My life – discovering that there is so much more
‘I feel I have completed the circle’ – from experiencing near death to truly living in my body. A story of discovering that there is so much more to life and death.
Re-incarnation and Karma – punishment or ultimate love?
What if all that we do, say and think in this life, leaves a trail which, if not true or if harmful to others in any way, and or is disharmonious to the universe in general, needs to be re-balanced via the Law of Karma and Reincarnation?
Cancer – why me?
Why do I have cancer? A common question that medicine has not been able to answer. Could the answer require understanding who we truly are?
Cancer, Health conditions, Love, Wisdom, Ill health, Sickness, Death, Inflammation
Bridging Foods – My body clearly told me to stop eating gluten and dairy
Sally Scott describes what led her to change her diet to gluten and dairy free and how Bridging Foods was conceived.
Our choices do influence how we die
We will all die at some point, so how we die should be of profound interest to us … right? Let's start the conversation.
Death, Palliative care, Passing over, Appreciation, Ageing, Healthy living
Purpose at any age
A book of stories from men and women in their 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s who show us we are far from useless as we age; they prove that life can be full of purpose in our elder years.
What if we see people instead of numbers when we look at cancer statistics?
UK cancer talk week – Serge Benhayon lays tribute to the UK and how they make available statistics about what is really going on.
Cancer, Family, Ill health, Health conditions, Humanity, Palliative care, Passing over, Death, Breast cancer
The way we are living is killing us
We consider illness and disease to be ‘bad’ but the way we are living is killing us, albeit slowly. What if they are messages from your body calling you back to being truly caring and loving of yourself?
Health conditions, Lifestyle, Healing, Heart disease, Emotions, Death
Lifestyle diseases (the way we live)
Lifestyle diseases account for 80% of all major chronic illness and disease. Is it possible there is a way to live that keeps us fit and healthy?
Self-love, Empowerment, Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Healing, Death, Healthy living
I have a disease – can I feel well?
When you have a disease, can you feel ‘well’ or do you have to feel ‘sick’?
Health conditions, Stillness, Inner-heart, Ill health, Sickness, Medical treatment, Connection, Cancer, Death
Slow suicide is still suicide
Are we choosing slow suicide through poor lifestyle?
Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Health conditions, Depression, Ill health, Sickness, Death
Fighting cancer – What if there is another element, a fundamental element that we have overlooked?
Everything is energy – is the one absolute truth that applies to everything in the world we live in, including illness and disease.
Cancer, Disease, Ill health, Sickness, Emotions, Death, Healthy living
The train wreck we call ‘art’: music and our responsibility as a global family
Defending music at all costs as the reality of a life is ignored – how did this become ok? On Mary Forsberg’s letter about the life and death of rock star Scott Weiland.
Death, Drugs, Alcohol, Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, Musicians
A coat by any other name….
As we age, we gradually lose our identification with the physical body and realise that we are so much more than our physicality. We come to see the body as an outer-garb, like a coat that we put on at birth and discard at death.
Bringing death and dying to our daily conversations
Does talking about death and dying at our dinner table have to make for a macabre affair? Or could it be a profound conversation where we can learn so much more about life and ourselves?
Ageing – to be feared or lived?
How do we feel about ageing, and what are the pictures we carry? Is there a way to age that brings a deeper purpose to this stage of life?
Ageing, Cycles, Death, Passing over, Retirement, Returning to work, Wisdom
Before and after a murder in the family
Ten or so years ago I was a very sad, miserable, withdrawn and ill woman … I was hurting and feeling shattered by the cold-blooded murder of my brother.
Loving work til the end
Is retirement actually good for our body? What if work was the best medicine for our body til the end?
Ageing, Career, Death, Elders, Retirement, Work life balance, Work stress
Our Living Way: The Cycle of Life and Death and Reincarnation
Our existence is commonly narrowed down to being only about the human life cycle. What if that represents only a small fraction of what is going on within a much larger context?