Topic:Communication SEE ALL TOPICS
Knowledge cannot be for one person
How we seek and use information is vastly different to the purpose of being given true knowledge. Find out why this is in our Audio of the Month for January 2019.
Thinking about thinking
What if, instead of generating our thoughts, we tuned into and received them? Thinking about thinking is worth tuning into.
Listening to your body
Your body is a constant companion in our life and is always in communication with us, so why do we find it so hard to listen to what it has to say?
Expressing love: I love you
I Love You. Are you saying it? Are you hearing it? Are you feeling it? An article about the significance and value of expressing love in our Relationships.
Communication, Connection, Conscious presence, Couples therapy, Feelings, Healthy relationships
World Voice Day – our voice reveals everything about us
Do you know that your voice reveals our state of being? Your voice carries a detailed read-out that can be easily discerned when we between the lines and feel the essence of the message being spoken, sung, even whispered!
Energy in music, Healthy diet, Connection, Communication, Awareness, Healing
Separate Lives
Are we living separate lives in our relationships and missing the most basic moments to appreciate and be with each other, sharing who we are?
Developing communication in your relationships
How can we bring understanding to each other and be true and authentic in how we communicate? In this short video Annette and Gabe beautifully share and demonstrate from their own relationship how important it is to ‘have each other's back’ and support one another to raise the level of how we can express clearly and lovingly.
When everyone wants to be loved and adored why do we settle for less than that?
Every interaction is a relationship that has the potential for learning and revitalising, so how do we bring the responsibility and invaluable truth of this into our most intimate relationships to keep them from stagnating?
How do you have communication without reaction?
When conflict happens in our relationship are we able to express how we are feeling in moments of potential confrontation?
Communication, Conflict, Love, Connection, Relationships, Tension
Appreciation in relationships
Even though we love each other, we often take each other for granted. Appreciation in relationships can deepen our love and intimacy, and build healthy relationships in all areas of our lives.
Appreciation, Communication, Couples therapy, Love, Relationship problems
Learning to express our feelings - part 2
Part 2 of this article presents simple steps to reconnect to our ability to feel. Being in touch with what we feel lays a foundation for communicating confidently, openly and respectfully.
Healthy relationships, Communication, Feelings, Hurt, Relationship problems
Healing relationship issues: beginnings of intimacy
Have we settled for less in our relationships? How do we go further? This article explores what might be in the way and outlines simple steps to open the door to more intimacy between us
Online dating tips
Wise words for women on how to get started with internet dating in a practical, supportive and self-empowering way.
Internet dating, Self-empowerment, Communication, Relationships
Building true relationships and positive parenting
Jean Gamble has a knack of making us laugh out loud whilst sharing profound and life changing observations. If you have children, a partner, family, friends or anyone else you would like to relate to then this is a must!
Communication, Evolution, Healthy relationships, Parenting, Love, Raising children
Good parenting skills
Rather than give advice to children – listen, connect and explain the consequences
Parenting, Presence, Communication, Appreciation, Psychology, Feelings, Hurt, Confidence, Self-esteem
Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility
Have you ever thought about what the consequences are for each and every moment of our expression and movement ? Read about what it is like to live a life understanding the principals of Energetic Responsibility and Energetic integrity
Who’s the man?
As men do we really know ourselves; do we want to, or are we just distracting ourselves from life and who we truly are?
Awareness, Communication, Confidence, Healthy living, Self-empowerment, Self-worth
Serge Benhayon – the presenter
Serge Benhayon presents both nationally and internationally on the subjects of the Ageless Wisdom, The Way of the Livingness as well as Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy.
Ageless Wisdom, Communication, Exhaustion, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Intelligence
What is it we accept? Is it all that we are or all that we are not?
Acceptance, Communication, Essence, God, Inner-heart, Love, Soul, Intelligence
Letting go of the past is true medicine
What role does judgment play in our lives? If we keep meeting friends, family and work colleagues with a perception of their past baggage and hurts, then what kind of relationships are we creating and holding ourselves to?
