Are we alone? An inner space program for the lonely planet

Are we alone? An inner space program for the lonely planet
Are we alone in the Universe? Are we a lone and wayward wanderer in the infinite sea of stars? Or are we an integral part of a grander plan?
Since space programs began in the late 1950s, scientists and astronomers alike have voiced that the desire to find out if we are alone in the Universe is the primary motivation propelling space exploration.
The recent excitement in the press about the discovery of watery streams flowing down the mountains of Mars, the water icebergs on Pluto, and the $100 million project being launched in 2016 for astronomers to search for life beyond our solar system, brings back a poignant scene from television’s Madmen . . .
It’s July 1969, and the first landing of man on the moon. Through the windows of every home in the USA we see the glow of television in the dark as families and friends gather together to witness the ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’. The whole nation comes to a standstill as it gazes at the screen in rapt attention.
Zooming into a scene in one particular household, we hear a conversation; a conversation that could change the world. In the midst of the jaw-dropping awe all around him a teenage boy responds to the cries of ‘It’s incredible!’ with . . . ‘I’ll tell you what’s incredible, it cost 25 billion dollars . . . because there are no problems at home??’ His father tells him to be quiet. But the seminal thought has already been caught by a teenage girl who goes, ’It’s such a waste of money . . . we’ll be going there all the time while people are going hungry down here’.
As Serge Benhayon has said, ‘of what true-good in relation to our inner-environment (man’s physical body) are rockets and photos of Mars when we should be getting our own planet right and free of illness and disease before we have the audacity to look elsewhere.” [1]
How does the Space program relate to us – to you, to the person who lives next door to you, the people you work with?
We spend astronomical amounts of money and energy on the Space Race that has resulted in the development of defence technology, such as sophisticated surveillance equipment, and some quite spectacular by-products for civilian life, including the Sat-Nav and personal computer. Yet has the landing on the moon addressed the pressing problems of humanity on earth – poverty, suicide rates, relationship breakdowns, conflict of all kinds, health systems, fresh water problems, exploitation of the earth’s resources? Could the teenagers be onto something here that the moon-struck adults have missed? Is it that we are looking for a grand ‘something more’ out there, rather than dealing with what is closer to home . . . with the opportunity of finding something even grander?
It is clear to most that, while space scientists say they want to find out whether we are ‘alone in the dark’[2], the Space program itself is primarily fuelled and funded by the desire of developed nations to grab power and domination over the newer frontiers of Space – an extension of the continual wrangling and fighting over dominions closer to home in the race for Supremacy. Yet we have clearly seen that the insatiable need to conquer and to be seen as supreme is never ever enough.
When will enough be enough?
We will do practically anything – including going to an uninhabitable satellite, the moon – and look everywhere, except within, to fill the void that comes from a longing to be more: a void, that left unattended and ignored, feeds the relationship problems and loneliness we have today in a technologically-rich world that is still left yearning for connection.
At base, we search for thrills outside of ourselves because we are void of love, for ourselves and others. Yet isn’t it true that no extreme that we go to is a substitute for the rich love and intelligence that can be found within every human heart?
It is very natural for us to want to transcend the situation here on earth, and so we look up to the deep night sky, at all the beauty and stupendousness and we wonder about the planets, the starry constellations and our relationship to them.
But do we have to physically go there to know our relationship with them? Is the longing to travel into outer space just one gigantic distraction and diversion from taking full responsibility for how we are living here as a humanity on earth?
Right on our front doorstep there is a space frontier, that leaves nobody behind, which we have yet to fully explore. That frontier, which we all share, is Inner Space!
What if we were to choose to re-connect to the magnificent cardio-centric universe, the universe within, our very own inner-heart.
Now that’s a ‘space program’ worth consideration and it doesn’t cost a cent.
We can build our connection through honouring, caring for and being lovingly present with our own physical bodies – the vehicle through which the intelligence of the heart can powerfully express. Loneliness, whether personal or planetary, is the direct result of our disconnection from ourselves, from the innate riches in the glorious chamber of the inner-heart that keeps us connected to everything. From the ancient and Ageless Wisdom to the present time it has always been known that by virtue of our connection with our heart we are naturally in relationship with everything, including each other, the rhythms and tides of the universe, and all the stars that belong to it. Who could feel lonely when connected to everything and everyone? The time is ripe for us to go there.
For aeons we have sought to be master of all domains, except the one that really counts, the one right under our noses – our hearts! We imagine that we are sitting on our ‘lonely planet’ in the dark, yet we are actually being surrounded by and held in the most divine love.
When we choose to re-connect to our inner space everything is waiting for us, everything we have ever wanted and longed for.
Can we face the possibility that in searching ‘out there’ for the grand truth of our universal relationship, we ourselves have created the scenario of ‘the lonely wanderer’ lost in space, coming no closer to truth and fulfilment . . . billions of dollars later.
An about-turn to the Inner Space program is the way to go.
The ‘one gigantic step forward for mankind’ is there right in front of us. What on earth are we waiting for?
Filed under
Universe, Inner-heart, Relationships, Planets, Philosophy, Humanity, Connection