Topic:Testimonials SEE ALL TOPICS
Every recipe is a favourite
A testimonial on Bridging Foods by an appreciative reader and frequent user.
Living religion: a relationship with self, love and God
I used to hate religion and now I love it. Religion for me is fundamentally about love. My religion means taking responsibility for myself, my life and my choices in the knowing that I have within me much more power than I ever realised – and knowing that it starts with my relationship with me.
Books that don’t ask me to be different
A testimonial by Mariette Reineke about Serge Benhayon’s books.
The wisdom in every man, woman and child
A testimonial on Serge Benhayon’s The Way It Is.
Everything I ever need to know is just there
A testimonial about The Way It Is, the first of Serge Benhayon’s books.
True love, wisdom and intelligence
Testimonial by Dianne Trussell on An Open Letter to Humanity.
In a nutshell – going deeper into the truth of who I am
Serge Benhayon’s books have been the chief source of reading that has supported a new quality of life as a call to go even deeper into the truth about who I am
Answers found within
Serge Benhayon's books supported Lorraine to understand that the answers are always found within.
Serge Benhayon's books have a deeply stilling effect on the body and being
Serge Benhayon’s series of books invite you to get a deeper understanding of yourself and discover your higher mind.
The true power in reading Serge Benhayon's books
All my life it has been my wish to feel love for all equally. With the help of these books I found my way of living this – ever practicing!
Have fun with the Ageless Wisdom
Katherine Jones is sharing the various ways in which she has approached reading the book
Serge Benhayon says it just how It Is, straight from the heart. Like it or not.
This is a book that takes us back to simplicity and a life of true Truth.
In truth there can only be one truth – as truth is truth.
A passage about Truth in 'An Open Letter to Humanity' has touched me deeply. Let me share why ...
The whole book is now for me like a living instrument that guides, explains, invites
Whenever I pick up one of the books that Serge Benhayon has written, I am stopped in my tracks by one sentence or another.
There is this constant amazing feeling of returning to myself
Every time I open the book magic happens.
A life changing experience
Each paragraph can change your life, provide you with a deeper awareness of how things actually are, and confirm something that you have always known.
I would not give these books up for anything
Serge Benhayon’s books are a priceless gift and support in my development.
Every time I connect with these books I am learning something more about me
These works are a truly inspiring and foundational blueprint for life.
The more I integrate this book, the more is revealed
Reading these books has been a life changing experience.
Reconnecting with life truly through ‘The Way It Is’
I found my way back to what true life is, and who I truly am – who we all truly are - whilst reading ‘The Way It Is” by Serge Benhayon.
It is as though what I read has been written just for me ...
Serge Benhayon books offer an ever unfolding wisdom to the world about the deepest issues of our time. From the biggest question to the smallest wondering nothing is left untouched.
Personal development – the many paths of not finding me
A reader’s journey from the discomfort of ruffled feathers to her own inner truth.
Nursing, me and Serge Benhayon
A mini-story, presenting how knowing Serge Benhayon has inspired the development of self-care and has made the transition to full-time work joyful.
Work life balance, Returning to work, Self-love, Testimonials, Shift work, Ill health
Living religion: the living practice of connection
For Natalie Benhayon religion is a living practice of connection – anywhere, any time, any place – a practice that is equally available to all.
Religion – it’s all about the body
What role does our body play in religion? Is it only for applying rituals? Or is there much more to be aware of? Read on and find out how religion is actually all about the body as a whole – and what awaits you right there within your inner-most self.
Knowing divinity through my body
My divinity is something very tangible – I know that I am divine through my body. It is an experience of living in connection.
Living religion: the magic in my connection
My life is full of magic and wonders. The magic in my life is found in the connection to my own inner self, my essence, my core, to my soul and to God. My religion is a connection inside me, and therefore it is in my every way and everyday.
No boring line in this book
Have you ever wondered why we have time and what its true purpose is?
The most profound read in a long time
I had never read anything like it, in fact after I had finished it I started to read it again...
Books that leave no stone unturned
The books by Serge Benhayon are like no others; they last a lifetime, are never finished and done and continue to inspire.
Living religion: a relationship with my soul
The moment I wake up, to the moment I put my head on the pillow at the end of the day it is all about my relationship with my Soul. This is my religion, my connection.
Gentle Breath Meditation® – there is nothing else like it!
Serge Benhayon inspiring others to connect back to themselves.
