Topic:Religion SEE ALL TOPICS
The good corporate citizen
Consumer expectation can be a powerful influence for changing corporate behaviour, so don’t we see the same thing with religions?
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
Living who we truly are in everyday life is the Livingness ~ but what does that actually mean?
Unimedpedia, Livingness, Essence, Inner-heart, Ageless Wisdom, Religion
The greatest tool a human being can have in life is the capacity for wonderment. It goes hand-in-hand with innocence, and the capacity to observe life with complete openness, free of preconceived notions, knowledge, sophistication and the greatest impediment to science there is: the need to be right.
Grey suits and lab coats – science is in need of a new renaissance
Science in the western world was once under the control of the Catholic Church. Now it is controlled through finance by government funding agencies, bottom lines and avoidance of risk by private organisations. What effect is this having on the practice of science?
Living religion: a relationship with self, love and God
I used to hate religion and now I love it. Religion for me is fundamentally about love. My religion means taking responsibility for myself, my life and my choices in the knowing that I have within me much more power than I ever realised – and knowing that it starts with my relationship with me.
The Way of Initiation The Development of Energetic Awareness
Numerous influential, old and modern day philosophers and scientists have been seeking to find answers to evolution of the human kind…It took One man to meticulously lay it ALL out for us in this stellar read.
Religion – a separative force or a healing power?
Is religion just a force that separates people and causes division, fighting and war or can it be a power that heals and unifies? What is it that makes the difference? Could the key factor have more to do with us than we realise?
In search of a new evidence base
We seem to be fixated on evidence -based medicine but are missing the one set of criteria that matter the most when testing for efficacy.
Religion, Evidence-based, Harmony, Love, Joy, Truth, Stillness
Have we crucified the butterfly? The war between science and religion
What happens to the light of truth when religion and science declare war on each other?
Living a religious life – connecting with the divine within
Connecting with our Divine essence, and making that connection your way of life, can be done very simply, and then, just lived as an every day experience. If we choose to connect, then we are choosing the original meaning of the word, religion – meaning to re-connect. Religion is simply this – no more and no less. Hence to live a religious life is simply to live in connection with your natural Divinity – the so-much-more, or the Soul.
Living religion: the living practice of connection
For Natalie Benhayon religion is a living practice of connection – anywhere, any time, any place – a practice that is equally available to all.
Evolution and creation, not an either/or, but true religion and true science
The debate over evolution (as per modern science) and creation (as per religion) keeps us distracted from the truth. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings need a good look in on this subject.
What is a religious life – living in equalness
Living religiously is living in the deep knowing that all life is equal – every single human being comes from love, or from God, whether they choose to live this way or not.
Living religion: the magic in my connection
My life is full of magic and wonders. The magic in my life is found in the connection to my own inner self, my essence, my core, to my soul and to God. My religion is a connection inside me, and therefore it is in my every way and everyday.
Religion is being held hostage; I want it back
We have lost true religion, our birthright, and our freedom to explore our relationship with God and the Divine. We want it back!
Religion at work – no temple required
What does it mean to be deeply religious? Does it require special training, clothes, accessories, books, or can anyone be this, in any job?
The Way of The Livingness – It’s My Religion
A religion where there is no preaching, no worshipping, no church to attend but a way of life that supports one to know that they are from God.
Livingness, Religion, Son of God, God, Healthy relationships
God is immanent
God for me is someone deeply felt and deeply known – there is no doubt or question about Him.
Living religion: a relationship with my soul
The moment I wake up, to the moment I put my head on the pillow at the end of the day it is all about my relationship with my Soul. This is my religion, my connection.
"He who casts the first stone"
There is much said about racial vilification and the need for tolerance. This article asks the tough question: who cast the first stone when it comes to racial tension?
Religion, Supremacy, Humanity, Community, Racism, Persecution, Culture
The age of persecution – inquisition, witch hunts and crusades
Inquisitions had existed before but had never been taken to the magnitude of the medieval inquisition sanctioned by the Popes against the Cathars. This compelling article reveals the outplay of a torturous crusade against humanity and the Ageless Wisdom.
