Topic:Ageless Wisdom SEE ALL TOPICS
The Esoteric is not a secret
What does esoteric mean? Is it truly a secret that is unattainable, or is it something that lies within the human heart, accessible to everyone? Serge Benhayon reveals the truth of the esoteric.
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Esoteric, Inner-heart, Universal Medicine
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
Living who we truly are in everyday life is the Livingness ~ but what does that actually mean?
Unimedpedia, Livingness, Essence, Inner-heart, Ageless Wisdom, Religion
The human form: an evolutionary dead-end?
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, a miracle of God was born. Some call ‘him’ Adam, or ‘her’ Eve, while others refer to ‘it’ as the first Homo sapiens. And that was the beginning of the end...
Re-incarnation and Karma – punishment or ultimate love?
What if all that we do, say and think in this life, leaves a trail which, if not true or if harmful to others in any way, and or is disharmonious to the universe in general, needs to be re-balanced via the Law of Karma and Reincarnation?
Have fun with the Ageless Wisdom
Katherine Jones is sharing the various ways in which she has approached reading the book
The rising tide raises all vessels
The high tide might raise all vessels, but what tension does that put on the moorings? Sometimes it’s our own beliefs that hold us back.
Serge Benhayon: a true author of the people…
Serge Benhayon bows not to the rigidity of the conventions imposed by the world of authorship. He simply presents pure truth in everything he writes – truth that has been well known throughout the ages, and today as The Ageless Wisdom.
The Hierarchy, Teachers, Soul, Philosophy, Essence, Connection, Ageless Wisdom
Can technology contribute to evolution?
The technological revolution we are in brings a lot of comfort to our lives, but does it also offer true evolution?
Evolution and creation, not an either/or, but true religion and true science
The debate over evolution (as per modern science) and creation (as per religion) keeps us distracted from the truth. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings need a good look in on this subject.
Serge Benhayon – understanding true healing and the role of the client
Too often practitioners forget the important role the client has to play in their own healing. Serge Benhayon takes our understanding of the client/practitioner relationship to a new level
We are already everything
If we are already everything then why would we need to better ourselves? Find out just how amazing you are in our December 2016 Audio of the Month.
The deeply ancient way of learning together as a true community…
Looking back into our ancient ways of learning we can see where our current education model falls behind.
The history of Sacred Esoteric Healing
A brief review of the history of Sacred Esoteric Healing, stating that true healing of an ill has always encompassed more than just the removal of symptoms but rather is the removal of the energy that causes the symptoms.
Lineage, Evolution, Awareness, Cycles, Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Intelligence
Where can you train In Sacred Esoteric Healing?
Sacred Esoteric Healing Training and course information
Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Career, Education, Livingness, Training, Therapies
What is the ‘Sacred’ in ‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’?
The ‘Sacred’ in Sacred Esoteric Healing is represented when a practitioner of this modality lives with the commitment and intention of Energetic integrity and Energetic Responsibility.
Love, Ageless Wisdom, Healing, Sacredness, Esoteric, Soul, Intelligence
Universal Medicine, the EPA* and the Esoteric Modalities
A doctor’s perspective on how Sacred Esoteric Healing changed her life and can work hand in hand with mainstream medicine.
The most profound read in a long time
I had never read anything like it, in fact after I had finished it I started to read it again...
Reincarnation and responsibility; Why this is our dinner table conversation
Why is reincarnation such a taboo subject for dinner table conversation? Could it be that its true purpose holds an uncomfortable responsibility for us all?
Serge Benhayon – a man who presents the truth
Is it possible that truth can be presented in an all-encompassing, universal way that is applicable to all and yet totally relevant and practical for each one of us? Read one woman’s testimony to Serge Benhayon as a man who presents the truth.
Wisdom, Philosophy, Education, Healing, Lifestyle, Ageless Wisdom
Philosophy is the love of wisdom
The word philosophy is from ancient Greek and means 'love of wisdom'. Serge Benhayon is a true philosopher and brings the Ancient Wisdom of the ages to modern day life in his courses, workshops and as a lived example for all to share.
Philosophy, simplicity and revelation
Serge Benhayon brings the one thing to philosophy that has been missing for centuries – simplicity.
Serge Benhayon – the natural philosopher
Philosophy belongs in everyday life, to make sense of things, and this is what Serge Benhayon delivers without reservation.
What if our future is our past?
