Topic:Health conditions SEE ALL TOPICS
What is Medicine?
Is there more to Medicine than how we currently perceive it?
Medicine, Health conditions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Healing
Giving up – The why behind it all
Why do we often feel given up on life? This article explores some reasons why many of us want to give up.
To heal is not the same as cure
Healing is not the same as a cure. Do we want a cure, or do we seek to go deeper to the root of the problem, or, have we given up on healing?
Before and after giving up alcohol - Introduction
Everyone loves a drink, right? Drinking alcohol is fun, social, normal, even good for you… or so we have been told. But studies in recent years have shown what our bodies have always known… that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
Cancer – why me?
Why do I have cancer? A common question that medicine has not been able to answer. Could the answer require understanding who we truly are?
Cancer, Health conditions, Love, Wisdom, Ill health, Sickness, Death, Inflammation
Having a breast scan – what is it like?
Clinically, having a breast scan is a straightforward exercise but all those breasts are attached to women and the many lives they are part of, so what it is really like?
Health conditions, Body awareness, Human body, Empowerment, Women's health
The deepest form of prison
We have chosen an audio about choice for our September 2015 audio of the month. We are always making choices even if we are choosing not to make a choice. Will you choose to listen and find out more?
Accountability, Self-empowerment, Awareness, Health conditions
Breast cancer awareness month – is there more to current breast awareness?
Beyond thinking pink there is something women can do that deeply affects our breasts, their quality and our overall health and it’s free: self-nurturing.
Human body, Breast cancer, Health conditions, Women's health, Nurturing, Breast care
Pain during sex – what might this be telling you?
This article discusses painful sex – being a common but not openly discussed problem for many women. There is information available on ‘coping mechanisms’, but what might be the root cause of pain during sex? Is pain during sex something to deny, or ‘cope’ with or instead a call to stop, review and develop a more honest and trusting way of being with our partners, shedding light on how we ‘make love’.
Sex, Making love, Health conditions, Relationships, Pain, Intimacy
Dare we admit that we are not so well?
True health isn't the lack of a debilitating illness, but the presence of true vitality and wellbeing. Does anything less than that mean we are in fact unwell?
Diabetes Nation
Most cases of Type 2 Diabetes are entirely preventable through lifestyle choices, yet diabetes continues to rise at alarming rates. What will make people stop eating the foods they know are an assault on the body?
Lifestyle, Sugar, Health conditions, Healthy living, Sugar Free
Alzheimer’s and dementia: do we have a part to play?
Soon to be costing the global health system over a trillion dollars, Alzheimer’s and Dementia are costing families immeasurable expense as relationships and lives are impacted earlier and more widely than ever before. This article explores the enormous link between how we live and Alzheimer’s Dementia.
Retroverted uterus – living life backwards
With retroverted uterus, ovarian cysts and endometriosis on the rise, can such issues with our female parts reflect which direction we are ‘living life’ as women?
Confidence, Health conditions, Empowerment, Harmony, Sacredness
Apparently I have cancer
I have been diagnosed with cancer, but most days I forget I have such a diagnosis because I feel so much vitality in my body, and life for me just goes on as if I do not have a terminal disease.
Cancer, Healing, Health conditions, Lifestyle diseases, Palliative care
BRCA genes – options for potential breast cancer prevention
Sharon Gavioli explores the current options for breast cancer prevention for women tested as positive for the BCRA gene. The article also touches on the current research supporting the importance of lifestyle choices in the prevention of cancer.
Cancer, Women's health, Lifestyle, Health conditions, Breast cancer, Genetic
Learning to breathe again – thanks to Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine
Zoe suffered for years with asthma, chronic sinusitis and hay fever. All that began to change when she began attending presentations by Serge Benhayon.
Despite the billions spent in pharmaceuticals, technology and healthcare, illness and disease continues to rise – so what is going on and what does that mean for all of us?
Serge Benhayon on Unimed Living
In this interview, Universal Medicine Director, Serge Benhayon, shares the story of a group of people who are living against the current societal trends of illness and disease and felt inspired to share this simple and practical way of living with the world.
Vitality, Health conditions, Lifestyle, Well-being, Healthy living
Osteoporosis and a lifetime of dairy consumption
After consuming milk, cheese and yoghurt for most of her life, this writer was diagnosed with osteoporosis. How does a woman who consumed dairy for years have Osteoporosis by her mid-forties?
Dairy free, Food industry, Food pyramid, Health conditions, Nutrition, Osteoporosis
PMS – Is it a valid excuse to behave like a ‘Crazy B!tc#’ ??
PMS – What’s going on Ladies? …Is the PMS Power Pass really a valid excuse to behave badly … or is it simply an excuse to not step up?