Ageless Wisdom, Accountability, Bullying, Religion, Persecution, Reductionism, Supremacy
The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy – A Treatise on Energetic Truth
The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom are easily available today and as relevant as they have always been.
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Serge Benhayon and all of us – portals for truth
Is it possible that every single one of us has the same capacity to speak the truth that Jesus did?
Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Lineage, Livingness, Religion, Philosophy, Son of God
What do Albert Einstein & Serge Benhayon have in common?
“Every so often comes a man who is able to see the universe in a totally ‘new’ way, whose visions upset the very foundation of the world, as we know it.” In 2007 I met one such man.
World Religion Day – but do we know what Religion is?
Have you ever wondered what religion truly means?
Freedom of religion – a token gesture?
Do we really have freedom of religion when we use religion to separate, divide, go to war and commit acts of hatred in the name of God – as such is freedom of religion nothing more than a token gesture?
Returning to a religious way of life
Whether we wait until that life changing moment hits, or whether we decide to look at it sooner, there is the opportunity for us, at all stages in life, to connect to something deeper.
The hand of God
There are many that claim to represent God on earth, but in a world where actions speak louder than words, what action do we see?
The Outlier
The robust study of evidence is a much needed and important aspect to science, yet the statistic tendency to dismiss the outliers can mean that something becomes normal that might be far from normal.
The word Religion has been misrepresented throughout history. The true meaning of this word is not widely known by people, it is very beautiful and not what we think.
The Way of The Livingness is my Religion
Wonderment and innocence were my bedfellows as a child. After years of looking for this awe as an adult, feeling something precious had been lost, I’ve now found it within, where it has been all along, through living a very simple and all-encompassing way of life – which is religious to the bone.
I am a student of The Way of the Livingness
Universal Medicine student Rebecca Baldwin shares what it means to be a student of The Way of the Livingness
Salvation – What’s it all about?
What is salvation? What are we being saved from? Can we save ourselves or do we need someone to save us? Read more to find out what salvation is all about – perhaps it’s not what you think it is.
Carola Woods – ‘Illumine’ album review
Prepare to be seriously rocked by Carola Woods new album ‘Illumine’. It will rock you.
The tangible way of Godliness…
What does it mean to live religiously on a very practical, everyday basis?
Seeing the whole from the heart
Understanding divinity is just the glory of the knowing that we are not the only part – but an equally important part all the same.
What is true religion?
Every religion in the world thinks that their religion is the true religion – but they can’t all be true. Is there such a thing as true religion? Is there a way to understand religion that is universal and when lived makes a true difference to health and well-being?
Religious education: resurrecting the lived application of religious teaching
Religion and the idea of religious education can often turn us off. But if we were to understand the truth of religious teaching, our relationship with the words and what is on offer might well be transformed.
On karma and re-incarnation
“Karma is not by Divine nature bad. It is in fact about love. And, even when it feels it is not love, it still is, for that is what karma is bringing you back to.” ~Serge Benhayon
Evolution, God, Philosophy, Religion, Wisdom, Ageless Wisdom
The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak
Who to blame when we have failed to live up to our intent and instead have given into the temptation of old habits once again – spirit or body? Let´s have a closer look . . .
The oldest religion on earth
Karin Becker explores the truth that The Way of The Livingness is in fact the oldest religion on earth and its lineage never died.
My relationship my religion
The true meaning of religion is to reconnect, to be in relationship, and for Beverley, this means that her whole life is religious, as she connects with herself and all others she meets.
Religion – We are all here together
Are our religious practices supportive of unity or separation? And how do these religious practices have us relating to one another?
If it is not about love then nothing means anything
God is love, hence life is all about being love. We hold this connection and knowing deep inside us and can make it our everyday religion. Religion simply is the direct relationship with the love we come from and are forever part of.
We are God’s Children
If we are God’s Children, then what traits do we carry from such parentage?