Testimonial about Serge Benhayon’s book ‘Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time’
Standing solid in truth, love and tenderness
Serge Benhayon – a rock, a man who offers truth in love – God's Messenger.
Letting people in
I remember being very little, and just loving people and letting people in – meaning, letting them into my heart and being open and transparent and letting them see all of me.
Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Intimacy, Loneliness, Relationships
The age of persecution – inquisition, witch hunts and crusades
Inquisitions had existed before but had never been taken to the magnitude of the medieval inquisition sanctioned by the Popes against the Cathars. This compelling article reveals the outplay of a torturous crusade against humanity and the Ageless Wisdom.
Ageless Wisdom, Accountability, Bullying, Religion, Persecution, Reductionism, Supremacy
Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Unveiling the invisible world of spirits
A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Shakespeare’s first play about the invisible world of spirits and forces, hilariously and powerfully exposes the absurdity of our operating under the influence of their drama without ever questioning the source of the created chaos.
Meet Serge Benhayon – Love, life and our return to Universality
Return to Universality – with unparalleled clarity Serge Benhayon presents the truth of life, love and why we are here on earth.
Ageless Wisdom, Universe, Philosophy, Miracle, Humanity, God, Evolution, DNA
Serge Benhayon – the presenter
Serge Benhayon presents both nationally and internationally on the subjects of the Ageless Wisdom, The Way of the Livingness as well as Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy.
Ageless Wisdom, Communication, Exhaustion, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Intelligence
Serge Benhayon – the philosopher
Serge Benhayon presents simple philosophy, a philosophy that knows and thus holds all as being of love in our essence and hence at our very core.
Ageless Wisdom, The Hierarchy, Universal Medicine, Philosophy, Intelligence
I knew I had found truth again
Shelley Jones shares how The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth showed her Truth.
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Connection, Inner-heart, Testimonials
Energy in words
Words are energetic expressions and therefore convey energetic imprints: they are a living thing.
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Serge Benhayon and all of us – portals for truth
Is it possible that every single one of us has the same capacity to speak the truth that Jesus did?
Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Lineage, Livingness, Religion, Philosophy, Son of God
What do Albert Einstein & Serge Benhayon have in common?
“Every so often comes a man who is able to see the universe in a totally ‘new’ way, whose visions upset the very foundation of the world, as we know it.” In 2007 I met one such man.
Natalie Benhayon, Young in Age, Ageless in Wisdom
How does one earn a place on the chart of the likes of Hypatia, Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth I, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Diana, Princess of Wales, and other influential women in the world where the tiaras seem to be almost solely reserved for men?
Serge Benhayon’s books – a lifetime study
Serge Benhayon’s books impart truth and sincerity and reawakened the knowing of what Ingrid Langenbruch had always known to be true but not found elsewhere.
Discovering the missing ingredient in my life
‘On the outside my life appeared to be successful and happy, but underneath I felt unsettled, like something was missing’. Lorraine shares how she rediscovered the missing ingredient that transformed her life.
Life after crutches
The amazing story of an older woman’s journey from searching for healing and needing all sorts of crutches to get through life, to learning that what she truly needed was connection to her own soul.
Healing, Self-empowerment, Ageless Wisdom, Health conditions, Human body
The ungodly behaviour of the Gods – is this true?
Why do we describe Gods as having ungodly traits? Is there a truth we are trying to obscure?
An employer’s dream - technology to predict employee behaviour
Technology to predict employee decisions may appear like a dream come true, but what if you could already do this yourself?
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2017
A new dawning has begun. Esoteric Numerology places the year 2017 as the energy or cycle of the number 1. The energy or cycle of 1 is well known to mean a new beginning. We are all in such cycles; no one is free of them.
Humanity, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Appreciation, Evolution
Religious education: resurrecting the lived application of religious teaching
Religion and the idea of religious education can often turn us off. But if we were to understand the truth of religious teaching, our relationship with the words and what is on offer might well be transformed.
Does age equal Wisdom?
Where does wisdom come from? Is it related to age or is it available to all of us when we know where it comes from?
On karma and re-incarnation
“Karma is not by Divine nature bad. It is in fact about love. And, even when it feels it is not love, it still is, for that is what karma is bringing you back to.” ~Serge Benhayon
Evolution, God, Philosophy, Religion, Wisdom, Ageless Wisdom
‘Serge's Books’ are a form of medicine
They are a form of medicine that can be lived, reflected on and pondered on.
