Book 3, The Way of Initiation, is not your usual ivory tower kind of fare for an exclusive circle of aspiring or accomplished hermits, travellers of faraway lands, frequenters of ashrams in earnest search of themselves and enlightenment or even those who have turned their back on life and the many complications, hurdles and stumbling blocks that it continually and invariably throws up.
And yet, The Way of Initiation – The Development of Energetic Awareness is of course for all of us regardless of how we have either interpreted and tried to live the process of initiation or shelved it as something too far out there, utterly irrelevant and nonsensical. Initiation in its modern day form and under this third impress by the Hierarchy (the third impress in under 200 years) is about the fact that we are forever evolving. And no matter how hard we might try and counter the fact, deep down we all know that there is more to us than our mundane trials and tribulations, the exhaustion, the seeming lack of time or the absence of meaning and shallowness that can pervade our relationships and our culture. And thus, initiation is a daily lived and purposeful engagement with everything that life brings whilst we develop our energetic awareness, an ability we are all born with and that never goes away, no matter how deeply we bury it.