Topic:Philosophy SEE ALL TOPICS
The sparkler effect
Sparklers can evoke joyful memories of childhood. But is it possible that something deeper is symbolised by their ignition?
In a nutshell – going deeper into the truth of who I am
Serge Benhayon’s books have been the chief source of reading that has supported a new quality of life as a call to go even deeper into the truth about who I am
The true power in reading Serge Benhayon's books
All my life it has been my wish to feel love for all equally. With the help of these books I found my way of living this – ever practicing!
Serge Benhayon: a true author of the people…
Serge Benhayon bows not to the rigidity of the conventions imposed by the world of authorship. He simply presents pure truth in everything he writes – truth that has been well known throughout the ages, and today as The Ageless Wisdom.
The Hierarchy, Teachers, Soul, Philosophy, Essence, Connection, Ageless Wisdom
The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy and the science of thinking and movement
The way we move has a lot to do with the way we think – and this reader explains how it works.
Religion is being held hostage; I want it back
We have lost true religion, our birthright, and our freedom to explore our relationship with God and the Divine. We want it back!
Lifestyle vs. Livingness
This article explores the difference between lifestyle and livingness and how living life from your true essence leads you to healthy living.
Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Behaviour, Culture, Essence, Harmony, Illusion, Healthy living
Are we alone? An inner space program for the lonely planet
Are we alone in the universe? Is there something awry in our relationship to space? Right on our front doorstep there is a space frontier, that leaves nobody behind, which we have yet to fully explore. What about Inner Space?
Universe, Inner-heart, Relationships, Planets, Philosophy, Humanity, Connection
Getting real or still dreaming about paradise?
Can this be it? What kind of society would we really love to live in? Does the answer lie in constructing our idea of ‘paradise on earth’ or is there more to it?
Illusion, Harmony, Anxiety, Gentle breath, Philosophy, Son of God
Gender equality: how far have we come?
There is a long history of debate about gender equality and how we can establish this as a way of living. But how far have we come with it, and what is it that keeps diverting us from this longed for way of being together?
Gender equality, Philosophy, Evolution, Feminism, Acceptance, Behaviour, Intelligence
The most profound read in a long time
I had never read anything like it, in fact after I had finished it I started to read it again...
Time and our perception of it
What if time itself doesn’t move? Serge Benhayon asks us to consider that a tension is created in our body when we try to keep up with something that we have perceived as getting away from us. Could this explain why so many of us have an issue with time?
Time, Stress, Tension, Philosophy, Anxiety, Awareness, Presence
Serge Benhayon – a man who presents the truth
Is it possible that truth can be presented in an all-encompassing, universal way that is applicable to all and yet totally relevant and practical for each one of us? Read one woman’s testimony to Serge Benhayon as a man who presents the truth.
Wisdom, Philosophy, Education, Healing, Lifestyle, Ageless Wisdom
Philosophy is the love of wisdom
The word philosophy is from ancient Greek and means 'love of wisdom'. Serge Benhayon is a true philosopher and brings the Ancient Wisdom of the ages to modern day life in his courses, workshops and as a lived example for all to share.
Philosophy, simplicity and revelation
Serge Benhayon brings the one thing to philosophy that has been missing for centuries – simplicity.
Esoteric & Exoteric Philosophy – ‘The Sayings’
Esoteric means the inner-most, the place that is equally in every human being, irrespective of gender, age or race.
Meet Serge Benhayon – Love, life and our return to Universality
Return to Universality – with unparalleled clarity Serge Benhayon presents the truth of life, love and why we are here on earth.
Ageless Wisdom, Universe, Philosophy, Miracle, Humanity, God, Evolution, DNA
Serge Benhayon – the philosopher
Serge Benhayon presents simple philosophy, a philosophy that knows and thus holds all as being of love in our essence and hence at our very core.
Ageless Wisdom, The Hierarchy, Universal Medicine, Philosophy, Intelligence
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Serge Benhayon and all of us – portals for truth
Is it possible that every single one of us has the same capacity to speak the truth that Jesus did?
Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Lineage, Livingness, Religion, Philosophy, Son of God
Plato’s ‘The Allegory of the Cave’ and music
What happens when we ignore the energetic interplay in music – and life itself? As in the allegory of Plato’s Cave, our current global state of play can now only be described as grand scale illusion and chaos, and this is reflected in music today.
Awareness, Energy in music, Music, Musicians, Philosophy, Wisdom, Humanity, Illusion
What do Albert Einstein & Serge Benhayon have in common?
“Every so often comes a man who is able to see the universe in a totally ‘new’ way, whose visions upset the very foundation of the world, as we know it.” In 2007 I met one such man.
Freedom of religion – a token gesture?
Do we really have freedom of religion when we use religion to separate, divide, go to war and commit acts of hatred in the name of God – as such is freedom of religion nothing more than a token gesture?