Connection, Soul, Wisdom, Medicine, Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials
This book has become part of my daily rhythm and this is a huge support
Bianca Barban describes how Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy, the Sayings has become a part of her daily rhythm and a huge support in her life.
Ageless Wisdom, Harmony, Healing, Wisdom, Testimonials, Inner-heart
The oldest religion on earth
Karin Becker explores the truth that The Way of The Livingness is in fact the oldest religion on earth and its lineage never died.
A life changing story about Serge Benhayon’s purple books
The Way of Initiation; I literally could not put this book down and read it day and night. Every page I read felt like I was being held by a very close friend.
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Philosophy, The Hierarchy, Expression, Testimonials
Serge the Educator – Love and the way of the forever student
“This was by far the best education I have ever received”. University educator Lyndy Summerhaze speaks about the presentations of ‘forever student’ Serge Benhayon. When love is added to the learning equation a divine alchemy occurs.
The Livingness Workshops
An introduction to the 3 one-day events that form The Livingness Workshops.
Serge Benhayon TV – Whole Body Intelligence
What is ‘Whole-body Intelligence’ and what can it tell us about how to move and walk so that we can deliver an intelligence that holds all equal in the realm we live in. Sound grand? It is. Welcome to Episode One of Serge Benhayon TV.
Ageless Wisdom, Body awareness, Awareness, Conscious presence, Intelligence
Everything is energy
From Pythagoras to Einstein and in our every interaction, we all know the truth that energy is what makes everything happen and makes everything what it is and what it will therefore become.
Ageless Wisdom, Evidence-based, Lineage, Universe, Intelligence
I am no one’s Sindy Doll
The transformations that can happen when you make your life first about truth before making it about pleasing other people
Abuse, Acceptance, Domestic violence, Self-empowerment, Ageless Wisdom
Revelation Audio
A revelatory and liberating collection of audio revealing life as it truly is.
About Serge Benhayon
The first to teach about energetic integrity and energetic responsibility and the real effect this has on our life – Serge Benhayon’s readings inspire a true way of living for humanity. This short biography of Serge Benhayon introduces his remarkable life and works.
Gentle breath, Ageless Wisdom, Love, Self-love, Universal Medicine, Soul
Earth calling Mars – Want some irresponsible tenants?
Is Planet Earth a throwaway item; are our relationships dispensable? With our history, could we seriously consider Family Humanity suitable tenants for another unsuspecting planet? But the burning question is, ‘why do we want, or need to, escape this planet?’
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Brotherhood, Harmony, Livingness, Relationships, Supremacy
Serge Benhayon: an author for humanity …
Serge Benhayon writes how the Soul would speak, unimpeded by the doctrines of formalised education. He reminds us of our humanity and inspires us to connect to the simplicity of our essence, our Soul.
Shakespeare’s The Tempest, the Great Globe, and The Ageless Wisdom
The Tempest was Shakespeare’s last play, a play full of magic and meaning. Will the characters constellated on this isle keep re-choosing the abuse of power or will they reclaim their universality once more?
About Serge Benhayon
After suffering from depression and giving up on the idea that life could ever be different or ‘better, Gabriele Conrad met Serge Benhayon. “Nothing and nobody had delivered, not even psychoanalysis and homoeopathy, and no bodywork modality or new age therapy had done the trick either.”
Healing, Depression, Ageless Wisdom, Medicine, Universal Medicine
A meeting with me
Do you know your younger self well enough to give advice? What would it be like if you actually met?
Integrity in the midst of the house of lies... The Way of The Livingness
In the midst of our current global crisis, and the multitude of lies and corruption of our society, there is a most powerful example of a loving, healthy and productive way of life that sections of the Media, on the basis of a personal vendetta with no investigation, have wantonly slandered. Why is this?
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Humanity, Anti-social behaviour, Religion, Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Accountability, Livingness, Persecution
Space – the final frontier
What is space? Is it the stars, the galaxies, the planets? What is all that space between them? Is that just nothingness? Explore the intelligence of space and what that means.
A Philosopher’s guide to creation
Life is like a box of chocolates . . . or is it? Read on and you may just be surprised what’s on the menu.
The Livingness and Food
Leaders like David Perlmutter, Daniel Amen, Chris Kresser, Mark Hyman and Serge Benhayon are now thoroughly exposing the food industry and its malpractices. Food is responsibility and medicine.
