Topic:Anxiety SEE ALL TOPICS
When exam stress becomes a matter of life and death: The effect of exams on student health and wellbeing
True intelligence springs from a healthy mind and body. Stress has a significant effect on mental health and physical well-being. Are we putting our students’ well-being first? Or, in the drive for academic achievement, are we leaving self-care, loving relationships and a healthy body behind?
Competition, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Well-being, Intelligence
Drinking alcohol is not good for you . . . trust me, I’m a doctor
I am a doctor, so I cannot show you my face or use my name on this article, but I wanted to write it to bring home the point that drinking alcohol really is not good for you.
Understanding anxiety and replenishing a woman's self-worth
Globally the rates of anxiety amongst women have become increasingly seen as ‘normal’. How can this situation be turned around so that women regain a sense of their self-worth and self-confidence?
My miraculous life
In the 1980’s, in amongst the fog and the haze of my intense drug and alcohol addiction, a very sweet and loving 12 year old asked me, ‘Why do you do this to yourself, Deb?’
Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety, Miracle, Self-empowerment, Universal Medicine
What is addiction and why do we become addicted?
Explanation of addiction and the abuse of substances or activities as a way of self-medicating against life.
Addiction, Gambling, Depression, Anxiety, Connection, Awareness, Relationships
Learning to express our feelings - part 1
Have we become disconnected from being able to express our feelings? Healthy relationships flourish when people express their feelings. We have to feel our feelings before we can express them.
Getting real or still dreaming about paradise?
Can this be it? What kind of society would we really love to live in? Does the answer lie in constructing our idea of ‘paradise on earth’ or is there more to it?
Illusion, Harmony, Anxiety, Gentle breath, Philosophy, Son of God
Feeling like the hole in the doughnut
Feeling Like The Hole in the Doughnut is a negative thought that can only be felt when you feel disconnected to who you really are.
What do our quick fixes actually do to us?
A discussion on what are quick fixes, the concept of symptom matching and the possibility of finding true healing.
Time and our perception of it
What if time itself doesn’t move? Serge Benhayon asks us to consider that a tension is created in our body when we try to keep up with something that we have perceived as getting away from us. Could this explain why so many of us have an issue with time?
Time, Stress, Tension, Philosophy, Anxiety, Awareness, Presence
Knowing yourself by your quality first
In our August 2016 Audio of the Month Natalie Benhayon presents the importance of knowing yourself first by the quality you hold within and how moving with this quality allows you to know what to do.
From feeling anxious and stressed to going with the flow
I have never really thought of myself as an anxious person, but I was certainly stressed for a lot of my life, so much so that I ended up with a hyperactive thyroid in 2002, which affected my major muscles including my heart, giving me atrial fibrillation for the rest of my life.
What is a hurt . . . and how do hurts relate to dieting and losing weight?
This article posits that it is our hurts that can cause us to overeat or to eat unhealthy foods.
The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth
Is there more to us and to life than meets the eye; how did we get here and where are we going?
Marijuana – not as harmful as alcohol?
When I realised how alcohol was affecting me, I started to look for another drug. Marijuana was readily available, cheap and did not impact on my behaviour in the same way alcohol did, or so I thought at the time.
Anxiety in relationships
Are we living with increased anxiety and being oblivious to how this is affecting our relationships?
Anxiety, Conscious presence, Feelings, Healing, Relationship problems
Serge Benhayon TV – Understanding the Beingness that Constitutes the Human Being
Serge Benhayon and Rebecca Baldwin (previously Asquith) explore anxiety and how the gap between the human and the human being is contributing to anxiety, mental health issues and an array of challenges.
Performance anxiety – an everyday experience?
Is performance anxiety an everyday experience that is simply a stronger manifestation of the stress we are living with all the time? Do we unconsciously set our children up to live with this tension from their earliest years?
Performance anxiety, Conscious presence, Body awareness, Confidence, Anxiety
From smoking marijuana to breathing life
The 70’s was the era of sex, drugs and rock‘n’roll, and there was plenty of it to go around. Getting stoned, going dancing and having sex with a stranger became the norm.
Psychology Audio
Is there more to life than meets the eye? Yes there is! This collection of audios offers us a deeper understanding of everyday life and how to be with and live in it.
