Topic:Humanity SEE ALL TOPICS
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
Surviving university
A discussion of how universities operate and how this impacts students. Some pointers for students on how to self-care and organise their study responsibly.
The true foundations of education – our future
The future of our world rests largely upon the choices we make around the way we live and the way we educate our children. Do the foundations of our current education system engender a true way forward for our society and humanity as a whole?
The Way of Initiation – enormously profound, like reading with a friend
The Way of Initiation is profound. It’s a path forward, a connection back to who we really are: heavy in its literal weight but light in the amazing path and radiant way forward, it shines for humanity and the individual all at once.
The human form: an evolutionary dead-end?
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, a miracle of God was born. Some call ‘him’ Adam, or ‘her’ Eve, while others refer to ‘it’ as the first Homo sapiens. And that was the beginning of the end...
Have fun with the Ageless Wisdom
Katherine Jones is sharing the various ways in which she has approached reading the book
All these books are for me like a living instrument that guides, explains, invites
Whenever I pick up one of the books that Serge Benhayon has written, I am stopped in my tracks.
A life changing experience
Each paragraph can change your life, provide you with a deeper awareness of how things actually are, and confirm something that you have always known.
The question of evolution
How evolved are we?
Evolution, Genetic, God, Humanity, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Truth
How alcohol had influenced my life
I never knew the full extent of how alcohol had influenced my life, until I made the choice to stop drinking it.
Alcohol, Self-worth, Marriage, Humanity, Depression, Connection
Have we crucified the butterfly? The war between science and religion
What happens to the light of truth when religion and science declare war on each other?
Why we should not hide in comfort
For our November 2015 Audio of the month we have chosen an audio that reveals how we as human beings crave comfort and how that comfort keeps us from understanding the truth of what is going on in the world.
Space – where we all equally come from
Space is not emptiness; it is where we all come from, what is around and right through us. Is it then possible that space can come from deep within us and not just from without?
Knowing divinity through my body
My divinity is something very tangible – I know that I am divine through my body. It is an experience of living in connection.
Are we alone? An inner space program for the lonely planet
Are we alone in the universe? Is there something awry in our relationship to space? Right on our front doorstep there is a space frontier, that leaves nobody behind, which we have yet to fully explore. What about Inner Space?
Universe, Inner-heart, Relationships, Planets, Philosophy, Humanity, Connection
"He who casts the first stone"
There is much said about racial vilification and the need for tolerance. This article asks the tough question: who cast the first stone when it comes to racial tension?
Religion, Supremacy, Humanity, Community, Racism, Persecution, Culture
An Open Letter to Humanity
A book that delves deeper and dares ask the real questions, a book that will in time be known as a game changer for humanity at large.
Meet Serge Benhayon – Love, life and our return to Universality
Return to Universality – with unparalleled clarity Serge Benhayon presents the truth of life, love and why we are here on earth.
Ageless Wisdom, Universe, Philosophy, Miracle, Humanity, God, Evolution, DNA
Rainbows: a reflection of how we relate to each other
Humanity is one spectrum just like the colours of the rainbow. So how can there be comparison and jealousy in our relationships?
Acceptance, Wisdom, Healthy relationships, Humanity, Relationships
Working together – Group work: Part 1
We work as teams and groups for much of our working lives - why is it important to consider the way our teams and groups function? Is it possible that the way we work in teams or groups has a wider impact than we realise?
Teamwork, Relationships, Productivity, Humanity, Heart disease, Communication
Working together – Group work: Part 2
How we work in groups and the importance of group work has a wider impact than we may realise. This article looks at the ripple effect of working in groups and how all groups need each other for the wider whole.
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Serge Benhayon and all of us – portals for truth
Is it possible that every single one of us has the same capacity to speak the truth that Jesus did?
Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Lineage, Livingness, Religion, Philosophy, Son of God
Plato’s ‘The Allegory of the Cave’ and music
What happens when we ignore the energetic interplay in music – and life itself? As in the allegory of Plato’s Cave, our current global state of play can now only be described as grand scale illusion and chaos, and this is reflected in music today.
Awareness, Energy in music, Music, Musicians, Philosophy, Wisdom, Humanity, Illusion
With each read I find new depths that I didn't see before
A sharing of the inspiration that is received from reading all of Serge Benhayon’s books
From holding myself back to wonderful changes
Serge Benhayon's books present a profound philosophical journey, cutting through the confusion of life to offer a simple basic way of living that I consider very beneficial and worthwhile.
11th of November Remembrance Day, 100 years on, was their sacrifice worth it?
One hundred years on from the First World War ending, was the sacrifice of all those young men who died in the trenches in the most appalling conditions worth it? Is the world we currently have created a good testimony to their sacrifice? Do we have anything to feel proud of?
Conflict, Connection, Evolution, Harmony, Humanity, Healthy living
Freedom of religion – a token gesture?
Do we really have freedom of religion when we use religion to separate, divide, go to war and commit acts of hatred in the name of God – as such is freedom of religion nothing more than a token gesture?