Sensitivity – curse or greatest gift there is?
It was not until in my fifties that I began to understand that my sensitivity was actually normal and wonderful and not a curse. Sensitivity has been my ally, my constant companion, my strength, my teacher and my ultimate offering to those around me.
Relationships are always about evolving – the key to making relationships work
Is disharmony in relationships the end, or can it be the beginning of a new and deeper level of loving? Do moments of change and tension signify an important opportunity for both parties to step up?
Ageless Wisdom, Behaviour, Divorce, Love, Marriage, Healthy relationships, Relationship problems
Who or what is God and what does He mean to each of us?
Ageless Wisdom, Energy, Essence, Evolution, God, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Unimedpedia
Serge Benhayon – the universal man
Serge Benhayon is a Universal Man – What does this mean? How does a man with no tertiary education be an expert on science, philosophy, religion and medicine to name a few? Find out in this article how Serge Benhayon truly represents what it is to live universally and be a Universal Man.
Son of God, Universal Medicine, Wisdom, God, Ageless Wisdom, Lifestyle
Serge Benhayon and The Living Way
In a world where most people seem to just get through the day, this philosophical approach to life, founded by Serge Benhayon, shows that there is a way to live that is far more enriching for everyone.
Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials, Livingness, Lineage, Religion, Philosophy
Rat parks, obesity, food, behaviour and connection
The stunning trends of obesity expose the way we live and our lack of purpose and community connection.
Ageless Wisdom, Obesity, Behaviour, Connection, Food industry, Clairsentience, Intelligence
Is there more to gender equality than gender balance?
The ‘Balance for Better’ theme around gender equality sounds promising, but is there more to equality than balance, and what is truly the way forward?
Gender equality, Empowerment, Feminism, Ageless Wisdom, Gender
Bringing out the feminine side of science
This beautiful article, written by a man, is about bringing out the feminine within all of us, men and women, and exploring what this might mean for science.
Feminism, Gender equality, Lineage, Sacredness, Ageless Wisdom
Religious freedoms
Do we have true religious freedom in this country - our right to practise freely the religion of our choice without hindrance? What is it that threatens this, our fundamental right?
Religion, Psychology, Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Brotherhood, Persecution
A world first volunteer model
The charity of the College of Universal Medicine (CoUm) is run on an entirely volunteer model – everyone taking part is freely donating their time and expertise to build what is an extraordinary undertaking.
The College Of Universal Medicine
From its inception, the College of Universal Medicine heralds a revolutionary new way for education and group work.
Ageless Wisdom, Education, Community, Livingness, Humanity, Lifestyle, Well-being, Healthy living
Ageless Wisdom Audio
The Ageless Wisdom has always been with mankind but we have chosen not to heed it. Are we now ready to consider what it has long been offering us?
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Soul, Essence, Religion, Free downloads
Serge Benhayon – the practitioner
Serge Benhayon dedicates his life to serving humanity delivering ground breaking complementary health-care and a way of life that serves all equally. His wisdom encompasses human existence in its entirety.
Practitioner, Healing, Presence, Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Role models, Philosophy, Therapies
Healing depression – goodbye black dog
When I first saw Serge Benhayon in early 2004, I had been suffering from depression since my early teenage years. I was so used to feeling miserable and depressed that I did mention it only at the very end of our chat…
Depression, Mental health, Soul, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
The lost science of the stars
When Science threw Astrology out, we were left with the pointless, dry science of Astronomy. Can we save the day and bring these two together again within ourselves?
Ageless Wisdom, Astronomy, Constellations, Evolution, God, Planets
Who stole God from science: Part 4 – Leonardo’s legacy part 1
Leonardo’s legacy of truth in science, religion and philosophy
Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Lineage, Clairsentience, Connection
Discovering self-care and bringing it into my life
“The way I had lived seemed quite normal to me. I had no concept that in fact I was living in a way that was disregarding to me and everyone else.”
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Self-love, Therapies, Universal Medicine
The Teacher of All Teachers
There are qualities of a true teacher that can only be confirmed by feeling it for yourself. Serge Benhayon, through his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and the consistency and beauty of his lived way, will one day be known in the hearts of man to be the teacher of all teachers.
Testimonials, Teachers, Soul, Esoteric, Education, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
Hermes Trismegistus
Hermes Trismegistus’ – known as father of the greatest philosophies and religions on earth and the ‘master of masters’ – sole purpose was to accelerate the re-awakening of humanity to the truth of their divinity – ‘If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.’ Hermes.