Religious tolerance
By allowing tolerance in our lives we accept less than the love that we all are in our essence.
Healing and religion: a true relationship
Did you ever imagine the relationship between healing and religion could be inextricably linked? What is it we have missed then in our understanding of these two words.
Healing, Religion, Healthy relationships, Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Health
World religion day – do we know what religion truly means?
The word Religion has been misrepresented throughout history. The true meaning of this word is not widely known by people, it is very beautiful and not what we think.
The science behind The Way of The Livingness – a relationship with sensitivity and God
Theosophy, faith, reason… so begins the conversation whenever religion is mentioned. But True religion starts with the awakening of our sensitivity…
God doesn’t take sides
Most would agree it is petty to ‘play favourites’, so how can we even begin to entertain the notion that God favours a chosen few?
Religion is a living connection
Religion is a way of living a loving way of life with everyone, with humanity. It is about people . . . about connection
Accessing Multidimensionality: A walk in the park
Is it possible that accessing our multidimensionality is as simple as a walk in the park?
God. It’s a Science.
Do you consider that God and Science are two separate things? Or are they one and the same?
Exposing the evil behind the bastardisation of words
The purpose of Unimedpedia is to bring truth back to words and language. This article exposes why it is so very important and the harmful impact done by corrupting just two words.
Religion and The Way of The Livingness – Audio
A revelatory collection of audios presenting the liberating truth about religion, and the greatly misinterpreted use of this word.
Free downloads, God, Science, Philosophy, Religion, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Prayer
We cannot be without God and Religion
This article explores the topic: losing God and losing my Religion, and asks the question whether that is even possible.
The new genetics and Science of Divine Religion
Why is one person so uniquely different from another? Whatever has originated the extra-human that separates one person from another, it is cunningly intelligent.
Integrity in the midst of the house of lies... The Way of The Livingness
In the midst of our current global crisis, and the multitude of lies and corruption of our society, there is a most powerful example of a loving, healthy and productive way of life that sections of the Media, on the basis of a personal vendetta with no investigation, have wantonly slandered. Why is this?
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Humanity, Anti-social behaviour, Religion, Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Accountability, Livingness, Persecution
Serge Benhayon and Religion – Who is this guy?
Who is this Serge Benhayon guy and what's all this stuff about religion? Is this man simply someone who's committed themselves 100% to not holding back in delivering the truth? A back-row sceptic speaks.
Serge Benhayon and The Living Way
In a world where most people seem to just get through the day, this philosophical approach to life, founded by Serge Benhayon, shows that there is a way to live that is far more enriching for everyone.
Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials, Livingness, Lineage, Religion, Philosophy
We are all one
The responsibility we all hold to be living with and from energetic awareness is set out clearly here. Knowing we are all one comes from connection to Soul rather than from our spirit which can lead us to live unlovingly with ourselves and others, and even to war.
Religious freedoms
Do we have true religious freedom in this country - our right to practise freely the religion of our choice without hindrance? What is it that threatens this, our fundamental right?
Religion, Psychology, Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Brotherhood, Persecution
Ageless Wisdom Audio
The Ageless Wisdom has always been with mankind but we have chosen not to heed it. Are we now ready to consider what it has long been offering us?
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Soul, Essence, Religion, Free downloads
This is Science
Essentially there is Science within all of life.
Never ever have I read any books like the purple books
Living with the books by Serge Benhayon means they live in you, constantly expanding your awareness and bringing understanding to all facets of everyday life.
Religion: What it means to me
Do we know religion innately? What is God to a child, before we are sold society’s various images of Him? One woman on God and Religion.
Religion, Connection, God, Essence, Breath, Presence, Livingness
Hermes Trismegistus
Hermes Trismegistus’ – known as father of the greatest philosophies and religions on earth and the ‘master of masters’ – sole purpose was to accelerate the re-awakening of humanity to the truth of their divinity – ‘If then you do not make yourself equal to God, you cannot apprehend God; for like is known by like.’ Hermes.
