Topic:Brotherhood SEE ALL TOPICS
The Esoteric is not a secret
What does esoteric mean? Is it truly a secret that is unattainable, or is it something that lies within the human heart, accessible to everyone? Serge Benhayon reveals the truth of the esoteric.
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Esoteric, Inner-heart, Universal Medicine
Slavery under a new name – evil reinvents itself
When did slavery officially end? From the billion-dollar sex trade industry to child labour and domestic violence we have more slavery today than we have ever had, it’s got a new name – people trafficking.
Why we should not hide in comfort
For our November 2015 Audio of the month we have chosen an audio that reveals how we as human beings crave comfort and how that comfort keeps us from understanding the truth of what is going on in the world.
Love – the missing link in gender equality
Children have a true wisdom about gender equality that comes from being loving, yet we seem to separate from this later. What if LOVE is the missing link in gender equality ...
Connection, Love, Gender equality, Essence, Awareness, Brotherhood
The simplicity of true intimacy
Is intimacy something that is confined to the bedroom? Or can true intimacy include much more than this? Every day offers an opportunity to connect with people all around us. Intimate moments are something we can share with many people.
What if reincarnation is true?
How can we know what we know without prior experience or knowledge? Or do we…?
Do you have a fear of singing? Me too.
It is possible to overcome a fear of singing. After a life of being scared to sing, holding back her voice a life changing singing lesson gave Gayle the confidence to find her true voice.
Music, Confidence, Performance anxiety, Connection, Brotherhood, Expression
Human nature and our schooling – examining the purpose of education
Is the purpose of education no longer about right living and more about acquiring skills for a successful life, with little regard for the impact of our choices? The effects of this shift on Education from classical views like Plato’s are concerning and profound.
Harmlessness – our true quality lost in a world at war
The world is at war, no matter which way we look at it. We are retaliating and fighting to ‘protect’ our ‘own’ borders. And yet does the power to end warring and disharmony lie in our very own hands?
Abuse, Awareness, Behaviour, Conflict, Harmony, Tension, Brotherhood, Supremacy
International day of remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade – March 25th 2015
An opportunity for us all to stand up and speak out about the slave trade that continues more than ever today.
Turning a blind eye: 21st Century slavery served for dinner
Here is the crunch – slavery has never ended – as documented in Australia with the migrant workers who pick, pack and process our daily food. There are more slaves in the world today than ever before. How does this correspond with the way we run our personal lives?
Earth calling Mars – Want some irresponsible tenants?
Is Planet Earth a throwaway item; are our relationships dispensable? With our history, could we seriously consider Family Humanity suitable tenants for another unsuspecting planet? But the burning question is, ‘why do we want, or need to, escape this planet?’
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Brotherhood, Harmony, Livingness, Relationships, Supremacy
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Humanity, Anti-social behaviour, Religion, Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Accountability, Livingness, Persecution
Religious freedoms
Do we have true religious freedom in this country - our right to practise freely the religion of our choice without hindrance? What is it that threatens this, our fundamental right?
Religion, Psychology, Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Brotherhood, Persecution
Recalibrating women’s rights and female empowerment through love
Imagine if we regularly produced a health and wellbeing report on society. Would we see progress in terms of achieving greater gender balance and improvement in women’s rights and empowerment – or do we need to broaden the way we look at these subjects before we experience true change?
Serge Benhayon TV – Religion, Co-existence and the Science of Reflection
What is the true nature of religion and how can there ever be a relationship between religion and violence? How we can live together and how does this apply to life through the Science of Reflection.
Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Harmony, Evolution, Brotherhood, Healthy relationships
Accepting all of you
Acceptance is the ability to understand that you’re not perfect but that there is a divinity that can be accepted.
Embracing the hug
When it comes to hugging, do you embrace it or does it scare you to your inner core? A hug can tell us more in three seconds than half an hour of dialogue could ever accomplish.
Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Connection, Expression, Relationships, Tenderness
The difference between peace and harmony
When compared to war peace feels amazing but how we are living is a long way from harmony.
Our future: the unfolding of true men
How can you break the stereotypes society has imposed on men? How can you live a life that you know is true and honouring of yourself, knowing you will most probably be judged or ridiculed?
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Brotherhood, Communication, Expression
Heaven’s Joy – ‘Under the Stars’ album review
The Album ‘Under the Stars’ from Heaven’s Joy brings to sound the grace of true love as a divine expression in brother and sisterhood, reflecting the power of togetherness.
