What Is Love?
Expressing love: I love you
I Love You. Are you saying it? Are you hearing it? Are you feeling it? An article about the significance and value of expressing love in our Relationships.
The teachings and tools for a true relationship
I understood that the massive falling in love I experienced at the start of a relationship was not love at all, but what we call attraction.
Love - the main event at a wedding
Is it all about Love or has the modern wedding become about the trimmings? Here Steven Leca reconnects to the true meaning of getting married and rediscovers the simplicity of a wedding.
Nostalgia and regret – where is the love?
The ideal of romantic love – does it set us up for regret and nostalgia that could stunt our true love for all?
Is it normal to be bored in a relationship?
How do we keep love alive? Getting bored in a relationship is something many people experience. So why do we find ourselves empty and needing to ‘re-fill’ so regularly?
“Souvenirs of Love” – what is love truly and what is keeping us from living it?
Our natural state of being is Love. So why are we insisting on holding on to hurts, making them more important than living who we truly are.
True love … no Valentine’s Day card required
Ahh Love … everybody wants it, everybody needs it but what is it really?
When you say 'I love you', does it come with love?
“I love you” – what do those three little words really mean?
Understanding in relationships – how judgement contributes to abuse
In this video Serge Benhayon talks about judgement and abuse and how understanding in relationships is the greatest form of Love we can share.
"The highest form of intelligence is love"
What is true intelligence? This article looks at love being the highest form of intelligence and the potential positive outcomes of this revelation.