Outpourings from Heaven
Testimonial about The Way of Initiation
Seeing life from a wider perspective
An Open Letter to Humanity is like a friend, who accompanies me in life
Alcohol abuse – what’s normal?
How many drinks are a ‘normal’ or safe amount to drink? When we decide what is a normal and acceptable amount of alcohol to drink, what exactly are we saying yes to?
'The Way It Is' has helped me deepen my understanding about myself, life and humanity
I have re-read this book several times over the years, and each time I've read it it’s like reading a new book.
The hand of God
There are many that claim to represent God on earth, but in a world where actions speak louder than words, what action do we see?
The word Religion has been misrepresented throughout history. The true meaning of this word is not widely known by people, it is very beautiful and not what we think.
The Way of The Livingness is my Religion
Wonderment and innocence were my bedfellows as a child. After years of looking for this awe as an adult, feeling something precious had been lost, I’ve now found it within, where it has been all along, through living a very simple and all-encompassing way of life – which is religious to the bone.
What is the true meaning of the word evolution and why do we spend so much time avoiding it?
Cycles, Depression, Disease, Essence, Evolution, Exhaustion, Humanity, Illusion, Love, Soul, Over eating, Spirit, Time, Wisdom
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2017
A new dawning has begun. Esoteric Numerology places the year 2017 as the energy or cycle of the number 1. The energy or cycle of 1 is well known to mean a new beginning. We are all in such cycles; no one is free of them.
Humanity, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Appreciation, Evolution
What is true religion?
Every religion in the world thinks that their religion is the true religion – but they can’t all be true. Is there such a thing as true religion? Is there a way to understand religion that is universal and when lived makes a true difference to health and well-being?
Serge Benhayon’s books have deepened my understanding of the truth about life
Reading in any of the books deepens my understanding of the truth about life and the choices I make every day.
A deeper look at Asthma – why is it that we can't breathe?
On World Asthma Day, this article by leading lung specialist Sam Kim looks 'beyond the petri-dish' at the bigger picture of this disease and what is at stake if we don’t start to look at all the factors that contribute to its continued prevalence across our global population.
Work stress, Well-being, Lifestyle diseases, Humanity, Breath, Health conditions, Ill health
This is a perpetual inheritance, to be passed down through the generations
This book lovingly offers a way for humanity to take responsibility for our way of living – offering us a way to short circuit the necessary corrections.
What is fire and fiery energy, why does it matter and what does it mean to you?
Breath, Energy, Essence, Expression, God, Human body, Humanity, Ill health, Sickness, Love, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
Religious tolerance
By allowing tolerance in our lives we accept less than the love that we all are in our essence.
The new era in public health
We have come to rely on our health system to help fix, even cure our ailments, but will the system be able to keep up with the demands we are placing on it?
Universal Medicine, Health conditions, Humanity, Community, Lifestyle diseases
International day of remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade – March 25th 2015
An opportunity for us all to stand up and speak out about the slave trade that continues more than ever today.
What if we see people instead of numbers when we look at cancer statistics?
UK cancer talk week – Serge Benhayon lays tribute to the UK and how they make available statistics about what is really going on.
Cancer, Family, Ill health, Health conditions, Humanity, Palliative care, Passing over, Death, Breast cancer
Serge Benhayon: an author for humanity …
Serge Benhayon writes how the Soul would speak, unimpeded by the doctrines of formalised education. He reminds us of our humanity and inspires us to connect to the simplicity of our essence, our Soul.
Empathy – sophisticated sympathy
A practitioner shares her revelation on the true harm of empathy.
Accountability, Awareness, Humanity, Mental health, Practitioner, Sickness
Integrity in the midst of the house of lies... The Way of The Livingness
In the midst of our current global crisis, and the multitude of lies and corruption of our society, there is a most powerful example of a loving, healthy and productive way of life that sections of the Media, on the basis of a personal vendetta with no investigation, have wantonly slandered. Why is this?
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Humanity, Anti-social behaviour, Religion, Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Accountability, Livingness, Persecution
Paradigm-breaking writings of the 21st century
The works of Serge Benhayon come from a living embodiment of what is presented. These are paradigm breaking writings that will serve humanity for the next millennium and beyond.
Books for every day
If seeking universal truth and wisdom to help find your way home, Serge Benhayon’s books are for you. They are a must for every day, a great bedtime read and offer a rich understanding of life.
One plus one equals three
Is modern science knowledge or gnosis? What about God?
Religious freedoms
Do we have true religious freedom in this country - our right to practise freely the religion of our choice without hindrance? What is it that threatens this, our fundamental right?
Religion, Psychology, Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Brotherhood, Persecution
A world first volunteer model
The charity of the College of Universal Medicine (CoUm) is run on an entirely volunteer model – everyone taking part is freely donating their time and expertise to build what is an extraordinary undertaking.
The College Of Universal Medicine
From its inception, the College of Universal Medicine heralds a revolutionary new way for education and group work.