The deafening sound of war and peace
What if ‘peace’ as we know it is one huge illusion? The world in ‘peace-time’ is consistently becoming a more violent place to live in – this is no illusion, but a very real quandary. Could the Peace Treaties we sign be as damaging as the cannons of war?
Hamlet – ‘To be or not to be?’ That is not the question – outing the plot of ‘thinking’
In Hamlet, Shakespeare exposes the true nature of the Hamlet’s dilemma, and yet this has never been written about before. Discover the nature of the appalling lie that has been trapping humanity for aeons.
Serge Benhayon TV – Religion, Co-existence and the Science of Reflection
What is the true nature of religion and how can there ever be a relationship between religion and violence? How we can live together and how does this apply to life through the Science of Reflection.
Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Harmony, Evolution, Brotherhood, Healthy relationships
Who stole God from science: Part 2
Pythagoras, through his connection to the Ageless Wisdom, was able to bring through scientific, philosophical and religious principles that have shaped the course of history.
What is prophecy? Have we been completely misled in relation to what prophecy means to us all? And how very simple it is to access the gift of prophecy?
Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita
The eternal message of Krishna is one of true love; there is a truth to love that is far greater than the ideal we have been conditioned by the institution of family to think it is. Would the way we live life be totally transformed if we were to apply this living truth to our own daily lives?
The esoteric is about you living the real, whole and true you.
Our future: the unfolding of true men
How can you break the stereotypes society has imposed on men? How can you live a life that you know is true and honouring of yourself, knowing you will most probably be judged or ridiculed?
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Expression
Ageless Wisdom Teachings
An educational, illuminating and fun forum hosted by the College of Universal Medicine – presenting on a multitude of topics.
The time bomb has been delivered
Time is not what we have been led to believe it is; time is a measure of human evolution and not a lineal movement from the past to the future via the present.
Bringing science to life – the true purpose of science
Is the purpose of science to serve humanity in its ever-expanding demand for a better life, a better future, to make it all easier?
A Serge Benhayon quote – life-changing and ever-lasting
The Way of The Livingness, while being the true religion for mankind, is superbly practical, down to earth and immediately applicable in everyday life.
The Essence of Yoga
Yoga in essence, is about union with our Soul, the sacredness within. Serge Benhayon speaks on the true teachers who have delivered the essence of yoga to humanity throughout our history.
Ageless Wisdom, Esoteric, Lineage, Philosophy, Sacredness, Soul, Teachers, Yoga, Truth
The Ageless Wisdom Teaching on relationship and the Science of Reflection
We are in relationship with everything and everyone all of the time and through this we are offered myriad reflections. This article reveals the challenging yet divinely powerful Science of Reflection.
Tension, Stillness, Sacredness, Relationships, Harmony, Ageless Wisdom, Connection
Shakespeare’s Richard III and The Winter of Our Discontent – a new take
Glorious summer or an insatiable winter of discontent – what will we choose? What made Shakespeare’s King Richard III a best seller of its time and still the most performed play in the 21st century?
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Behaviour, Brotherhood, Corruption, Supremacy
How to have fun while preparing to pass over
Ingrid on how to have fun while preparing to die . . . with information on medical directives, wills, and deciding who gets your Facebook password.
Web history - can not delete - file saved to karma folder
We tend to go about our lives ‘online’ using computers and other electronic devices in a flippant manner, wandering from site to site as if we were some kind of digital nomad looking for a long-lost home that never was.
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Lifestyle, Pornography
Energetic integrity: a true question of public interest
The concept of public interest is a political one that continues to remain an elusive notion: although it is a commonly used term, it’s arguably the ‘least defined and least understood of concepts’, frequently exploited in political rhetoric.
Most cancers are almost completely preventable
Seyfried is saying “You can’t get cancer if you are Mitochondria healthy, which points to a Ketogenic diet and to avoid the common high sugar, high carbohydrate diet that most people follow today. High drama ahead when the medical world catches up.”
Cancer, Sugar, Diets, Evolution, Genetic, Livingness, Inflammation, Ageless Wisdom
The Food Pyramid is collapsing and humanity will soon return to the tried, tested and proven ways of The Ageless Wisdom.
Serge Benhayon
Throughout the ages there have been those who have come to teach by their living way that we are so much more than human, that we are universal and an integral part of a grand, interconnected whole. The great teacher of the new era of Aquarius is Serge Benhayon.