Working together – Group work: Part 1
We work as teams and groups for much of our working lives - why is it important to consider the way our teams and groups function? Is it possible that the way we work in teams or groups has a wider impact than we realise?
Teamwork, Relationships, Productivity, Humanity, Heart disease, Communication
Everyone is born with a beautiful voice – Singing and speaking
In re-discovering the amazing voice that we are naturally born with we can all sing, speak and express freely!
Communication, Confidence, Performance anxiety, Raising children, Self-esteem, Tension, Expression
Saying I love you
Love me? Love me not? What are we really saying when we say “I love you”. Find out with our February 2018 Audio of the Month in time for Valentine’s Day!
Beauty and grace in academia: Where has it gone?
The state of play in the education system today ultimately reveals a disconnection and it is clear that vitality and inspiration have become largely absent from our classrooms. We must ask what is really going on?
Quantum Mechanics – the science of absolute connection
Quantum Mechanics states that the Universe is made up of space filled with fields of vibration, interconnected, unified and in constant communication, where distance and time are of no consequence.
Self-care: Saying no to abuse
A Disability Support Worker’s perspective on how self-care is about learning to deeply honour the body and saying no to abuse in its many forms.
Abuse, Acceptance, Bullying, Communication, Culture, Empowerment
Self-care and people: how connection transforms the way you work
Ray Graham, an Apple Computer Support Technician, shares his experience of how connecting with people and making that his first priority before ‘fixing problems’ has completely transformed the way he works.
Is it normal to be bored in a relationship?
How do we keep love alive? Getting bored in a relationship is something many people experience. So why do we find ourselves empty and needing to ‘re-fill’ so regularly?
Communication, Intimacy, Love, Marriage, Connection, Romance, Self-love, Tension, Healthy relationships
Did you know – expression can be harming or healing?
Did You Know that our expression can either be harming or healing and that we are responsible for the quality and integrity of how we communicate?
Truth in expression
Imagine if what you thought was true turned out to not be true. Would you want to know the truth? Find out more in our very practical and revealing September 2018 Audio of the Month.
Connecting with people: a vital part of self-care
Ray Graham shares his experience of what self-care means to him and how it has changed from withdrawing from people to connecting and building relationships as a vital part of his health and well-being.
What is energetic awareness and why do we fight it?
Awareness, Clairsentience, Communication, Raising children, Relationships, Soul, Spirit, Universe
Big words
Are big words really the problem we make them out to be? How can we restore a common sense attitude to technical language?
Communication, Education, Healthy relationships, Intelligence
How to truly express yourself
If every movement is part of our expression, how we move is key. This short October 2018 audio of the month reveals how we express our truth through our movements or not!
Why are we so reactive?
Description of the energetic process when we choose to respond from our hearts instead of reacting from our defences
Making loving choices: the intelligence of the heart
A video clip of Psychotherapist Jean Gamble presenting on how anxiety restricts access to the heartspace at the 2013 Psychological Wellbeing Conference.
Embracing the hug
When it comes to hugging, do you embrace it or does it scare you to your inner core? A hug can tell us more in three seconds than half an hour of dialogue could ever accomplish.
Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Connection, Expression, Relationships, Tenderness
Healthy relationships – do brownie points really add up?
Why do men seek approval from their partners? Do ‘Brownie Points’ really add up? Could taking personal responsibility be the foundation for building connection in relationships.
Accountability, Communication, Intimacy, Marriage, Rejection, Healthy relationships
Self-care and managing people: how the two go hand-in-hand
Kate Gamble, a General Manager in Marketing, shares how self-care has supported her to let go of the pressures and expectations to perform, allowing her to build more loving, connected relationships with people at work.
Our future: the unfolding of true men
How can you break the stereotypes society has imposed on men? How can you live a life that you know is true and honouring of yourself, knowing you will most probably be judged or ridiculed?