Citizen of the World
What if, greater than anything we get taught or told, we all have a knowing, the ageless wisdom of the universe lying within our essence, within our every atom.
The great difference in a job interview
Read how Steve takes a different approach to conducting interviews that takes out the need to intimidate people.
Livingness, Brotherhood, Career, Competition, Leadership, Returning to work, Self-esteem
The joy of watching a child teach her mother
How often do we see teaching strategies which come from love and equality, and how this approach works in real teaching situations? Teacher, Michael Keppler shares this touching personal account.
Gay men or straight men – Is there a difference?
Find out the answer when we break down what it is to be a man, get past all the protections, all the ideals and the beliefs, and get to the very core within all men. You may be surprised at what you find.
Tenderness, Gay, Culture, Acceptance, Self-worth, Role models, Hardness, Empowerment, Brotherhood
The Merchant of Venice and the ancient grudge
Is The Merchant of Venice ‘the most scandalously problematic of Shakespeare’s plays’, or a powerful, comical, vivacious, colourful expose of the turbulent state of division in which humanity still chooses to live to this current day?
Brotherhood, Religion, Abuse, Persecution, Wisdom, Illusion, Evolution
Shakespeare’s Richard III and The Winter of Our Discontent – a new take
Glorious summer or an insatiable winter of discontent – what will we choose? What made Shakespeare’s King Richard III a best seller of its time and still the most performed play in the 21st century?
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Behaviour, Brotherhood, Corruption, Supremacy
Serge Benhayon on Brexit
The recent Brexit vote in the UK exposes some very deep ills in society. But Serge Benhayon invites us to look even deeper.
“No, I am not a terrorist”. Islamophobia in today’s society.
International media has played a big part in inciting hatred and blame towards Muslims. Muslims around the world have shared how misunderstandings, stereotypes, and hateful rhetoric about their religion has affected their lives, more so in the years since 9/11.
Man up for Saturday football!
Football is a man’s game, so they say, but what does it mean to be a real man; is there within every man something much more meaningful than a love of football?
Do we really have to be competitive to be a man?
What is the purpose of competition except for us to measure ourselves against others? And once this measurement has occurred, why do we keep searching for the next thing to measure? Even when winning we are never satisfied with the result.
Men and abuse – let’s have the conversation
Men have had a long history of being associated with abuse, but can we have a mature conversation about why this might be and how we might be able to change it?
Brotherhood, Bullying, Domestic violence, Healthy relationships, Men's health
Religious un-freedom – the failure to protect human rights in Australia
Do we have religious freedom in the democratic and freedom loving nation of Australia?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Livingness, Persecution, Religion, Universal Medicine
Francis Bacon
A high initiate, working in the upper echelons of the British government, Francis Bacon was a true Renaissance polymath – scientist, jurist, statesman, philosopher, essayist, and much more.
Love and Relationship Audio
A life changing collection of free audio on Love and Relationship – two of our favourite subjects but how much do we really know about them?
Free downloads, Appreciation, Brotherhood, Communication, Dating, Essence, Evolution, Harmony, Intimacy, Love, Relationships, Sex, Valentine's Day, Friendship, Making love
The Cathars
The Cathars – who were they? Far from being an errant branch of Christianity, the Cathars represented the true, Universal, one religion, which has been represented by every world teacher and true master throughout the ages.
Yeshua, by the Christians known as Jesus
Read this revelatory article about Jesus, who was known in his time as Yeshua, and discover what his true purpose was – a far cry from the story the Christian Church made us believe to fit their version of Christianity.
Brotherhood, Christ, Lineage, Religion, Son of God, Miracle, Ageless Wisdom
Consciousness; breaking the human paradigm
Ever wondered what consciousness is, how we interact with it and its purpose? Could we be seeking an explanation of consciousness in all the wrong places and if so, why? And what if human consciousness is not human at all?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Energy, Soul, Technology, Truth
The igniting fuel of purpose
Serge Benhayon presents how we are designed to have purpose in life in our Audio of the Month for July 2023.
The degradation of comparison
In our Audio of the Month for October 2024 Serge Benhayon exposes the truth, harm, poverty and self-abuse behind comparison and where true wealth lays.
What are intentions and beware of good ones
This time of year is full of ‘do-good-ing’ and charitable gestures but what is the energy behind those intentions. Discover the truth about intentions in our Audio of the Month for December 2024.