The Esoteric – the umbilical cord to God
Could it be that the esoteric, when followed, is our living connection back to the Body of God?
Serge Benhayon TV – Religion, Co-existence and the Science of Reflection
What is the true nature of religion and how can there ever be a relationship between religion and violence? How we can live together and how does this apply to life through the Science of Reflection.
Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Harmony, Evolution, Brotherhood, Healthy relationships
Who stole God from science: Part 1
How, without the technology of today, did the scientists of old come up with amazing insights, discoveries and scientific ideas that reverberate through the ages? This article, the first in a series, offers us the opportunity to reflect on the place of God in science.
What is The Way of The Livingness?
It is a simple, loving way of life based on the original meaning of the word 'religion', which simply means to connect. Connect with the true essence of you, and you naturally connect with the Divine.
The Way of The Livingness
Presenting the religious way, aspects and principles of the Ageless Wisdom.
Mathematics – the science of reflection and vibration
Without diminishing the significance of what mathematics has shown us through its power to measure and produce models of all that we see around us, the question arises: is that it?
Bringing science to life – the true purpose of science
Is the purpose of science to serve humanity in its ever-expanding demand for a better life, a better future, to make it all easier?
Citizen of the World
What if, greater than anything we get taught or told, we all have a knowing, the ageless wisdom of the universe lying within our essence, within our every atom.
All the fuss over a hat
It sounds like the start of a joke, but it could well be the reason for much of the unrest in the world
The three great mistakes of humanity
Three great mistakes have kept humanity spinning around the same problems; maybe its time to admit we were wrong
Einstein – a science unified
We know him as Einstein, a twentieth century genius who revolutionised the science of physics, an eccentric German-born maverick with crazy hair, the man who brought us E=mc2.
Energy, Philosophy, Religion, Responsibility, Universe, Intelligence
I may not be a scientist, but I’ve always been a why-entist
What if all we truly needed to gain a better understanding of ourselves, others and the world we live in was to simply nurture that innate curiosity we engendered as a child, and begin to use the interrogative word WHY to bring a deeper understanding to the true nature of our reality?
The Merchant of Venice and the ancient grudge
Is The Merchant of Venice ‘the most scandalously problematic of Shakespeare’s plays’, or a powerful, comical, vivacious, colourful expose of the turbulent state of division in which humanity still chooses to live to this current day?
Brotherhood, Religion, Abuse, Persecution, Wisdom, Illusion, Evolution
If the word Occult is sacred and all about God and His Ways, how come we changed the meaning to something spooky and sinister?
Esoteric, Essence, God, Illusion, Livingness, Love, Religion, Son of God, Truth, Universe
Waiting for the Messiah
Messiah figures, most religions have them but how does the new religion of the Way of the Livingness approach the idea of a ‘sent one’?
My sister, the wardrobe and the loaded gun
The loaded gun was innocuous, loaded and with a story that casts centuries of the legacy of institutionalised religion.
Serge Benhayon
Throughout the ages there have been those who have come to teach by their living way that we are so much more than human, that we are universal and an integral part of a grand, interconnected whole. The great teacher of the new era of Aquarius is Serge Benhayon.
Lineage, Esoteric, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Cycles, Livingness
Helena Blavatsky
Helena Blavatsky showed that there is no religion higher than truth. She worked with the guiding hand of The Hierarchy to support The Return to our Divine nature, changing the course of world history and averting humanity from a return to the repressive era of the Dark Ages.
Alice Anne Bailey
Alice A. Bailey gradually established a working relationship with the Ascended Master who eventually became known to her as DK or Djwhal Khul; together they inaugurated what DK called the intermediate phase of a greater plan.
Returning Home
Connecting to God (and deeply with ourselves) through the body is part of the energetic journey back Home that everybody will go through, sooner or later. This journey is of a beauty that cannot be done justice to through words, in which we register in total awe the grandness beyond grand, both that we truly are and that has never left us.
Who is the true Henry David Thoreau?