Gentle breath, Meditation, Yoga, Body awareness, Connection, Testimonials
Standing solid in truth, love and tenderness
Serge Benhayon – a rock, a man who offers truth in love – God's Messenger.
A new level of productivity
A testimonial on the inspiration of the productivity of Serge Benhayon.
Work life balance, Work stress, Universal Medicine, Vitality, Testimonials
The gift that keeps on giving!
Christina Caplice shares how Serge Benhayon’s book The Way It Is became her own personal bestseller.
I knew I had found truth again
Shelley Jones shares how The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth showed her Truth.
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Connection, Inner-heart, Testimonials
A book for everyday use
A testimonial for Book 5 of Serge Benhayon’s series of books
In our inner-heart and body we are all the same
Testimonial by Susan Wilson on Serge Benhayon’s book, 'The Way of Initiation'.
What is time?
How is your relationship with time? If you are feeling stressed and pressed for time it may appear very fast, but when feeling harmonious, still and present it can appear super slow.
Books that are mighty and rich in truth
Books that offer a deep insight into how things work in daily life, how we are affected and what responsibility we have to live our lives.
Quenching an insatiable thirst
These books offer a potential for transformation because they remind you who you are and inspire you to return to that.
The beginning of wonderful changes in my life
For nearly three years now, I've been reading Serge Benhayon's series of books. With every page I turned I could not deny the truth of what I'd read.
Right to the point, down to earth and honest
Karen Adams speaks about her experience reading Serge Benhayon’s books
I got to see how the choices I make for myself impact me
Tools are provided that are simple & practical, useful on a daily basis.
Recipes that truly nurture us
A testimonial about Bridging Foods and its many benefits.
Esoteric Teachings & Revelations – something worth reading
A Testimonial on Esoteric Teachings and Revelations.
Why things are the way they are
Serge Benhayon’s books help me understand how and why things are as they are. Taking responsibility in all I do and lovingly expressing how I feel can change the world, one step at a time.
Esoteric Teachings and Revelations – An oracle for life
A testimonial on Book 7, Esoteric Teachings and Revelations by Shevon Simon.
An intelligence that, perhaps, is not so intelligent
An Open Letter to Humanity – A testimonial by Kerstin Salzer.
No longer foreign, but a real part of me
A testimonial from Suzanne Anderssen on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon.
The Gentle Breath Meditation®: it’s so simple
People share how the Gentle Breath Meditation® is so simple, easy to learn and can be done anywhere.
Serge Benhayon’s books – a lifetime study
Serge Benhayon’s books impart truth and sincerity and reawakened the knowing of what Ingrid Langenbruch had always known to be true but not found elsewhere.
I was being shown something bigger so I kept reading …
Ray Karam shares how ‘The Way It Is’ changed the way he felt about books and how he just kept reading.
With each read I find new depths that I didn't see before
A sharing of the inspiration that is received from reading all of Serge Benhayon’s books
Living life fully and simply
A testimonial by Susan Lee on Serge Benhayon’s book The Living Sutras of the Hierarchy.
Books for a desert island
These books are perfect for a lifetime on a desert island. They never cease to inspire and support us to see more, be more, feel more and love more.
From holding myself back to wonderful changes
Serge Benhayon's books present a profound philosophical journey, cutting through the confusion of life to offer a simple basic way of living that I consider very beneficial and worthwhile.
Outpourings from Heaven
Testimonial about The Way of Initiation
Seeing life from a wider perspective
An Open Letter to Humanity is like a friend, who accompanies me in life
Taking a moment with the Gentle Breath Meditation®
Have you ever felt like there aren’t enough hours in the day? Discover how a few minutes with the Gentle Breath Meditation® created space and stillness in the busy lives of these people.
Meditation, Testimonials, Connection, Breath, Healthy living
I like these books – everything fits together and makes sense
Areas or questions that I had previously struggled with are now understood in a bigger picture where nothing is left out.
'The Way It Is' has helped me deepen my understanding about myself, life and humanity
I have re-read this book several times over the years, and each time I've read it it’s like reading a new book.
The Livingness before and afters
Embracing the principles of the Way of The Livingness has transformed the lives of people the world over. These before and afters speak for themselves
The Gentle Breath Meditation® at work
A surgeon, air traffic controller, nurse, chef, teacher and others share how they enjoy, use and benefit from the Gentle Breath Meditation® at work.
