Topic:Essence SEE ALL TOPICS
What were people’s responses to Sacred Esoteric Healing at Mind Body Spirit?
Jean Gamble’s take on Esoteric Healing at the Mind Body Spirit Festival, Sydney.
The loveliness was there at the birth of the day
What happens to us as young girls that we don’t feel that loveliness, in every moment of every day, and learn to think we need to be eternally doing things to prove our worth, to ourselves and to everyone around us?
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
Living who we truly are in everyday life is the Livingness ~ but what does that actually mean?
Unimedpedia, Livingness, Essence, Inner-heart, Ageless Wisdom, Religion
How love benefits your health
Love is who we are – it is our natural essence. Allowing love to flow in our body can be the strongest, most effective medicine in this world.
Serge Benhayon says it just how It Is, straight from the heart. Like it or not.
This is a book that takes us back to simplicity and a life of true Truth.
Before and after giving up alcohol - Introduction
Everyone loves a drink, right? Drinking alcohol is fun, social, normal, even good for you… or so we have been told. But studies in recent years have shown what our bodies have always known… that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
I would not give these books up for anything
Serge Benhayon’s books are a priceless gift and support in my development.
Knowing your essence
Our January 2015 Audio of the Month goes to the root of many issues and covers the essentials of knowing and connecting to your true self.
What exactly is the Livingness?
For our October 2015 Audio of the month, we look at what the Livingness is and what it has to do with our daily life.
The gift of expressing from our essence
Our July 2016 Audio of the Month presents the gift and unique qualities of expressing from our essence.
Serge Benhayon: a true author of the people…
Serge Benhayon bows not to the rigidity of the conventions imposed by the world of authorship. He simply presents pure truth in everything he writes – truth that has been well known throughout the ages, and today as The Ageless Wisdom.
The Hierarchy, Teachers, Soul, Philosophy, Essence, Connection, Ageless Wisdom
Overcoming stage fright and a mean girl critic (part 2)
‘You are not good enough, your voice sounds crap, you are going to choke…’ How often have I heard those words? Way too many times – especially considering no one else has actually ever said them to me…
‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ – a complete lie
Busting the myth ‘Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus’ has the potential to change everything between the sexes.
Empowerment, Essence, Gender equality, Domestic violence, Gender
Living a religious life – returning to the Essence
Living religiously is the most simple thing on earth – it simply means living in connection with the Divine essence within us all. Divinity never leaves us, and all we need is a reflection from one living from their truth, to show us it is possible.
Religion – it’s all about the body
What role does our body play in religion? Is it only for applying rituals? Or is there much more to be aware of? Read on and find out how religion is actually all about the body as a whole – and what awaits you right there within your inner-most self.
Living a religious life – sacredness
Religion isn’t something that happens outside us, it isn’t ‘given’ to us or ‘attained’ through any effort. It already is. It belongs to us all equally so, and in it we know that each of us is one and the same, and something so very grand. Living religiously is sacred – something deeply precious within us all.
Who are you in the latest fashion stakes?
The fashion world has launched the new year with telling us what is interesting and fashionable. Who are we in this and what is our relationship to ourselves and the dominant ideologies and opinions of the world?
Love – the missing link in gender equality
Children have a true wisdom about gender equality that comes from being loving, yet we seem to separate from this later. What if LOVE is the missing link in gender equality ...
Connection, Love, Gender equality, Essence, Awareness, Brotherhood
Feeling like the hole in the doughnut
Feeling Like The Hole in the Doughnut is a negative thought that can only be felt when you feel disconnected to who you really are.
Everybody is a healer
Everybody has the ability to be naturally healing if they reconnect to their heart centre and express their love.
Did you know? ...
Did You Know is a section providing interesting points relating to healing and the human body.
Frequently asked questions
Here you will find answers and interesting points to many common questions asked about Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
Esoteric, Healing, Connection, Essence, Health, Love, Gentleness, Inner-heart, Stillness
Lifestyle vs. Livingness
This article explores the difference between lifestyle and livingness and how living life from your true essence leads you to healthy living.
Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Behaviour, Culture, Essence, Harmony, Illusion, Healthy living
What’s all the fuss about self-care?
In this article we reveal the true meaning of self-care, and how it is the missing ingredient in the search for health and wellbeing.
Knowing yourself by your quality first
In our August 2016 Audio of the Month Natalie Benhayon presents the importance of knowing yourself first by the quality you hold within and how moving with this quality allows you to know what to do.
Women’s health: let’s talk more about our monthly period and endometriosis! – part 2
Women’s monthly period and any associated period and other reproductive problems are accepted as part of the menstrual cycle with little consideration given to why so many women struggle with this aspect of their health and wellbeing.
