What Is Love?
There’s always Tinder . . .
Millennials and Tinder – the price may be your sensitivity. Do apps like Tinder lead to casual sex that numbs our finer feelings?
Love the love you share
Loving the love that you share. How simple it is to appreciate what we have together so why not every single day? Don’t wait for one day of the year – start today!
Popular romance and true intimacy in a relationship
How popularized romantic beliefs and ideals work against true intimacy. Ideals and beliefs are mental constructs, true intimacy is in and felt through your body.
Valentine’s day – is this a true expression of love?
Valentine’s Day is the one day we celebrate love but what if we were to celebrate love every day and how much deeper would our relationships be?
Valentine's dread - tips for liberation
This article talks about the pressures men experience when it comes to the one day of the year that calls for them to celebrate their relationships.
Being your own valentine - real love begins with YOU!
Most of us can relate to wanting to feel special, adored or loved on Valentines Day. But what is it we are really wanting and seeking? What does Valentines Day reveal about the quality of our relationship with self, and others?