Topic:Confidence SEE ALL TOPICS
What does music education In schools really teach?
From the love of playing music to the ‘fight to get it right’. A personal account of what happens to kids when musical education and competition go hand in hand.
Children, Competition, Confidence, Education, Musicians, Tension
The beauty of loving women. Women loving and honouring women is a lost art – be reminded how glorious it is.
This article gently talks us through what has gotten in the way of women loving women and how we can support each other to bring back our true sense of self-worth that we all innately know but often can’t connect to.
Self-love, Relationships, Sexiness, Confidence, Women's health
Overcoming stage fright and a mean girl critic (part 2)
‘You are not good enough, your voice sounds crap, you are going to choke…’ How often have I heard those words? Way too many times – especially considering no one else has actually ever said them to me…
Why do we get stage fright? (part 1)
Sweaty palms, trembling knees, and a constricted throat. How is it that stage fright takes hold and where does it come from? And could the answer to understanding stage fright have nothing to do with the stage at all?
Retroverted uterus – living life backwards
With retroverted uterus, ovarian cysts and endometriosis on the rise, can such issues with our female parts reflect which direction we are ‘living life’ as women?
Confidence, Health conditions, Empowerment, Harmony, Sacredness
Who are you in the latest fashion stakes?
The fashion world has launched the new year with telling us what is interesting and fashionable. Who are we in this and what is our relationship to ourselves and the dominant ideologies and opinions of the world?
Good parenting skills
Rather than give advice to children – listen, connect and explain the consequences
Parenting, Presence, Communication, Appreciation, Psychology, Feelings, Hurt, Confidence, Self-esteem
Knowing yourself by your quality first
In our August 2016 Audio of the Month Natalie Benhayon presents the importance of knowing yourself first by the quality you hold within and how moving with this quality allows you to know what to do.
Who’s the man?
As men do we really know ourselves; do we want to, or are we just distracting ourselves from life and who we truly are?
Awareness, Communication, Confidence, Healthy living, Self-empowerment, Self-worth
So, you want to be a man?
Growing up as men we have many choices to make about what sort of ‘man’ we want to be. Who will be our role models and what sort of effect will they have on our lives?
Acceptance, Alcohol, Behaviour, Bullying, Children, Confidence, Raising children, Tenderness, Body image
My relationship with music: it’s about connection not perfection
“Musical expression has a playful quality to it once again.” How Michelle freed herself to enjoy singing and playing music.
Everyone is born with a beautiful voice – Singing and speaking
In re-discovering the amazing voice that we are naturally born with we can all sing, speak and express freely!
Communication, Confidence, Performance anxiety, Raising children, Self-esteem, Tension, Expression
I thought alcohol would give me confidence…
This is not your usual before and after story about alcohol; it is not about being an alcoholic and coming back from it, but it shares about my use of alcohol as a teenager…
Do you have a fear of singing? Me too.
It is possible to overcome a fear of singing. After a life of being scared to sing, holding back her voice a life changing singing lesson gave Gayle the confidence to find her true voice.
Music, Confidence, Performance anxiety, Connection, Brotherhood, Expression
Developing confidence from within
There is a link between confidence and conscious presence. Connection with the body supports us to bring an inner steadiness and ease to whatever comes our way in life.
I’m a dad ... How do I show affection to my teenage daughter?
Puberty can be a difficult time for both fathers and daughters. This article offers support for fathers in understanding why they can often feel uncomfortable and how they can be with their daughters through puberty, with the continued flowing affection their ‘little girls’ may have grown up with.
Abuse, Confidence, Mental health, Parenting, Raising children, Relationships
Performance anxiety – an everyday experience?
Is performance anxiety an everyday experience that is simply a stronger manifestation of the stress we are living with all the time? Do we unconsciously set our children up to live with this tension from their earliest years?
Performance anxiety, Conscious presence, Body awareness, Confidence, Anxiety
Psychology Audio
Is there more to life than meets the eye? Yes there is! This collection of audios offers us a deeper understanding of everyday life and how to be with and live in it.