Menstrual pain, Menstrual cycle, Endometriosis, Essence, Women's health
Women’s health: let’s talk more about our monthly period and endometriosis! – part 1
Women worldwide are struggling with period problems, endometriosis and other chronic persistent pelvic pain conditions. Yet these conditions have proven elusive when it comes to treatment which suggests we are not truly understanding the underlying nature of what is going on.
Menstrual pain, Menstrual cycle, Endometriosis, Essence, Women's health
Where are we from, if not descended from the Animal Kingdom?
The human being is such a fascinating phenomenon, and at times a mass of contradictions, as we all can attest to. There are so many aspects to us, so many facets that defy much of what would seem to be logical and are inconsistent with what we observe in the Animal Kingdom, let alone all life as we know it.
What is it we accept? Is it all that we are or all that we are not?
Acceptance, Communication, Essence, God, Inner-heart, Love, Soul, Intelligence
Gentle Breath Meditation®: the warmest embrace comes from within
Michelle shares how the support of doing the Gentle Breath Meditation® has changed her life
The Way of Initiation – The Development of Energetic Awareness
Initiation is an inner development and not something that can be externally acquired or bestowed on us by anyone.
Returning to our essence
Guess what... YOU are the answer. You already are everything you have been looking for. Every human being has a true essence that is always there but not always connected to and rarely lived from.
It is important to understand what Prana is because used in the wrong way it causes great harm.
Energy, Essence, Exhaustion, Expression, Healing, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
The inner-heart – your key to connecting with who you truly are
We are so much more than physical. Inside us all is a place of exquisite stillness and joy. The inner-heart contains the spark of who you truly are. It is possible to live this every day.
Men Audio
A collection of free audio and quotes for real men and their friends!
Free downloads, Essence, Behaviour, Health, Relationships, Gender, Body image
Psychology Audio
Is there more to life than meets the eye? Yes there is! This collection of audios offers us a deeper understanding of everyday life and how to be with and live in it.
Psychology, Relationships, Acceptance, Anxiety, Appreciation, Confidence, Empowerment, Essence
What is the true meaning of the word evolution and why do we spend so much time avoiding it?
Cycles, Depression, Disease, Essence, Evolution, Exhaustion, Humanity, Illusion, Love, Soul, Over eating, Spirit, Time, Wisdom
What is fire and fiery energy, why does it matter and what does it mean to you?
Breath, Energy, Essence, Expression, God, Human body, Humanity, Ill health, Sickness, Love, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
Who am I
Low self esteem and low self worth can cripple our sense of who we are. Here we ask why we accept that as normal.
Healing Audio
Healing is not about curing or removing symptoms and nobody can heal you. So what is healing and how do we heal? Find out more with this collection of free audio.
The kingly body – building a connection with your Soul
There comes a time when the physical temptations of life no longer are enough for us --- we know that there is so much more. That more is the Soul – and it is so, so easy to connect to.
If happiness is a fundamental human goal, why stop there?
A life-changing presentation on the essential difference between happiness and joy.
Stillness is a quality of being
Your Essence Gentle Breath Meditation®
From alcohol and marijuana to embracing our sensitivity
We may turn to alcohol or marijuana as a way to medicate or to escape from the world, but we do not escape at all nor are we offered any healing. Is there an alternative to help ease our emotional pain?
Abuse, Alcohol, Drugs, Hurt, Emotions, Essence, Healing, Love
Being sexy … It’s not about sex!
Being Sexy … It’s Not About Sex! Karin Becker shares how Being Sexy is so much more than the shape of our body or the clothes that we wear … The discussion unlocks the Key to True Beauty and the understanding that it is available to us all !
Beauty tips, Beauty myths, Sex appeal, Sexiness, Essence, Self-love, Body image
‘Sexy Supermodels’ – the grace of a woman’s essence
Sexy Supermodels! – 5 simple questions that turn the page on the beauty industry and start a new chapter on the subject of a woman’s worth and her true beauty.
Beauty myths, Body positive, Essence, Sacredness, Sexiness, Body image
The fragility within self-empowerment
As women we don’t usually associate fragility with self-love, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment, but have we been on the wrong track for so long that we’ve lost sight of what it really means to feel our fragility?
The Science of Reflection – what is it reflecting to us?
Have we ever stopped to consider what the science of reflection actually means, and what it means for us in our everyday lives?
In our Essence we are One
Once we know our true essence our view of the world and humanity changes.
Nobody is born Dr Evil so what happens?