The power of movement
Is space just space with no difference? Why does a pub feel different than being in nature? The key lies in movement.
I like these books – everything fits together and makes sense
Areas or questions that I had previously struggled with are now understood in a bigger picture where nothing is left out.
When truth comes along…
Truth comes with a livingness, with a lived way. If it is just talk and not lived it only holds a potential of truth that has to yet prove if it can persevere.
Livingness, Truth, Philosophy, Responsibility, Corruption, Relationships
These sayings are simple and yet so profound
Each time I open up this book I am presented with a Wisdom, a Wisdom from the Halls of Heaven.
Revelations by Serge Benhayon to ponder on for World Philosophy Day
World philosophy day - held on the third Thursday every November.
Quantum Mechanics – the science of absolute connection
Quantum Mechanics states that the Universe is made up of space filled with fields of vibration, interconnected, unified and in constant communication, where distance and time are of no consequence.
On karma and re-incarnation
“Karma is not by Divine nature bad. It is in fact about love. And, even when it feels it is not love, it still is, for that is what karma is bringing you back to.” ~Serge Benhayon
Evolution, God, Philosophy, Religion, Wisdom, Ageless Wisdom
Philosophy on a whiteboard
A whiteboard can be a very useful tool when used for true purpose, in this case helping a family adjust their daily rhythms through inspiration and reminders.
The better life
How often do we look the other way when tragedy strikes others? If we are striving to maintain a comfortable life, is it only the proximity of a tragedy that can stir us?
A life changing story about Serge Benhayon’s purple books
The Way of Initiation; I literally could not put this book down and read it day and night. Every page I read felt like I was being held by a very close friend.
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Philosophy, The Hierarchy, Expression, Testimonials
Healing and religion: a true relationship
Did you ever imagine the relationship between healing and religion could be inextricably linked? What is it we have missed then in our understanding of these two words.
Healing, Religion, Healthy relationships, Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Health
True philosophy and true religion – this is it
Maryline Decompoix shares her experience of reading The Way It Is
God doesn’t take sides
Most would agree it is petty to ‘play favourites’, so how can we even begin to entertain the notion that God favours a chosen few?
Karma is a bitch
Karma is a form of payback or punishment and therefore something to be feared . . . or is it?
Religion and The Way of The Livingness – Audio
A revelatory collection of audios presenting the liberating truth about religion, and the greatly misinterpreted use of this word.
Free downloads, God, Science, Philosophy, Religion, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Prayer
The Science of Reflection – what is it reflecting to us?
Have we ever stopped to consider what the science of reflection actually means, and what it means for us in our everyday lives?
The deadly danger of words - should we be licensed to speak?
Sticks and stones can only break your bones, but words can kill and destroy billions of people. Do we need a license to speak?
Accountability, Expression, Healing, Philosophy, Unimedpedia
Evolution – a revolution in the way we see it
We have been raised to think of evolution as a straight line... we are born, we grow up, we live and die... but is this the truth? Or is it a process in which growth and development is unfolded out, from within, in a gradual way.
Serge Benhayon and The Living Way
In a world where most people seem to just get through the day, this philosophical approach to life, founded by Serge Benhayon, shows that there is a way to live that is far more enriching for everyone.
Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials, Livingness, Lineage, Religion, Philosophy
This is Science
Essentially there is Science within all of life.
Reincarnation – bogus, or unalterable reality?
Reincarnation is not about coming back as poodles or cockroaches; it is about taking responsibility for everyday life now.
The smell of rain
When it rains, especially after a long dry spell, the earth releases a fragrance. What makes this smell and why?
Serge Benhayon – the practitioner
Serge Benhayon dedicates his life to serving humanity delivering ground breaking complementary health-care and a way of life that serves all equally. His wisdom encompasses human existence in its entirety.
Practitioner, Healing, Presence, Ageless Wisdom, Connection, Role models, Philosophy, Therapies
Never ever have I read any books like the purple books
Living with the books by Serge Benhayon means they live in you, constantly expanding your awareness and bringing understanding to all facets of everyday life.
The Eureka Daily
Ever wonder where genius comes from? Could it be more about how someone lives than anything to do with their IQ?
Where am I from? The myth of nationality
Humanity has been on an eternal quest to know its true origins. We often ask people “where are you from?” Yet, underneath this question is there a deeper longing to know who we truly are?
Mathematics – the science of reflection and vibration
Without diminishing the significance of what mathematics has shown us through its power to measure and produce models of all that we see around us, the question arises: is that it?
Bringing science to life – the true purpose of science
Is the purpose of science to serve humanity in its ever-expanding demand for a better life, a better future, to make it all easier?
The Essence of Yoga
Yoga in essence, is about union with our Soul, the sacredness within. Serge Benhayon speaks on the true teachers who have delivered the essence of yoga to humanity throughout our history.