Behaviour, Cycles, Emotions, Menstrual cycle, Body awareness, Health conditions
Why retire? Does it truly serve the individual who retires, and the workforce they leave?
Retirement is a relatively new concept, perhaps 100 to 120 years old.
Retirement, Ageing, Career, Work life balance, Health conditions, Money
Knowing when to let go and rest
The readings of Serge Benhayon are multidimensional, timely and timeless. Nicola Lessing shares the reading she received during a heart incident that led to surgery, and how the support and wisdom of this reading is still relevant and valuable many years later.
Health, Healing, Universal Medicine, Awareness, Health conditions, Hardness, Heart disease
Before and after: Sharon Gavioli
I am a beautiful, sexy, vital and healthy woman deeply connected to the love in my heart. Each day I choose to self-care and self-nurture in a way that enables me to offer true care and love to everyone in my life. But I didn’t always live this way.
Health conditions, Stress, Universal Medicine, Gluten free, Healthy diet, Weight-loss, Relationship problems
How to care for yourself during the Coronavirus pandemic
We are living in unprecedented times during the Coronavirus pandemic. Fear of catching Coronavirus COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, has changed the world, the way it is run and how we live in it.
Addiction, Disease, Health conditions, Human body, Lifestyle diseases
The Roseto Effect – A lesson on the true cause of heart disease
The Roseto Effect was a study conducted in the 1950s that has the potential to blow the lid on the true cause of heart disease. Yet the question remains, why has this study not changed the way we think about heart disease?
How do I return to good health?
How do we return to good health? When you feel unwell, how do you know what to do and what direction do you take when you want to feel well again?
Ill health, Health, Well-being, Human body, Lifestyle, Health conditions
Life after crutches
The amazing story of an older woman’s journey from searching for healing and needing all sorts of crutches to get through life, to learning that what she truly needed was connection to her own soul.
Healing, Self-empowerment, Ageless Wisdom, Health conditions, Human body
Healing: should I be suspicious?
Is ‘Healing’ something that is not real or should we be suspicious? Is there a true form of healing to be embraced by all?
A skin rash tells its story
What if a skin rash could tell its story of what it’s like being a rash all over its host – that is, a human body? Joan Calder offers us this tantalising article and insight into how she overcame a painful skin rash and what she learnt along the way about herself.
Inflammation, Self-love, Healing, Human body, Health conditions, Ill health
A deeper look at Asthma – why is it that we can't breathe?
On World Asthma Day, this article by leading lung specialist Sam Kim looks 'beyond the petri-dish' at the bigger picture of this disease and what is at stake if we don’t start to look at all the factors that contribute to its continued prevalence across our global population.
Work stress, Well-being, Lifestyle diseases, Humanity, Breath, Health conditions, Ill health
Symptom relief or healing?
Do we seek symptom relief or healing, and is there a difference?
The new era in public health
We have come to rely on our health system to help fix, even cure our ailments, but will the system be able to keep up with the demands we are placing on it?
Universal Medicine, Health conditions, Humanity, Community, Lifestyle diseases
The changing definition of well-being
What does well-being really mean in regard to what we accept as healthy?
Lifestyle, Vitality, Ill health, Well-being, Health conditions, Disease
What if we see people instead of numbers when we look at cancer statistics?
UK cancer talk week – Serge Benhayon lays tribute to the UK and how they make available statistics about what is really going on.
Cancer, Family, Ill health, Health conditions, Humanity, Palliative care, Passing over, Death, Breast cancer
The way we are living is killing us
We consider illness and disease to be ‘bad’ but the way we are living is killing us, albeit slowly. What if they are messages from your body calling you back to being truly caring and loving of yourself?
Health conditions, Lifestyle, Healing, Heart disease, Emotions, Death
I have a disease – can I feel well?
When you have a disease, can you feel ‘well’ or do you have to feel ‘sick’?
Health conditions, Stillness, Inner-heart, Ill health, Sickness, Medical treatment, Connection, Cancer, Death
Slow suicide is still suicide
Are we choosing slow suicide through poor lifestyle?
Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Health conditions, Depression, Ill health, Sickness, Death
Are you fit for life? Part 1
What does your fitness level mean to you on a daily basis? Are you actually fit for life? Is there another form of fitness we have yet to discover?
Self-empowerment, Fitness, Productivity, Overwhelm, Human body, Health conditions
Millions of dollars and still no cure for cancer
Millions of dollars and many decades of research have gone into finding a cure for cancer and yet we still have no answers, no solutions and no way of preventing this dreadful disease.
Men's health – Starting the conversation
As men, we are constantly bombarded by a society that is always telling us what a real man is, that a real man has it all together. But men’s health statistics paint a different picture.
Erectile dysfunction: Getting to the heart of the matter
Medical studies have shown a direct link between erectile dysfunction and heart disease, but why? Is there something more to how we have commonly viewed this condition?
