The deafening sound of war and peace

The deafening sound of war and peace
Soaking up the sun on the isle of Elba in Italy, stepping down off the deck of the 100 ft. yacht into the cabin, I heard a friend making a phone call to his family just across the water in Croatia.
Crackled blasts of gunfire could be heard in the call that he was making home to his mother, uncle and sister. The look of helpless distress in his face said it all. People only a stone’s throw away, just over the sea, were being shot at, bombed, tortured, in fear of their lives, not knowing what would befall them that very evening. How truly shocking that was. And so was the fact that an imaginary line drawn, a border, was all that separated us. What has brought us to this?
And over two decades later – has anything changed?
‘We live in constant fear of whether we will live or die. I want the rockets to stop. I want to go back to my home and live peacefully.’ says Manal, a mother of two from Hama,[1] the Syrian city devastated and destroyed by ongoing war.
Countless treaties have been signed since the Egyptian-Hittite alliance was recorded in hieroglyphics in 1283BC and we are still signing...
Historians agree that the wars we see today in the Middle East are a direct result of the false borders, false flags and false states drawn up for a ‘peaceful solution’ by the Treaty of Versailles signed at the end of World War 1 – an extraordinary example of the long afterlife of supremacist ‘peace treaties’ and our failure to actually break the consciousness of war and restore true harmony.
With 11.7% of the world currently at war, 300 million people living in countries torn by war, and more than 60 million refugees migrating across the globe because of war, conflict is escalating with worldwide displacement of refugees at the highest level ever recorded.[2] In fact the Metrics of the Global Peace Index (2015) suggest that the world has become less peaceful over the last 8 years: ‘If it seems like the world is getting more violent at the moment, that’s not just an illusion’.[3]
And so, what if ‘peace’ as we know it is one huge illusion?
If we consider this as a possibility it starts to make sense why war keeps accelerating, and peace is never sustained. With no intent to truly heal societal wounds, and in fact designed to oppress and control, the way peace agreements are devised and handled can only create a time bomb waiting to go off.
It becomes clear that when the intention of a treaty is to merely control, to be ‘king of the hill’, to plaster over differences and make ‘good’ and not bring about true reconciliation, signatures may as well be signed in sand, to be swept away and obliterated by the desert winds.
It’s simple science – unresolved tensions do not go away, they inevitably resurface, swinging back to bite us. The very act of controlling others is contrary to the universal law of harmony and flow, and against the universal law of expansion and evolution that we all belong to.
The reality is, there is something deeper and truer on offer than the peace we currently settle for, and this ‘something’ consists of a way of harmony in relationship that we all innately know – one which leaves no room for inequality and domination.
When we stop and look up into the deep night sky and feel the beauty and grandeur of the stars and constellations, we can’t help but feel the pull to a greater place of harmony where our natural state is one of loving and harmless intention towards each other.
Modern day philosopher and educator Serge Benhayon definitively earths what our history has clearly demonstrated with his statement: ‘Peace’ is just a low-grade unsettlement. We are in a ‘similarity of peace’ but this is not the integrity of true harmony and brotherhood’ – a poignant and timely reminder of our constant refusal and resistance to get to the truth of the matter.
The Treaty of Versailles, signed after World War 1, was specifically designed by the Allied Forces to crush, dismember and impoverish Germany. France and Britain needed Germany to make reparation for the enormous debt their two countries had incurred with American banks to pay for the war – a debt that these banks refused to forgive.
Treaties – truly about peace – or about economics, politics and domination?
The true purpose of International Law agreements is to bring harmony, but as with countless other peace treaties, the Treaty of Versailles was never about true reconciliation. It was calculated to deflate Germany, to punish them for the war, and to alleviate France and Britain from debt. In fact ‘it tended to hinder inter-European cooperation and make more fractious the underlying issues which had caused the war in the first place’.[4]
And so resentment festered, waiting for the next moment to strike, providing a fertile breeding ground for the rise of radical right wing parties including Hitler’s Nazi party. As noted by historians, the advent of Hitler was a direct result of the effect a so-called ‘Peace Treaty’ had on a defeated Germany. In fact the incoming German government named the Treaty a ‘Diktat’ – a dictated peace. And so the war was not left behind, but lived on within all of us, kept alive in a climate of blame, guilt, resentment, and deep unrest.
As economic and social control take the place of war in ‘peace’ time, the dynamics of the oppressed and the oppressor continue to play out... and with no true harmony in sight we simply carry on. So we end up with a simulacrum of harmony, a re-interpreted version of harmony – a state of affairs that appears on the surface to be harmonious, but underneath, does not remotely resemble it.
We have not gotten to the bottom of the true cause of war – wounds have not been healed, nor are hearts full. This is the real danger of a supremacist peace – a false peace born from a forced agreement.
In our overwhelming desire for relief and comfort we imagine that ‘all is well’ – an illusion for which we have fallen for centuries. We allow the apparent ‘good’ of peace to take the place of true harmony, to the point where we even forget what true harmony feels like.
Looking at the bigger picture, the past and future of humanity, it is clear to see that the shortlived relief that comes with accepting ‘imitation peace’ is a far more dangerous state to occupy than the brutality of outright war. An evil disguised as a benevolence, it is much harder to pick as untrue and constitutes one of the great crimes against humanity.
Supremacist peace lasts longer than war, only to perpetrate more of the same – because it is the same, just hiding behind a different mask. As in the ‘good cop, bad cop’ routine, both entrap – but the ‘good cop’ is the greatest betrayal of all.
In our heart of hearts we do not want a fake life, a fake peace. We long for the real thing. Through the falsity and pretence of supremacist peace we are dulled – robbed of a life lived in the joy that is our natural way, shut off from the living awareness inside that calls for our return to our true state of being, one of harmonious co-creation.
Based on and inspired by the teachings of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.
Why peace is not enough
Harmony is what we are looking for and peace is actually an imposter and not what it is made out to be.
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