Henry David Thoreau – rarely has there been a writer who can convey such deep philosophy with so few poignantly chosen words. Philosopher, inventor, writer, abolitionist… a polarising figure both during and after his life, he was more a servant to truth than he was to society.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo is called the father of modern science, and rightly so. He was able to advance humanity through his observations and mathematical findings in a time when the Inquisition was still suppressing truth and free expression in Europe.
“No, I am not a terrorist”. Islamophobia in today’s society.
International media has played a big part in inciting hatred and blame towards Muslims. Muslims around the world have shared how misunderstandings, stereotypes, and hateful rhetoric about their religion has affected their lives, more so in the years since 9/11.
Religious un-freedom – the failure to protect human rights in Australia
Do we have religious freedom in the democratic and freedom loving nation of Australia?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Livingness, Persecution, Religion, Universal Medicine
Chris James – ‘One Song One Life’ album review
An instant call to God, Love and Space, this album is an experience of glory lived. Chris’ majestic voice carries you through life’s ‘shifting sands’ into the depths of Divinity.
Who stole God from science: Part 3 – Hypatia – science and divinity as one
There have been many accounts of the life of Hypatia (350-415 AD) much of which is fiction and hearsay. What we do know is that she was a brilliant philosopher, mathematician and wise woman renowned for her teachings on life that she openly shared via the Alexandrian School.
John Dee
One of the foremost mathematicians of his age, and also a deeply religious man, John Dee straddled the worlds of Science and Occult Philosophy before they became distinguishable.
Alchemy, Science, Philosophy, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Lineage
The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom: “Leonardo Da Vinci’s Greatest Gift”
Leonardo da Vinci seeded forth the new era in Science, Religion and Philosophy.
Forgive them for they know not what they do
There is a saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, so what is the difference that could really make a difference?
The Rosicrucians
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
Religion, Lineage, Philosophy, Son of God, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, God, Livingness, Spirit, Soul
Hypatia – A Universal Role Model
Hypatia, the great teacher, scientist, mathematician and philosopher, lived a way of life that was in connection to the universal all. She was a universal role model and inspiration for men and women alike.
Yeshua, by the Christians known as Jesus
Read this revelatory article about Jesus, who was known in his time as Yeshua, and discover what his true purpose was – a far cry from the story the Christian Church made us believe to fit their version of Christianity.
Brotherhood, Christ, Lineage, Religion, Son of God, Miracle, Ageless Wisdom
Plato was a student of Socrates and part of the Pythagorean lineage. To this day, his famous Allegory of the Cave still inspires philosophers and students across the globe with its wisdom and truth about the way humanity is living.
Zoroaster (in Persian, Zarathushtra)
A great Persian teacher whose role it was to shine light on the source of our ignorance and the ‘shimmering illusions’ offered by the astral plane – the shadows that keeps us in darkness and separate from our Soul.
Immortalised as the God of Healing in Ancient Egypt, Imhotep was also a revered priest and scientist, a political figure and architect of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara. It is the quality that Imhotep lived rather that what he did that brought his connection to the Universal All to the world.
Full circle to the truth
The first time I was introduced to anything spiritual was when we visited my great aunt’s place when I was nine years old. She was renowned in the town where they lived for reading the cards and being very accurate in her foretelling.
Shining a light on the BIG questions of life
If you want answers to the Big Questions that we ask about the meaning of life, this is the book for you. Through the art of parables we gain insight into the simplicity and grandness behind the seeming complications we so readily subscribe to in daily life.
The Body: Our Temple
What if we were to consider the body more as a sacred temple to honour than a convenient vehicle to carry us around?
Victoria Warburton
Deep religiosity speaks of the innate Oneness of all humanity. This is the purpose that moves the divine Victoria Warburton through the expression of music.
‘Divinity Is Birthed’ by Victoria Warburton - album review
If you were ever in doubt about our divine origins, if you ever felt lost, caught up in the chaos of the world, or struck by a hurt, then these ten tracks will serve as your guiding light.