Ageless Wisdom, Esoteric, Lineage, Philosophy, Sacredness, Soul, Teachers, Yoga, Truth
Understanding mental health from an esoteric perspective
Serge Benhayon speaks about mental health from an esoteric perspective
Hurt, Healing, Human body, Love, Mental health, Philosophy, Healthy living
The three great mistakes of humanity
Three great mistakes have kept humanity spinning around the same problems; maybe its time to admit we were wrong
The elder branches of wisdom
While on a lovely evening walk in our neighbourhood with my daughter recently, we heard an owl hooting from a nearby tree…
Einstein – a science unified
We know him as Einstein, a twentieth century genius who revolutionised the science of physics, an eccentric German-born maverick with crazy hair, the man who brought us E=mc2.
Energy, Philosophy, Religion, Responsibility, Universe, Intelligence
I may not be a scientist, but I’ve always been a why-entist
What if all we truly needed to gain a better understanding of ourselves, others and the world we live in was to simply nurture that innate curiosity we engendered as a child, and begin to use the interrogative word WHY to bring a deeper understanding to the true nature of our reality?
Serge Benhayon on Brexit
The recent Brexit vote in the UK exposes some very deep ills in society. But Serge Benhayon invites us to look even deeper.
Waiting for the Messiah
Messiah figures, most religions have them but how does the new religion of the Way of the Livingness approach the idea of a ‘sent one’?
Helena Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky showed that there is no religion higher than truth. She worked with the guiding hand of The Hierarchy to support The Return to our Divine nature, changing the course of world history and averting humanity from a return to the repressive era of the Dark Ages.
The scientific myth of randomness
What if every-thing that happens is a result of an energy that made it happen and has at its essence a most meaning-full and coordinated source?
Constellations, Evolution, Mathematics, Philosophy, Universe
The Double Slit Experiment and what it means for all of us
Have you ever heard of the Double Slit Experiment? Whether you have or not, are you curious to know what it is and what it means for all of us?
Alice Anne Bailey
Alice A. Bailey gradually established a working relationship with the Ascended Master who eventually became known to her as DK or Djwhal Khul; together they inaugurated what DK called the intermediate phase of a greater plan.
Comte de Saint Germain
Saint Germain’s life in the 18th Century is full of unexplained gaps and disappearances. He was a great Philosopher and Seer, skilled in Alchemy, Arts, Music, and Science, and friend to politicians, scientists, ordinary people and royalty.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo is called the father of modern science, and rightly so. He was able to advance humanity through his observations and mathematical findings in a time when the Inquisition was still suppressing truth and free expression in Europe.
Shakespeare and the Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
What is it that comprises the magic of Shakespeare? What part does it play on the stage of the world and our evolution?
Ageless Wisdom, Philosophy, Humanity, Lineage, Soul, The Hierarchy
Serge Benhayon & philosophy
In a world that did not make sense, a world I largely withdrew from, the philosophy presented by Serge Benhayon made complete sense of what I could see playing out with people, all the chaos and turmoil, and why we’re here and where we’re going.
Soul, Spirit, Joy, Truth, Philosophy
The Truth revealed
My whole life I had a strong knowing that there was something incredibly important missing. Understanding the truth of energetic integrity and responsibility completely turned my life around from living in a state of emotional highs and lows that had become my norm, to living with true vitality.
Responsibility, Truth, Wisdom, Well-being, Philosophy, Ageless Wisdom
The Serge Benhayon prophecy of sleep and repose
We spend a third or more of our human life in sleep. Our true depth of productivity can never be fulfilled because we have not understood the truth of waking and sleeping as a cycle of motion and repose.
John Dee
One of the foremost mathematicians of his age, and also a deeply religious man, John Dee straddled the worlds of Science and Occult Philosophy before they became distinguishable.
Alchemy, Science, Philosophy, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Lineage
The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom: “Leonardo Da Vinci’s Greatest Gift”
Leonardo da Vinci seeded forth the new era in Science, Religion and Philosophy.
The Rosicrucians
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
Religion, Lineage, Philosophy, Son of God, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, God, Livingness, Spirit, Soul
Hypatia – A Universal Role Model
Hypatia, the great teacher, scientist, mathematician and philosopher, lived a way of life that was in connection to the universal all. She was a universal role model and inspiration for men and women alike.
The Alexandrian Library
The Alexandrian Library was one of the largest and most celebrated libraries in the ancient world which held as its core the teachings of The Ageless Wisdom.
Plato was a student of Socrates and part of the Pythagorean lineage. To this day, his famous Allegory of the Cave still inspires philosophers and students across the globe with its wisdom and truth about the way humanity is living.
Socrates – The unrelenting pursuit of truth
Who was the real Socrates? Socrates is widely credited with being the father of modern day philosophy.
Who was Pythagoras? In how many ways did this great philosopher and teacher influence human life today?
Our innate way
Learning to live from our innate essence, rather than all of our conditioned ways, can be simpler than we think and lead to more ease and settlement in life.