Lineage, Esoteric, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Cycles, Livingness
Who is the true Henry David Thoreau?
Henry David Thoreau – rarely has there been a writer who can convey such deep philosophy with so few poignantly chosen words. Philosopher, inventor, writer, abolitionist… a polarising figure both during and after his life, he was more a servant to truth than he was to society.
The study, revelation and prophecy
The ultimate ill is not the shifting of the people or the budget, but the mass movement of the ills in our homes. Should we therefore not be constantly questioning if the study of the end-effect in its current form is sufficient for the evolution of the planet and its 7.7 billion inhabitants?
Alice Anne Bailey
Alice A. Bailey gradually established a working relationship with the Ascended Master who eventually became known to her as DK or Djwhal Khul; together they inaugurated what DK called the intermediate phase of a greater plan.
Comte de Saint Germain
Saint Germain’s life in the 18th Century is full of unexplained gaps and disappearances. He was a great Philosopher and Seer, skilled in Alchemy, Arts, Music, and Science, and friend to politicians, scientists, ordinary people and royalty.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo is called the father of modern science, and rightly so. He was able to advance humanity through his observations and mathematical findings in a time when the Inquisition was still suppressing truth and free expression in Europe.
Shakespeare and the Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
What is it that comprises the magic of Shakespeare? What part does it play on the stage of the world and our evolution?
Ageless Wisdom, Philosophy, Humanity, Lineage, Soul, The Hierarchy
“FORCES” by Michael Benhayon
A spectacularly magnificent album that offers white hot truth and profound wisdom through its power packed lyrics and music. Multi-instrumentalist and producer Michael Benhayon and singer Miranda Benhayon deliver gold.
Religious un-freedom – the failure to protect human rights in Australia
Do we have religious freedom in the democratic and freedom loving nation of Australia?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Livingness, Persecution, Religion, Universal Medicine
The Truth revealed
My whole life I had a strong knowing that there was something incredibly important missing. Understanding the truth of energetic integrity and responsibility completely turned my life around from living in a state of emotional highs and lows that had become my norm, to living with true vitality.
Responsibility, Truth, Wisdom, Well-being, Philosophy, Ageless Wisdom
The question of gender in Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
In his bitter-sweet comedy Twelfth Night, Shakespeare exposes the illusions we hold around love and gender – illusions which actually set us up to keep true Love at bay.
Who stole God from science: Part 3 – Hypatia – science and divinity as one
There have been many accounts of the life of Hypatia (350-415 AD) much of which is fiction and hearsay. What we do know is that she was a brilliant philosopher, mathematician and wise woman renowned for her teachings on life that she openly shared via the Alexandrian School.
If words could express ...
“Previously... I walked each day with an uncertainty, with doubt, with apprehension”. What major shift happened for Giselle Isgro Lo Giudice when she encountered the Ageless Wisdom?
Francis Bacon
A high initiate, working in the upper echelons of the British government, Francis Bacon was a true Renaissance polymath – scientist, jurist, statesman, philosopher, essayist, and much more.
John Dee
One of the foremost mathematicians of his age, and also a deeply religious man, John Dee straddled the worlds of Science and Occult Philosophy before they became distinguishable.
Alchemy, Science, Philosophy, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Lineage
The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom: “Leonardo Da Vinci’s Greatest Gift”
Leonardo da Vinci seeded forth the new era in Science, Religion and Philosophy.
The Renaissance
A rich period of history, with scholars, alchemists, courtiers, explorers, and a strong alignment between the nobility of Europe and the proponents of the Ageless Wisdom.
The Rosicrucians
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
Religion, Lineage, Philosophy, Son of God, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, God, Livingness, Spirit, Soul
Hypatia – A Universal Role Model
Hypatia, the great teacher, scientist, mathematician and philosopher, lived a way of life that was in connection to the universal all. She was a universal role model and inspiration for men and women alike.
The Cathars
The Cathars – who were they? Far from being an errant branch of Christianity, the Cathars represented the true, Universal, one religion, which has been represented by every world teacher and true master throughout the ages.
Yeshua, by the Christians known as Jesus
Read this revelatory article about Jesus, who was known in his time as Yeshua, and discover what his true purpose was – a far cry from the story the Christian Church made us believe to fit their version of Christianity.
