Everyone is born with a beautiful voice – Singing and speaking

Everyone is born with a beautiful voice – Singing and speaking
Discovering your beautiful, natural voice and expression is fun, fulfilling, and maybe not as tricky as it may seem.
Whether singing or speaking, many of us leave this great resource – our voice and expression, untapped.
Everyone is born with a beautiful voice! ... "But no, not me!"
How many people totally dismiss this possibility before allowing themselves to explore the amazing instrument that they are born with in a way that is true for them?
On the way to re-discovering our natural resonant, expressive voice we also reveal what we are truly capable of – the actuality of our amazing potential shows itself. This includes our natural ability to truly listen and express how we feel.
Our natural expression is one that most of us have learned to shut down from a very young age as we discover that what we say is not heard, or in fact, it may be too confronting for others to listen to.
We are told:
- Children should be seen not heard
- Don’t show off
- Shh, someone will hear you
- Stand at the back and just mouth the words
- Be careful, or you’ll get a big head
As we realise that we have been working at life through a veil of old beliefs about ourselves, our life and expression begins to take a new turn. The imposed concepts that we have taken on bring with them a dialogue that we have with ourselves and accept as a truth.
But is this really us – the person who we truly know ourselves to be?
Do these sound familiar?
- ‘I don’t deserve to be heard’
- ‘Nobody ever listens to me’
- ‘I would love to sing but I am not good enough’
- ‘If I speak up what will people think of me?’
- ‘If I do speak up will people still like me?’
How many of us have experienced our natural expression being squashed as we take on what we are told and come to the decision that we are just not good enough? And is this perpetuated or ‘passed down the line’ as we, often unknowingly, deliver to others what has been done to us?
Give the stream of negative mind propaganda any opportunity and it will come in seemingly endless floods. As feelings of inadequacy are pushed down and not addressed, and the strain of having to strain to be heard is brushed aside, as we do our best to get on with trying to connect with others and operate in society, we slowly shut down from the joy of expression that was so natural for us as children.
How many times have you heard, “I would rather jump off a cliff than sing or speak in public?"
Why is this so?
For many people, most social communication and self-expression involves a degree of anxiety and tension of some description. And of course, we have convinced ourselves we can’t or shouldn’t sing.
This all adds to the complexity and a feeling of incompleteness in our lives and we lose that inner presence, the place inside ourselves that knows exactly what to say and how to say it.
When you discover the amazingness of your natural voice and realise that it is possible to let go of the mind dialogue holding you back, a sense of connection and inspiration develops, and not just for you but for everything that you are a part of – family, work and friends. When you start to listen to yourself and begin to let go of the old concepts that you hold about yourself and your self-expression, the true ‘you’ can emerge.
When fear of self-expression goes, joy naturally takes its place.
And it is so easy. In a very short time we can be amazed and delighted with ourselves and our fellow human beings with whom we happen to be expressing and singing.
This doesn't mean everyone should go out and become a rock star or a public speaker – just that we can absolutely – 100%! – have fun and enjoy our voice.
And this can be experienced by everyone – even the large majority of people who felt this was absolutely not possible!
Filed under
Communication, Confidence, Performance anxiety, Raising children, Self-esteem, Tension, Expression