Books that are mighty and rich in truth

Books that are mighty and rich in truth
I was never a book reader until I came across the purple books written by Serge Benhayon. They touched me in a different way than any book ever before.
The writings – be it sayings, quotes, paragraphs or one-liners – have inspired me to look more deeply into why things occur in life and my relationship with it.
I would normally find reading a book boring and it would make me feel heavy-headed, but these books have a totally different effect on me. I feel more clear and open-minded after reading them ... it is like opening up a treasure of wisdom I have always known. Even though I might have not been aware of this wisdom for a long time, I am opening up my heart to feel what I know from inside. Never is it knowledge I read in these books, but simple truths that leave the reader free to observe, feel and choose. Never do I feel heavy-headed afterwards; actually, I am inspired to accept and confirm the wisdom I seemingly have within – a universal mind.
For me these books offer a deep insight to how things work in life, how we are affected and what responsibility we have to live our lives.
The eight purple books (their number continues to grow) that are available are each different, yet sharing the same over and over again – in a way that becomes more understandable with each new read … at least that’s what I find.
The purple books are the books of wisdom; it is like opening a bible, yet they do not tell you what to do or what not to do. They just offer the reader to understand more about themselves, others and life.
I can read these books any moment in my day; they help me to re-connect to myself, to what I know to be true, when I am feeling a little off, or when I doubt myself. These books are mighty and rich in truth – I would recommend them to everyone!
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