Ageless Wisdom, Education, Community, Livingness, Humanity, Lifestyle, Well-being, Healthy living
Relief strategies – the failings of our mental health industry
Tanya Curtis explores the current failings of the mental health industry and the harm that relief-based strategies are having on our society. She offers a new way forward.
Alcohol, Drugs, Behaviour, Evidence-based, Humanity, Mental health, Healthy living
Learning to read again
The more at ease I felt within myself, the more I enjoyed reading 'The Way It Is'.
Spending money and the evolution of supply and demand
Spending money influences the law of supply and demand. Is it possible that it is also evolutionary and healing too?
Money, Evolution, Empowerment, Responsibility, Humanity, Community
The deafening sound of war and peace
What if ‘peace’ as we know it is one huge illusion? The world in ‘peace-time’ is consistently becoming a more violent place to live in – this is no illusion, but a very real quandary. Could the Peace Treaties we sign be as damaging as the cannons of war?
Books which deepen us into our awareness
A spherical, profound and sustained expansion in awareness is available to anyone who chooses to not shy away from the true inspiration on every page written by Serge Benhayon.
The face of Sacredness
There is nothing more beautiful, divinely authoritative, and rich as a woman in her Sacredness, she is a leading light in every way. And every woman holds this essence in spades.
A journey to the stars and beyond ...
What if that which mankind is looking for on the outside via space travel, mega dollars and rockets, will never satisfy the yearning and buried knowing that the true destination is within?
We are sinking
The coalface of illness and disease. We are spending billions of dollars keeping people alive, yet investing nothing in the thing that we must invest in.
Citizen of the World
What if, greater than anything we get taught or told, we all have a knowing, the ageless wisdom of the universe lying within our essence, within our every atom.
Abuse – A matter in our own hands
Abuse – a matter in our hands: is it possible that the choices we make in our everyday life impact all of society? And if so, can we start to make different choices?
'An Open Letter to Humanity' and the path of honesty
Honesty – it may just be the best thing you could do, the best medicine for our ills and our issues with life and other people. Only with honesty do we create space to change what is not working in everyday life.
The three great mistakes of humanity
Three great mistakes have kept humanity spinning around the same problems; maybe its time to admit we were wrong
Are we prepared to question the status quo of the mental health industry?
In an era where our ill-mental health rates are reaching unprecedented highs and more practitioners are speaking out about the efficacy of our practices, is now not the time to ask the question – is there more?
Mental health, Counseling, Evidence-based, Reductionism, Humanity
How to have fun while preparing to pass over
Ingrid on how to have fun while preparing to die . . . with information on medical directives, wills, and deciding who gets your Facebook password.
Serge Benhayon on Brexit
The recent Brexit vote in the UK exposes some very deep ills in society. But Serge Benhayon invites us to look even deeper.
What’s for Brexit?
We sit on the edge of a dark abyss – are we reading the signs? Here is the signpost out of the darkness….
The true purpose of higher education is to serve everyone
Is higher education connecting to the local community and society at large or is it breeding a feeling of insularity? What is the real purpose of higher education and how much does it serve a common purpose?
Shakespeare and the Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
What is it that comprises the magic of Shakespeare? What part does it play on the stage of the world and our evolution?
Ageless Wisdom, Philosophy, Humanity, Lineage, Soul, The Hierarchy
Time, Space and all of us, Book 3 – all of us
Humanity is not getting anywhere on its current trajectory. What is needed is the pull-up and reminder that we are more than human and that we can, as we have been for eons, be united in what divides us or truly and once for all unite in the one and only truth.
The Renaissance
A rich period of history, with scholars, alchemists, courtiers, explorers, and a strong alignment between the nobility of Europe and the proponents of the Ageless Wisdom.
Hypatia – A Universal Role Model
Hypatia, the great teacher, scientist, mathematician and philosopher, lived a way of life that was in connection to the universal all. She was a universal role model and inspiration for men and women alike.
Plato was a student of Socrates and part of the Pythagorean lineage. To this day, his famous Allegory of the Cave still inspires philosophers and students across the globe with its wisdom and truth about the way humanity is living.
Immortalised as the God of Healing in Ancient Egypt, Imhotep was also a revered priest and scientist, a political figure and architect of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara. It is the quality that Imhotep lived rather that what he did that brought his connection to the Universal All to the world.
Serge Benhayon and Universal Truth
What we readily accept as ‘intelligent’ in the world doesn’t necessarily behave in an intelligent manner, make sense, or have true wellbeing at heart. What is this version of intelligence?
A model based on lies
Many of the standards that make up the established wisdom of the fields of Science, Medicine, Law, etc. have been founded on a fixed point of reference that denies the natural evolution of the Universe.
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, Human body, Humanity
You can hide but you can’t run
What do we have to learn from the ‘hikikomori’ of Japan? Could they be showing us that we have taken the current model of life too far?
Justified and Ancient: unearthing the roots of human insecurity
We live in a highly manipulated, insecure world, where justification of who and what we are is mandatory and normalised.
What is with the Equinox?
What is the significance of the Equinoxes, why do we acknowledge them, and what comes of them in our lives as Human Beings living on Earth?