The Way of The Livingness is my Religion
Wonderment and innocence were my bedfellows as a child. After years of looking for this awe as an adult, feeling something precious had been lost, I’ve now found it within, where it has been all along, through living a very simple and all-encompassing way of life – which is religious to the bone.
A changed attitude to life – no more feelings of deep grief
A testimonial by Julie Matson on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon
These sayings are simple and yet so profound
Each time I open up this book I am presented with a Wisdom, a Wisdom from the Halls of Heaven.
Where had the time gone? What is time? Does it slow down then speed up?
I didn't want the flight to end and kept reading until the doors were opened to disembark.
Seeing the whole from the heart
Understanding divinity is just the glory of the knowing that we are not the only part – but an equally important part all the same.
Benefits of the Gentle Breath Meditation®
It’s quick, healthy, I get peace of mind, more space, less pressure, no more panic attacks, refreshed, centred, less stress, joyful… just some of the benefits these Gentle Breath meditators have shared.
Gentle Breath Meditation® in daily life
"With over 20 years of meditation under my belt, I was nothing short of amazed ...." Read testimonials from people who have included these techniques into their daily life and are experiencing profound and lasting benefits.
Living by our love, not from the head
A testimonial about The Living Sutras of The Hierarchy
A Treatise on Consciousness – evolution, what is it really about?
It was like a click... an aha! moment that with it brought so many more realisations and questions.
‘Serge's Books’ are a form of medicine
They are a form of medicine that can be lived, reflected on and pondered on.
Connection, Soul, Wisdom, Medicine, Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials
I can make my life one of truth
No longer do I need to seek for anything to save me or take any anguish away.
Esoteric, Love, Gay, God, Testimonials
Serge Benhayon’s books have deepened my understanding of the truth about life
Reading in any of the books deepens my understanding of the truth about life and the choices I make every day.
This is a perpetual inheritance, to be passed down through the generations
This book lovingly offers a way for humanity to take responsibility for our way of living – offering us a way to short circuit the necessary corrections.
This book has become part of my daily rhythm and this is a huge support
Bianca Barban describes how Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy, the Sayings has become a part of her daily rhythm and a huge support in her life.
Ageless Wisdom, Harmony, Healing, Wisdom, Testimonials, Inner-heart
If it is not about love then nothing means anything
God is love, hence life is all about being love. We hold this connection and knowing deep inside us and can make it our everyday religion. Religion simply is the direct relationship with the love we come from and are forever part of.
A life changing story about Serge Benhayon’s purple books
The Way of Initiation; I literally could not put this book down and read it day and night. Every page I read felt like I was being held by a very close friend.
Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Philosophy, The Hierarchy, Expression, Testimonials
True philosophy and true religion – this is it
Maryline Decompoix shares her experience of reading The Way It Is
A ‘chance’ meeting – Serge Benhayon
A ‘chance’ meeting at a family event and a conversation that struck a chord with me led to an authentic friendship that opened up life and inspired me for years to come.
Soul, Truth, Wisdom, Role models, Constellations, Testimonials
Learning from those who have walked the path a little further
A testimonial that goes right to the heart of the matter and reminds us of our divine origins.
What was today’s lesson?
Two books that help us understand why things happen and make us aware of the true science of living our lives successfully and in connection to our Soul.
Burnout, disillusionment, pneumonia and finding Serge Benhayon
Meeting Serge Benhayon was truly life changing; he is unfaltering in his inspiration ...
Vitality, Work life balance, Universal Medicine, Well-being, Testimonials, Ill health, Sickness, Burnout
Serge Benhayon and The Living Way
In a world where most people seem to just get through the day, this philosophical approach to life, founded by Serge Benhayon, shows that there is a way to live that is far more enriching for everyone.
Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials, Livingness, Lineage, Religion, Philosophy
Gentle Breath Meditation®: it’s life changing
Sleeping better, reduced stress and anxiety, becoming more vital and productive - yes please! The simplest of breathing techniques has changed these people’s lives.
Learning to read again
The more at ease I felt within myself, the more I enjoyed reading 'The Way It Is'.
The Teacher of All Teachers
There are qualities of a true teacher that can only be confirmed by feeling it for yourself. Serge Benhayon, through his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and the consistency and beauty of his lived way, will one day be known in the hearts of man to be the teacher of all teachers.
Testimonials, Teachers, Soul, Esoteric, Education, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
Using The Gentle Breath Meditation® to connect
Find out why so many people swear by these ten minute techniques as a powerful tool for simply coming back to themselves.