Hairdressing revisited after fibromyalgia
Nicole explains how she has successfully returned to hairdressing after suffering with Fibromyalgia
Exhaustion, Fatigue, Health conditions, Returning to work, Work life balance
Back pain – what can I do?
Have you ever suffered from back pain? It is one of the commonest conditions experienced by people and is a major cause of suffering and sick leave.
Connective tissue, Health conditions, Medical treatment, Pain, Back pain
Warning: Sympathy hurts and can be harming to your health
Take it from someone who has had breast cancer for the past 14 years – sympathy is not all it is cracked up to be. We think that people want our sympathy but do they really? What are the real effects of sympathy when we take a closer look?
Sore shoulders in women; are our bodies speaking to us?
What our shoulders (and their pain) tells us about ourselves and how we are ‘shouldering’ life.
Health conditions, Body awareness, Human body, Hurt, Tension, Pain, Intelligence
How to check for signs of testicular cancer
In this humorous video from an International Men’s Day Presentation, Doctor Sam Kim grabs hold of a lemon and a stocking, and teaches us how to self-check for testicular conditions.
Cancer, Men's health, Well-being, Health conditions, Fertility
Chronic discomforts – the relationship between men’s bodies and their daily choices
As men we have become used to living with daily pain. But should this be normal, is there a different way, and is our body telling us more than we think?
What is the difference between care and cure?
What is the difference between care and cure? Both words originally came from the same word – isn’t that curious?
Disease, Health conditions, Lifestyle diseases, Medical treatment, Medicine
A healthy lifestyle and breast cancer prevention
A healthy lifestyle and breast cancer prevention presents how we feel about ourselves may impact our ability to sustain healthy lifestyle choices.
Genetic, Women's health, Lifestyle, Health conditions, Cancer, Nurturing, Breast cancer
The marriage of Modern-day Medicine and Esoteric Medicine
With the striking reality of a global health catastrophe imminent, is modern day Medicine alone the salvation that 7.7 billion people need if we are to sustain a healthy, joyful, loving global community? What is medicine that is ‘Universal’, and how can it bring greater wisdom to our growing dilemma?
The prevention of breast cancer – the answer is in our bodies
Epigenetics and cellular science are showing that illness, such as breast cancer, is not random bad luck but the result of the environment within us over which we have enormous control via understanding the true impact of all our choices.
Cancer, DNA, Epigenetics, Genetic, Lifestyle, Lifestyle diseases, Health conditions, Human body, Breast cancer
The story of a lifetime dieter – finally the freedom to be me
How I found freedom and stopped beating myself up with rigid diet rules to lose weight. The support we need is not what you might think!
Pain – is it all bad news?
Pain is not a failure, it is actually one of the body’s great success stories. It is a sign that our bodies are bringing attention to something that needs addressing in the way we are living.
Are weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery the answer to weight loss for obesity?
This article questions whether weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery are the answers to weight loss and obesity, or do we need more individual responsibility?
Weight-loss, Obesity, Health conditions, Medical treatment, Diabetes
How are you?
How are you, really?
Health, Health conditions, Human body, Ill health, Sickness, Well-being
The body’s intelligence
Why do we not place as much importance on the intelligence of the body as we do on the intelligence that comes from the brain?
Health conditions, Disease, Ill health, Medicine, Human body, Intelligence
Female hysteria and the sacredness of women
For over two thousand years, female “hysteria” diminished women, misunderstanding the relationship between women being “out of balance” and the loss of connection to their sacredness.
The multi-symptomatic man
We live in a world where human ills are increasingly complex, where multiple chronic diseases, symptoms and disorders are the norm. How have we created the multi-symptomatic man, and what is the ‘antidote’?
Medical treatment, Mental health, Responsibility, Disease, Health conditions, Human body, Lifestyle diseases, Medicine
The way we move shapes our bodies
When we look at people’s bodies as they age, it is easy to see how a person has lived – stooped over, bent over with aches and pains, twisted spines, waddling ways of walking, osteoarthritis of the hips and lower spines. But what is it that shaped the body this way?
Expression is everything: Thyroid disease & the Ageless Wisdom
Every part of our bodies is designed to teach us something about the wholeness we are to live here on earth. One of the most beautiful and delicate teachers in our body is the thyroid gland.
Ageless Wisdom, Disease, Energy, Expression, Health conditions, Human body
Mental health and the medicine of love
Mental ill health continues to be a global issue despite all the resources invested in prevention and treatment. What else is going on when good intentions and so much effort is directed to this area, but still the problems continue?
Connection, Health conditions, Love, Medicine, Mental health
The relationship between our health and our health systems
We expect that health services and those who work within them will be able to provide the answers and cures to our ill health. But what is the part we play when it comes to health and wellbeing?