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Expression
Change your life
Too frequently we live in a way resigned to our behaviours and thus resigned to the belief that “this is just the way life is”. Are you open to knowing that there is another way…
Acceptance, Awareness, Communication, Empowerment, Feelings, Healing, Healthy relationships, Mental health
Mathematics – the science of reflection and vibration
Without diminishing the significance of what mathematics has shown us through its power to measure and produce models of all that we see around us, the question arises: is that it?
Let's challenge the time tyrant
The best stress management tool is creating an honest working environment where good relationships create motivation and quality productivity.
Communication, Performance management, Productivity, Stress, Teamwork, Time management
School stress: The real test at school
Does a successful week at school mean coming top of the class? Maybe there is a greater feat for kids, even more difficult to achieve – how to stay yourself with everyday school stress! Do we accept school stress as ‘the norm'?
The power of relationship in the classroom
True intelligence and enjoyable learning springs out of the connection and relationship between teacher and student. Without this spark of connection the student will remain outside of true relationship with what they are learning.
The elder branches of wisdom
While on a lovely evening walk in our neighbourhood with my daughter recently, we heard an owl hooting from a nearby tree…
The Joy and Power of Obedience
Do we reject obedience because we have come to understand it as subservient and weak?
The visible trace of #ghosting
Ghosting has become so normalised in current relationship practice it feels important to understand why this occurs and to explore what’s going on with our communication in relationships, and what’s underneath this increasing trend.
Crying out for connection: technology and us
Will our obsession with technology lead to us living a ‘virtual’ life? With the advent of the mobile phone what has happened to dinner-table and face to face conversation? Are we more connected than ever, or are we drifting apart?
Connection, Communication, Anti-social behaviour, Technology, Addiction, Presence, Culture
Right & wrong
Have you ever considered how right and wrong impacts your life and your relationships? Exploring these two words can be absolutely life changing.
Don’t shoot the messenger!
We have one of the world’s leading experts in health and medicine with us 24 hours a day – our body! How can we deepen our relationship with our bodies and listen to what our bodies are telling us?
Love and Relationship Audio
A life changing collection of free audio on Love and Relationship – two of our favourite subjects but how much do we really know about them?
Free downloads, Appreciation, Brotherhood, Communication, Dating, Essence, Evolution, Harmony, Intimacy, Love, Relationships, Sex, Valentine's Day, Friendship, Making love
Mind over Matter – fighting a losing battle
There has been a long battle of mind over matter, but overall the war against matter is being lost and the sooner we surrender our minds the better.
Communication is a big deal
We communicate all the time, but what are we communicating and how true is it? Find out more in our September 2021 Audio of the Month and why true communication is so important and liberating.
The science of group work
Have you ever noticed that when you get together with a group of people, interesting ideas can come through that no one would have thought of when alone?
The fallacy of right
We have all delighted in being right, but what does it really feel like in our body and what is the prize we pay for being right? Is there more to being right than meets the eye?
Developing a love affair with reactions
Reactions don’t need to be seen as the enemy when they tell us about how we are experiencing life …. What are our reactions telling us about ourselves and other people?
Awareness, Clairsentience, Communication, Emotions, Feelings
The Situation - review
Have we exchanged our magnificent humanness and the riches of heaven for lives of individual self-gain, competition and drudgery, ruled by entitlement, ownership, effort and knowledge?
Shakespeare anyone?
A new understanding of Shakespeare’s plays in the light of The Ageless Wisdom, their true and only source as opposed to the fluff and attention-seeking hyperbole that abound and vigorously vie for our attention.
There’s no reality in reality TV
Does television steer more of your life than you’d care to admit? And is there really any such thing as reality in TV?
Fake news is not new news
Is fake news really such a modern phenomenon or are we distracting ourselves by making social medial the scapegoat for a bigger problem?
We all want love, so what happened?
If everyone wants love, why do we fight it? Find out more in our Audio of the Month for February 2025