Psychology, Relationships, Acceptance, Anxiety, Appreciation, Confidence, Empowerment, Essence
Chakra-Puncture turned my life around
In this honest and powerful account of facing what is often a challenging time for many people, Heather Pope shares how with the support of Chakra-puncture she experienced a complete U-turn to living a joyful and purposeful life.
Fertility, Healing, Connection, Stillness, Anxiety, Practitioner
A changed attitude to life – no more feelings of deep grief
A testimonial by Julie Matson on The Way It Is by Serge Benhayon
True philosophy and true religion – this is it
Maryline Decompoix shares her experience of reading The Way It Is
Paddling like the dickens in hospitality
The hot-headed chef is a well known icon, but how truly hospitable is the hospitality industry that prizes keeping up appearances over all else?
Self-empowerment, Self-love, Stress, Shift work, Anxiety, Connection
Anxious much?
Anxious much? How anxiety could be affecting your physical health and the one simple thing you can do about it.
Anxiety and expression . . . are they related?
Anxiety and expression; are they linked? Tanya Curtis discusses how one of our major causes for anxiety is a person not feeling safe to express.
The price of being the berry on the blancmange
A personal and insightful article about healing from the anxiety of being controlled by the smothering demands of a needy mother.
Anxiety, Awareness, Feelings, Healing, Psychology, Relationships
Anxiety and being a man
This article explores the anxiety related to being a man, and how important it is for boys, teens and men to feel safe to express how they are feeling and experiencing life.
Beating Anxiety Gentle Breath Meditation®
Meditation, Breath, Connection, Anxiety, Stress, Conscious presence
Riding the Breath Gentle Breath Meditation®
Meditation, Connection, Breath, Gentleness, Stress, Anxiety, Conscious presence
Before and after my anxiety
I have come a long way with my anxiety. It was such a part of my identity that I didn’t know if it was possible for me to let it go, I thought it was who I was. But I’m realising now that not only is it possible, but so much more than that is possible.
Esoteric Yoga – yoga for our world today
For many in our world today, stress and anxiety are commonplace. We have lost the ability to be still and know what this is. Esoteric Yoga is a modality that returns us to the divine quality of stillness within.
Marijuana and Me
My first experience with marijuana happened at the age of 15. The group of friends I hung out with all came from unhappy backgrounds, as did I, and so the alcohol that I’d begun drinking at 14 was never enough to quench my thirst so to speak and I wanted to try dope, as did my girlfriends.
Miracles and Alcoholics
Mum has been an alcoholic for as long as I remember and I never in my wildest dreams thought that she would be able to stop, but miracles do happen!
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
Addiction, Anxiety, Confidence, Drugs, Connection, Hurt, Healing, Alcohol, Gentle breath
Before and After I stopped smoking weed
Smoking weed, marijuana or ganja, whatever you want to call it, was normal in my family. It was just as normal as smoking cigarettes, it was around me all the time growing up, it was socially accepted and never hidden, so I thought it was just what you do.
The train wreck we call ‘art’: music and our responsibility as a global family
Defending music at all costs as the reality of a life is ignored – how did this become ok? On Mary Forsberg’s letter about the life and death of rock star Scott Weiland.
Death, Drugs, Alcohol, Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, Musicians
Alcohol abuse – a 360° turnaround
How do we go from being repulsed by alcohol as a child, then addicted in our late teens, to then having no attraction to alcohol later in life?
From choosing to be invisible to letting myself be seen
‘When I first started working in the fashion industry I worked as an invisible person. I would produce work that was highly recognised but no one knew who I was.’
A good night’s sleep
We all have some idea that we need a good night’s sleep in order to wake up feeling refreshed in the mornings, but for many of us this is not our reality as we often fall into bed at night exhausted and wake up with the same feeling of exhaustion we went to bed with.
Trying to fit into the body image of the world just didn't work!
In this audio Matt Paul shares how being underweight as a man can attract the same discrimination as being overweight, and how weight is a factor in determining the ideal male body.
A personal account of addictions
Deborah McBride shares how she healed her drug and alcohol addiction. Why is that we reach out for something outside of us to dull ourselves from what life brings and we think we cannot cope with: why are alcohol and drugs such an enticing option and how do we kick addiction to the kerb?