Who are you really ~ Dr Evil or Dr Gorgeous? Find out more in our June 2018 Audio of the Month
‘Sexy Supermodels’ – reflections of a woman’s true inner beauty?
Sexy Supermodels! Strike a pose, how much do you allow of your true beauty to be seen?
Beauty myths, Body positive, Sexiness, Sex appeal, Fashion, Role models, Essence, Body image
Education Audio
A collection of free audios looking at education in a completely different way. A way that makes a huge amount of sense and is something we all know at heart.
Education, Children, Raising children, Teachers, Essence, Clairsentience, Intelligence
It is our evolution and joy to return to our Divine essence the Soul.
Unimedpedia, Soul, Love, Harmony, Essence, God, Son of God
Who or what is God and what does He mean to each of us?
Ageless Wisdom, Energy, Essence, Evolution, God, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Unimedpedia
Natalie Benhayon – an inspiration and then some
Have you heard? There is a reawakening of the true woman. Inspired by Natalie Benhayon.
Esoteric Women's Health, Essence, Lifestyle, Nurturing, Women's health
Truth in expression
Imagine if what you thought was true turned out to not be true. Would you want to know the truth? Find out more in our very practical and revealing September 2018 Audio of the Month.
Made in His image
Many religions say man is made in God’s image, but have we taken this too literally? Do we use this to justify many ungodly behaviours?
Ageless Wisdom Audio
The Ageless Wisdom has always been with mankind but we have chosen not to heed it. Are we now ready to consider what it has long been offering us?
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Soul, Essence, Religion, Free downloads
Religion: What it means to me
Do we know religion innately? What is God to a child, before we are sold society’s various images of Him? One woman on God and Religion.
Religion, Connection, God, Essence, Breath, Presence, Livingness
International Women’s Day: In the pledge for parity, we’re fighting a war we cannot win
The theme of this year’s International Women’s Day is parity, and even though equal rights and opportunities are an enormous achievement for women, there is something far greater that we’ve been missing along the way.
The Esoteric – the umbilical cord to God
Could it be that the esoteric, when followed, is our living connection back to the Body of God?
From feeling a victim to living a joyful life
Regina shares that when she was growing up, she felt totally misunderstood and a victim of life. So, she learnt to shut down; to shut herself away from a world that she found way too hard to live in.
The joy of rediscovering the true meaning of the word ‘Joy’
Unimedpedia, Stillness, Soul, Love, Essence, Harmony, Joy, Truth
The esoteric is about you living the real, whole and true you.
Our essence is who we truly are
Unicorns, Hummus and One Unified Truth
Of all the beliefs in the world about god, could there be a one unified truth?
Being a woman is more than being a mother
All this influenced the way I saw myself as a woman, and I identified with being a mother as an intrinsic part of what it meant to be a woman.
Acceptance, Appreciation, Connection, Essence, Sacredness, Self-worth
International men’s day: November 19th
Supporting International Men’s Day – being a true man in today’s world.
Depression is a message
Depression can be debilitating and could also be a message from our body that there is another way to live. The writer shares some tips on how she was able to overcome feelings of depression.
Depression, Exhaustion, Overwhelm, Connection, Essence, Confidence, Inner-heart, Soul
School stress: The real test at school
Does a successful week at school mean coming top of the class? Maybe there is a greater feat for kids, even more difficult to achieve – how to stay yourself with everyday school stress! Do we accept school stress as ‘the norm'?
All the fuss over a hat
It sounds like the start of a joke, but it could well be the reason for much of the unrest in the world
The deepest form of intimacy
Our Audio of the Month for June 2019 reveals how the key to experiencing true intimacy has nothing to do with taking off our clothes and everything to do with understanding ourselves.
If the word Occult is sacred and all about God and His Ways, how come we changed the meaning to something spooky and sinister?
Esoteric, Essence, God, Illusion, Livingness, Love, Religion, Son of God, Truth, Universe
My sister, the wardrobe and the loaded gun
The loaded gun was innocuous, loaded and with a story that casts centuries of the legacy of institutionalised religion.
Withdrawal and ghosting
The chatter in our heads is often such a strong driving force and so familiar we think it’s us guiding us, but is it really our truth? Where are these thoughts coming from?
What is Chakra-puncture?
Chakra-puncture is a complementary healing modality that consists of needles applied very lightly to the skin to support energetic balance and order.
Returning Home
Connecting to God (and deeply with ourselves) through the body is part of the energetic journey back Home that everybody will go through, sooner or later. This journey is of a beauty that cannot be done justice to through words, in which we register in total awe the grandness beyond grand, both that we truly are and that has never left us.