Psychology, Relationships, Acceptance, Anxiety, Appreciation, Confidence, Empowerment, Essence
Who said playing violin was hard?
Despite what you have heard learning to play the violin is easier than it seems. Violin player and tutor Brendan Mooney shows us just how easy and fun it actually can be.
Is true beauty really in the eye of the beholder?
Everywhere we look we see versions of what women ‘should’ look like to be beautiful – but is this beauty ideal really what it means to be beautiful?
Beauty myths, Acceptance, Appreciation, Confidence, Fashion, Body positive, Body image
Exposing the brutality of rugby
This game is so rough and its statistical rate of injury so high, that health experts are now looking at regulating it in schools.
A deeper look at contraction In relationships
How do we stay with love when one person in a relationship loses their way, is not themselves, or feels out of sorts and contracted, withdrawn or disconnected? In this short video Annette and Gabe present a way forward on this challenging subject that all relationships come up against.
Relationships, Acceptance, Healthy relationships, Love, Self-love, Confidence, Relationship problems
Confidence in social situations
A former fitness instructor shares how she has learnt to be herself while with others, a natural way of being we are born with.
Stephanie Stevenson – what a glorious transformation!
Stephanie became overweight and a yo-yo dieter because she was always comparing herself to others and not feeling good about her body. Things changed when she came across Universal Medicine ...
Self-esteem, Weight-loss, Self-worth, Over eating, Confidence, Body image
Dressing to appreciate me – not to fit in to an ideal weight or to hide my body shape
Do you wear clothes to fit in with some ideal body shape or fashion? Read here how Stephanie changed from hiding her body to dressing truly to appreciate herself and life.
Acceptance, Self-empowerment, Confidence, Sexiness, Joy, Body positive, Body image
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
Addiction, Anxiety, Confidence, Drugs, Connection, Hurt, Healing, Alcohol, Gentle breath
Before and After I stopped smoking weed
Smoking weed, marijuana or ganja, whatever you want to call it, was normal in my family. It was just as normal as smoking cigarettes, it was around me all the time growing up, it was socially accepted and never hidden, so I thought it was just what you do.
Alcohol abuse – a 360° turnaround
How do we go from being repulsed by alcohol as a child, then addicted in our late teens, to then having no attraction to alcohol later in life?
Does using our breasts as a baby pacifier truly support us or our child?
Using our breasts as pacifiers when breast feeding is a fast track to exhaustion and frustration but there is another way.
Breastfeeding, Motherhood, Confidence, Raising children, Breast care
Body Image
How we feel about our body image is influenced by TV, magazines, clothes. What if we can learn to build a true relationship with body image and embrace our true weight?
Self-Care: The essential ingredient to building self-confidence
A psychotherapist shares how self-care has changed her life by building her confidence to be herself in life no matter who she’s with or what she’s doing.
Drinking alcohol was not ‘normal’ for me at all
When I started going to nightclubs and having my own parties, introducing alcohol into my life all seemed ‘normal’. Everyone else was doing it, so why not me?
Chris James - Sounds Wonderful
Presenting the power & beauty of true music, voice & expression. Founder Chris James is renowned for instantly uniting huge audiences in harmony, song & the healing power of sound.
Music, Musicians, Music videos, Confidence, Energy in music, Empowerment, Expression
The glorious simplicity of authentically being me
How one woman went from playing the game of life, imprisoned in keeping up appearances… best daughter, sister, wife, mother, friend, worker … to living ‘purely and authentically me’.
Psychotherapist Jean Gamble speaks about the treatment of mental health conditions
In this short video, Jean explains some of the problems in the treatments used in the mental illness industry.
Confidence, Empowerment, Evidence-based, Medicine, Practitioner, Lifestyle diseases
Depression is a message
Depression can be debilitating and could also be a message from our body that there is another way to live. The writer shares some tips on how she was able to overcome feelings of depression.