Anxiety and a ‘good’ life
I used to be very anxious. As a young woman I tried to be a ‘good’ person and live a ‘good’ life, taking on certain behaviours that I now see were my attempts to cope with anxious thoughts and feelings.
An ever-complicating system
Is our ever-complicating education system truly preparing our young people for the world of work?
Gentle Breath Meditation®: it’s life changing
Sleeping better, reduced stress and anxiety, becoming more vital and productive - yes please! The simplest of breathing techniques has changed these people’s lives.
OCD or the real me
When I was eleven a lot was going on in my life including serious illness in my family, and I also started senior school. Soon after I started compulsively washing my hands in every break, for the whole break.
The lifestyle bubble and the curse upon men
Serge Benhayon first introduced the lifestyle bubble in 2012. What is it, and what has it to do with connecting to the heart of the everyman?
Competition, Depression, Lifestyle, Men's health, Anxiety, Tenderness
Sun Shining Through
Looking outside for the ‘fix’ in life, to relieve the tension between her and the world, only to find it through connecting to the stillness within.
Making loving choices: the intelligence of the heart
A video clip of Psychotherapist Jean Gamble presenting on how anxiety restricts access to the heartspace at the 2013 Psychological Wellbeing Conference.
Work, mothering and female empowerment part 1 – where are we truly at?
As women, it seems we have made considerable progress towards attaining greater gender equality, work-life balance and female empowerment. But how much has really changed, and at what cost?
Empowerment, Parenting, Work life balance, Gender equality, Anxiety
Healthy body healthy mind
Taking time to love your body can lead to a healthy mind which means less critical thoughts. Love the body and the mind will follow.
Health, Mindfulness, Therapies, Love, Anxiety, Depression, Feelings, Breath
How to support mothers in dealing with anxiety
Have you noticed the way that anxiety is creeping into the mothering sphere more regularly these days? Let’s consider taking a fresh approach for understanding mothers experiencing anxiety!
Anxiety, Motherhood, Parenting, Pregnancy, Performance anxiety
Teenage aggressive bullying, breaking the cycle of abuse.
There are many parents who are living with aggressive, angry and abusive teenagers. However, this is not who they actually are. Many teenage boys don’t know how to be themselves as they try to fit in with everything around them.
Bullying, Love, Abuse, Connection, Role models, Anxiety, Hurt, Depression
Expression is everything – feeling anxious much?
Expression is everything – when one does not feel safe to express they are constantly feeling anxious, trying to hold their expression in.
What if we gave children the space to develop at their own pace?
It can be easy for parents to become anxious about their child’s early development, but what if we gave children the space to learn in their own time?
Education, Parenting, Children, Acceptance, Anxiety, Raising children, School
How can Esoteric Yoga help with feeling tired, exhausted, stressed and anxious?
Feeling anxious, tired, exhausted or stressed are common conditions we either live with to varying degrees or have encountered at some point in our lives. This audio explores how Esoteric Yoga supports the body to become calm, rested and still, building resilience to these common symptoms.
From feeling anxious to meeting another in stillness
Are you anxious around other people? Read one woman’s experience of doing away with anxiousness in her day to day life.
What is Yoga?
What does Yoga mean in today’s world?
Yoga, Soul, Awareness, Anxiety, Connection, Presence, Exhaustion
"Stronger" – Glorious Music Video
A song for everyone, ‘Stronger’ presents an inspiring message supporting girls and women to choose the inner strength that exists within them, to deal with the pressures faced in our world today.
Appreciation, Empowerment, Music videos, Anxiety, Relationships, Rejection, Free downloads
Psychotherapist Jean Gamble speaks about Anxiety
Watch this short video on the cause of anxiety. It can help to revisit the feelings from the trauma or terror and know you can survive them.
Abuse, Anxiety, Confidence, Emotions, Feelings, Healing, Overwhelm
Hot Dogs, Men & Self-Care
Who is the expert on self-care when a ‘hot’ dog and a ‘hot’ man are faced with a rather hot and sticky situation?
The classroom of life
Tanya Curtis explores our two key roles of being a forever student and a forever teacher of life in what she calls the classroom of life.
Competition or connection: What are students really learning?