The difference between feelings and emotions
Did you know that there is a vast difference energetically between Feelings and Emotions?
What is intimacy?
Intimacy can be much easier than we think. This article introduces a new understanding of intimacy and how we can develop it in all our relationships.
Self-worth, Appreciation, Connection, Essence, Healthy relationships
Astral – Maya, Glamour & Illusion
Find out why it is so essential to understand what Astral energy is and how to free yourself from its seductive and harmful grips.
Awareness, Bullying, Conflict, Corruption, Emotions, Energy, Essence, Evolution, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Spirit
Breastfeeding or bottle feeding – what is truly on offer?
Do we take breastfeeding and bottle feeding for granted as a mere functional part of caring for a child – or is there an opportunity for much more when we place a baby onto our breast or give them a bottle?
Work, mothering and female empowerment part 2 – getting to the truth of it
The pictures we hold around mothering, attaining a work-life balance and the quest for workplace gender equality rarely match the reality of women’s lives. Is there more to understanding true female empowerment than what we have been led to believe?
Empowerment, Motherhood, Self-worth, Work life balance, Essence
Esoteric Yoga – the cycle of return
True connection with our inner essence brings an awareness of possibly the most significant cycle we have encountered – the cycle of return to who we are.
Love and Relationship Audio
A life changing collection of free audio on Love and Relationship – two of our favourite subjects but how much do we really know about them?
Free downloads, Appreciation, Brotherhood, Communication, Dating, Essence, Evolution, Harmony, Intimacy, Love, Relationships, Sex, Valentine's Day, Friendship, Making love
Money, responsibility and wealth
What is our relationship with money? Are we responsible in our daily living choices for money and wealth? What if our greatest wealth is not money?
The self-empowerment nature of self-love
Why does the word no to being offered alcohol sound like yes to others? In our Audio of the Month for December 2021 find out how empowering it is when we say yes to ourselves.
Inner wisdom – the power of re-connection
Your body is always ready and very willing to communicate with you… But how can I hear what it has to share?
Why do we bury our emotions with food?
What is it about our emotions and why we emotionally eat? Is there more going on with this behaviour?
Emotions, Essence, Feelings, Healthy diet, Human body, Tension
Feeling like a fake
Let’s turn imposter syndrome on its head
Being a woman and our cycles
As women we’re naturally attuned to cycles. But do we live this naturalness?
I hate my thighs
What is really going on when we ‘hate’ a part of our body?
Fluttering eyes
What does the new phenomenon of big false eyelashes reveal about young women and their body image?
We all have the same one issue – what is it?
Have you ever felt that the way society is set up doesn’t feel true? In our Audio of the Month for May 2022 Serge Benhayon presents the truth about what we are sensing about life and why.
No baby is born abusive!
The beginning is a very good place to start when we have a problem or an issue that needs attention, and the rise of the many abhorrent forms of abuse in the world is definitely one such issue that needs urgent attention.
Body image – inside out
Body image - Why and when did dissatisfaction with our outer appearance arise?
Are we trading sex for love?
We live in a society where sex is often used as a measure of our worth and proof that we are loved. But if it was as straightforward as that, why are so many people in romantic relationships feeling empty and loveless?
Is your yoga practice leaving you empty?
How is it that we can keep our body active in a yoga practice yet find our focus drawn to ‘what is wrong’ rather than enjoy a nurturing enrichment from our movements?
Connection, Essence, God, Soul, Yoga
Dreams of Pad Thai
Are you fantasising about lunch at 10am? There might be more to it than you realise!
When falseness is celebrated
What is it that is so unsuccessful about success, and yet still has us striving for more? Find out in our Audio of the Month for October 2022
Mission statements and other works of fiction
What is a mission statement? Does it really mean anything?
Behaviour, Corruption, Essence, Presence, Responsibility, Work stress
The World of Relationships
We find ourselves in all sorts of relationships, some amazing and others tricky to navigate. What if there is something bigger being asked of us when it comes to the world of relationships?
The Lifesaver
We all love a good rescue story, but is it really possible to save another person?
Revealing the truth and flow of magic
We have a beautiful magical Audio of the Month for November 2023. Find out why evil fears it!
Discover the joy of being a student of yourself
Our Audio of the Month for December 2023 presents why The Livingness is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, what this means and why it is so important.
The space beyond time
The demands of time can feel like an immovable fact of life that rules most people’s lives. But what if there was a greater, more wholesome way to live?
Essence, Exhaustion, Harmony, Soul, Time
The degradation of comparison
In our Audio of the Month for October 2024 Serge Benhayon exposes the truth, harm, poverty and self-abuse behind comparison and where true wealth lays.