Depression, Exhaustion, Overwhelm, Connection, Essence, Confidence, Inner-heart, Soul
Psychotherapist Jean Gamble speaks about Anxiety
Watch this short video on the cause of anxiety. It can help to revisit the feelings from the trauma or terror and know you can survive them.
Abuse, Anxiety, Confidence, Emotions, Feelings, Healing, Overwhelm
Who are the true female role models?
Are we swept along by our role models, or have we stopped to consider what makes a role model in the first place?
We are not our hurts
We are not the hurts we have experienced but are whole and healthy beings who can live with joy. Read Jean’s article on letting go of our hurts.
Confidence, Relationships, Love, Anxiety, Rejection, Abuse, Connection, Hurt
Confidence is natural
What if confidence is something we are naturally born with and not to be ‘acquired’? Serge Benhayon turns around a debilitating belief about ‘finding’ confidence and presents how we already have what we are searching for.
For most of my life I have never thought I was good enough. I am pretty sure I didn’t feel this as a really young child, but as I grew I can see now how the idea ballooned one breath at a time . . .
Acceptance, Appreciation, Awareness, Breath, Confidence, Connection
Is self-care more than taking physical care of our bodies?
Want to know the secret to self-care? ... it’s more than taking care of our body.
Game changer – how to overcome the fear of rejection
In the game of rejection, who are the players, what are their objectives, what is the ultimate outcome and what if there was nothing to fear? Here we explore the rules of engagement, why the game is played and how we might overcome our fear.
Acceptance, Appreciation, Bullying, Confidence, Rejection, Relationships, Self-worth
Purposeful fitness training
Practical tips to create a supportive gym workout plan that supports health and vitality. With the simple purpose to move our body and muscles and have the opportunity to feel the entire body working.
Choosing a wedding dress: a stocktaking moment to connect with our body and honour ourselves
Women usually ‘know’ when they have found their perfect wedding dress. What if women used the same process to guide themselves with other aspects of their lives?
Active Ageing – your health in your hands
Healthy ageing is Active Ageing, exploring what it means to age well. As an older adult if you are concerned about falling and want to stay well as you get older, read on to hear what you can do to support yourself to live a healthy, fulfilling later life.
Real Men, Cars and Bubbles
As men, do we choose our lifestyles like our cars? And are these lifestyles good for us?
Behaviour, Confidence, Lifestyle, Rejection, Self-empowerment
What causes anxiousness?
What is anxiousness is the question we ask in our July audio of the month. So many people are living in anxiousness which is exhausting. What causes anxiousness and how are we able to free ourselves from this way of living?
Holding my breath
Looking back over my life I am convinced that I was in anxiousness the moment I was born, but in truth it probably began before the day I arrived in this world.
Sex, love and married life
I was a shy child and never really felt like I connected to anyone growing up, so it was a surprise, or maybe I should call it a relief, that a man would take an interest in me at the age of 19.
Confidence, Healing, Love, Marriage, Sex
Confidence is natural
Our February 2022 Audio of the Month reveals how simple and natural true confidence is and what happens when you present the real you on a date.
Recording music… Letting go of recognition, perfection and stepping into the YES
We have made the production of idealised sounds more important than the voice of our inner-most beingness. What does it mean to be honest, raw and say YES to the true essence of our voice?
Good girl or nice girl
There are good girls and there are nice girls: are you going to be a good girl, or are you going to be a nice girl?
Dating – It’s not about getting a partner
Are we missing out on the experience that dating offers by focussing on getting a partner as if it is the trophy, the end result of dating? What if there was so much more on offer if we allowed ourselves to not be looking at a ‘final destination’?
Natalie Benhayon – In one simple sentence she said it all
Why waste time with comparison and wishful dreaming, and miss out on the amazingness that we all already are? Addressing the mental monster of self-doubt, my so-called ‘issues’ just didn’t have the same power over me anymore.