We often use the phrase ‘healthy competition’ but how ‘healthy’ is it? What if children are receiving another message from the pressure of ‘winning and striving to be the best’, that has a significant impact on their wellbeing?
Anxiety, Connection, Relationships, Self-esteem, Teamwork, Teachers
Students, teachers and the pressure to achieve: Have we got it back-to-front?
Teachers and students are under increasing pressure to achieve results and outcomes. Do we consider the impact that this pressure is having?
Toddler Tantrums: Is my tantrumming child naughty … or could it be anxiety?
Tantrums, unwanted behaviours and anxiety. Could they be linked? Could anxiety be a contributor to my child’s unwanted behaviour or are they just naughty?
We are not our hurts
We are not the hurts we have experienced but are whole and healthy beings who can live with joy. Read Jean’s article on letting go of our hurts.
Confidence, Relationships, Love, Anxiety, Rejection, Abuse, Connection, Hurt
Eating when we are anxious: is anxiety making me fat?
Read how one person stopped overeating and eating unhealthy foods when she was feeling anxious
Over eating, Anxiety, Fat, Losing weight, Stress, Tension, Weight
Tick tock tick tock: time = tension
As I cast my eyes back over the many years of my life, it is now so very clear that one of the biggest triggers of tension in my life has been time and my relationship with it.
The anxiety epidemic
Recognising anxiety in the body; how can I support myself?
Anxiety, Awareness, Healing, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress
What causes anxiousness?
What is anxiousness is the question we ask in our July audio of the month. So many people are living in anxiousness which is exhausting. What causes anxiousness and how are we able to free ourselves from this way of living?
Yoga of life – to rush or not to rush?
Does it feel like life is one long ‘to do’ list that never seems to end – trying to beat the clock to get it all done? What if there is an innate rhythm of stillness within our body that inspires a quality of movement very different to rushing, bringing a steady presence to our life?
What is the Gentle Breath Meditation®?
The Gentle Breath Meditation® can be done anywhere and is simple to introduce into the rhythm of daily life as a point of re-connecting, restoring inner harmony and as a balance for the external pressures of life.
Meditation, Connection, Breath, Gentleness, Stress, Anxiety, Healthy living
Anxiety and suicide in the music industry... why?
Isn’t music meant to be relaxing, mood inspiring, uplifting? And yet we are seeing suicide rates in the music industry spiral. What does it take to keep the creative juices running and the audiences happy in an industry known for its ‘make or break’ mentality?
Suicides, the health profession and dentistry
We look to the health profession and dentists for wellbeing leadership and we get – very high rates of suicide!
Holding my breath
Looking back over my life I am convinced that I was in anxiousness the moment I was born, but in truth it probably began before the day I arrived in this world.
The self-neglect in self-care
Self-care is NOT just personal care or the pampering you see as the ‘fluff’ promoted in many women’s magazines.
If my self-care is on point, why don’t I feel great?
So, you’ve got your self-care routine nailed, but you feel exhausted, anxious, out of sorts, reactive or your relationship is not on track. Perhaps something is missing...
Feeling like a fake
Let’s turn imposter syndrome on its head
Good girl or nice girl
There are good girls and there are nice girls: are you going to be a good girl, or are you going to be a nice girl?
Ever reacted? This fun, practical, revelatory conversation is for you!
Have you ever felt how harmful and exhausting reactions are? Would you like to free yourself from the chains and imposition of reactions? This wonderful audio conversation covers that and more.
Anxiety, Behaviour, Emotions, Livingness, Relationships, Responsibility
The tender man – a woman’s observations
Women claim to want a sensitive and tender man, but do we?
Reclaiming our mental health
Ill mental health has become the norm these days despite a concerted effort to find solutions. Isn’t it time that we broadened the scope of how we understand the whole concept of mental health and wellbeing?
Justified and Ancient: unearthing the roots of human insecurity
We live in a highly manipulated, insecure world, where justification of who and what we are is mandatory and normalised.
The harm of nervous system based intelligence
In our Audio of the Month for May 2024 Serge Benhayon provides a simple explanation on how we set ourselves up to interpret life a certain way through our nervous system and its impact on us.
The set up of anxiousness and hardening
If you have ever felt anxious or found yourself going into the protection of hardening our Audio of the Month for March 2025 is a must listen.