, Raising children, Psychology, Tenderness, Gaming
Role models In music
An exploration of the influence of role models in music. What aspects are we influenced by? How susceptible are we to these influences?
Music, Music videos, Pornography, Role models, Self-worth, Empowerment
Let's talk about porn
We have made porn normal but is it really? Max asks some rather pressing questions about an industry that is now as accessible as home delivered pizza – and is probably unhealthier for our being.
Connection, Feelings, Intimacy, Making love, Pornography, Relationships
The sexualisation of the young – learning a Social Script through pornography and the rise of new sexual and reproductive health issues
Do you think porn is ‘in’ and a modern way to learn about sex? Just have a look at the new sexual and reproductive health issues and you will see a subscription to abuse and violence.
Men share on their first experience with porn
Five men share their first experience with pornography, and how it affected their lives
Internet porn – the ultimate educator for normalising abuse and violence in our relationships
As we determine what intimacy, love and connection means in our society, internet porn has become a global sex education and created a new ‘normal’. Do we want this abuse to infiltrate and influence our children’s lives?
Mainstreaming porn – who is truly educating our kids?
The mass media makes massive profit mainstreaming porn through every corner of society. Does it affect our children to be educated and constantly exposed to pornographic imagery and does that make sexually charged situations become “normal”?
Web history - can not delete - file saved to karma folder
We tend to go about our lives ‘online’ using computers and other electronic devices in a flippant manner, wandering from site to site as if we were some kind of digital nomad looking for a long-lost home that never was.
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Lifestyle, Pornography
Pornography and the ‘theft’ of our true essence
What is the energy behind the addiction to pornography… and other addictions for that matter?
Free love and war
Men are conditioned to accept pornography at a young age, but does it have to be that way?