Brotherhood, Christ, Lineage, Religion, Son of God, Miracle, Ageless Wisdom
The Alexandrian Library
The Alexandrian Library was one of the largest and most celebrated libraries in the ancient world which held as its core the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom.
Plato was a student of Socrates and part of the Pythagorean lineage. To this day, his famous Allegory of the Cave still inspires philosophers and students across the globe with its wisdom and truth about the way humanity is living.
Socrates – The unrelenting pursuit of truth
Who was the real Socrates? Socrates is widely credited with being the father of modern day philosophy.
Gautama Buddha
Demonstrating his dedication to truth, Siddhārtha Gautama, the Buddha, embarked upon discovering the nature of reality. His commitment and dedication to that path offer us much to consider in our daily life and offer a way to arise above the turmoil of everyday existence.
Who was Pythagoras? In how many ways did this great philosopher and teacher influence human life today?
Zoroaster (in Persian, Zarathushtra)
A great Persian teacher whose role it was to shine light on the source of our ignorance and the ‘shimmering illusions’ offered by the astral plane – the shadows that keeps us in darkness and separate from our Soul.
The great teacher Patanjali offered us a universally accessed codex for living, founded in the fact that we are all equal Sons of God, and continuing in exposition of the disciplines required in order to remove that which hinders our living The Livingness of who we truly are.
The Essenes
Long believed to be a breakaway Jewish sect, there was a deeper purpose to the Essenes’ gathering and formation into community, impulsed by Divinity.
Serge Benhayon and The Ageless Wisdom
It is often said that someone is capable of ‘thinking outside the box’, implying that it is somehow ‘fresh and new’: what if there were no box, no limitations to the intelligence every one of us can access? Enter the Ageless Wisdom.
Serge Benhayon and Universal Truth
What we readily accept as ‘intelligent’ in the world doesn’t necessarily behave in an intelligent manner, make sense, or have true wellbeing at heart. What is this version of intelligence?
A model based on lies
Many of the standards that make up the established wisdom of the fields of Science, Medicine, Law, etc. have been founded on a fixed point of reference that denies the natural evolution of the Universe.
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, Human body, Humanity
Self-care through the power of reflection
Could the quality of self-care change the quality of your life? One woman realised that life can be full and enriching if you are willing to say yes to all that it can be.
The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom is always with us
Humanity has strayed far away from living in accord with the Divine vibration of the Soul and yet the teachings of The Lineage stand strong, a shining light in today’s tumultuous world.
Expression is everything: Thyroid disease & the Ageless Wisdom
Every part of our bodies is designed to teach us something about the wholeness we are to live here on earth. One of the most beautiful and delicate teachers in our body is the thyroid gland.
Ageless Wisdom, Disease, Energy, Expression, Health conditions, Human body
Shakespeare and The Ageless Wisdom
Shakespeare’s works have been examined and re-examined ad infinitum but never have they been placed within the context of the Ageless Wisdom, where they belong, until now.
Grand Designs Part 1 – The shape I am
When your body’s shape looks strange, it’s easy to feel like there is something wrong with you. Read how one man’s life was transformed by reconnecting to The Ageless Wisdom.
Grand Designs Part 2 – From the stars
Is our body shape and life experience pure chance and coincidence? Read one man’s experience of returning to see the grand design that we are all a part of.
Shakespeare anyone?
A new understanding of Shakespeare’s plays in the light of The Ageless Wisdom, their true and only source as opposed to the fluff and attention-seeking hyperbole that abound and vigorously vie for our attention.
Anita C
Anita is a student of the Soul, composing, singing and writing from her deepening religious intimacy with all that she is. Her music communicates that we are multidimensional Soul, reverberating across space and beyond time.
Jenny James – ‘She’ album review
She is an album that connects us to our beingness – it is richly endowed with truth and deeply evolving for the listener, delivered with the lightness of one who has walked the path to her own innermost.
Our body is our guide
Have we ever stopped to wonder why there is so much emphasis on the way our body looks, when it is only one small aspect of ourselves?
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Body image, Energy, Gentle breath
Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm
Ever wondered what consciousness is, how we interact with it and its purpose? Could we be seeking an explanation of consciousness in all the wrong places and if so, why? And what if human consciousness is not human at all?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Energy, Soul, Technology, Truth
The Arab Golden Age
Before the Renaissance blossomed into its full expression, the Ageless Wisdom flourished in the Arab World.