Topic:Livingness SEE ALL TOPICS
Let down by a safety net
There is a difference between learning to fix a problem and understanding why the problem occurred or keeps occurring. For many, fixing the problem and making life better has become a safety net that avoids dealing with the real issue.
The Arcane Project And Sutra Series
A brief history of the Arcane Project and Sutra Series presented by the School of the Livingness – Universal Medicine’s first series of online lectures.
What is Medicine?
Is there more to Medicine than how we currently perceive it?
Medicine, Health conditions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Healing
Essential words about words
This fun, fascinating and wide ranging conversation explores the hidden harm behind the misuse of words and how it affects us all in every conceivable aspect of life.
Abuse, Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Alchemy, Corruption, Energy, Essence, Expression, Humanity, Livingness, Love, Raising children, Relationships, Religion, Responsibility, Soul, Spirit, Truth
It is low fat so I can eat twice as much – the slippery low fat slope
Are you caught in the trap of overeating because it’s low fat?
Diets, Over eating, Emotions, Livingness, Lifestyle, Connection, Healthy diet
Living who we truly are in everyday life is the Livingness ~ but what does that actually mean?
Unimedpedia, Livingness, Essence, Inner-heart, Ageless Wisdom, Religion
Healing and The Livingness
A huge part of how we live is about healing. To heal, we need a modality and practitioner that will allow us to connect more and more deeply with ourselves. Sacred Esoteric Healing allows us to do exactly that.
Owning knowledge
For our April 2015 audio of the month we question whether our assumed intelligence is as intelligent as we think it is.
What exactly is the Livingness?
For our October 2015 Audio of the month, we look at what the Livingness is and what it has to do with our daily life.
The question of evolution
How evolved are we?
Evolution, Genetic, God, Humanity, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Truth
Space, God, Purpose and human existence
Is life on Earth about money, possessions and wealth or are we here to evolve, to become everything we can be?
The ultimate commitment to life!
There are many reflective messages we receive every day in life, and in particular from nature. There is a lot we can learn by observing and appreciating the unique traits of the animal kingdom as we marvel at penguins in our March audio of the Month.
We use medicine but don’t live it
We rely on the medical system to fix us, but what is our role in our own health? Are there ways to take more care for ourselves to support our own healing?
Knowing divinity through my body
My divinity is something very tangible – I know that I am divine through my body. It is an experience of living in connection.
Redefining creativity … a career re-ignited
Meeting Serge Benhayon in 2001 ultimately change my creative expression through and through.
Healing, Practitioner, Meditation, Livingness, Empowerment, Role models
Making a relationship about true love
Annette and Gabrielle are the “real deal” – couples counsellors who live together in a truly loving and harmonious relationship. Their relationship was not always so great and in this presentation they share with us many practical and amusing tips and insights into how they got to where they are today.
Lifestyle vs. Livingness
This article explores the difference between lifestyle and livingness and how living life from your true essence leads you to healthy living.
Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Behaviour, Culture, Essence, Harmony, Illusion, Healthy living
How do Universal Medicine Therapies work?
Imagine a therapy where no one is ‘fixing’ you – but simply supporting you to feel the grandness that you actually already are. Universal Medicine Therapies are no fix – the practitioner offers a quality that the client can then connect to within themselves.
Where can you train In Sacred Esoteric Healing?
Sacred Esoteric Healing Training and course information
Healing, Ageless Wisdom, Career, Education, Livingness, Training, Therapies
Look closely ... now look even closer ... who is running who? Who is in charge?
Is your life running you? A sharing by Otto about his experiences with Sacred Esoteric Healing.
God is immanent
God for me is someone deeply felt and deeply known – there is no doubt or question about Him.
The Way of The Livingness – It’s My Religion
A religion where there is no preaching, no worshipping, no church to attend but a way of life that supports one to know that they are from God.
Livingness, Religion, Son of God, God, Healthy relationships
What’s all the fuss about self-care?
In this article we reveal the true meaning of self-care, and how it is the missing ingredient in the search for health and wellbeing.
The settlement of true success
Our June Audio of the Month investigates what true success is and how it relates to truth and trust and brings us the settlement we have been looking for.
Serge Benhayon – a life of detail
Serge Benhayon lives his life with an extraordinary attention to detail and inspires others to live that too.
The interconnectedness of everyday life – Serge explains ...
The simple truth of human existence ...
Serge Benhayon – the presenter
Serge Benhayon presents both nationally and internationally on the subjects of the Ageless Wisdom, The Way of the Livingness as well as Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy.
Ageless Wisdom, Communication, Exhaustion, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Intelligence
What if reincarnation is true?
How can we know what we know without prior experience or knowledge? Or do we…?
Self-care: The bridge back to Universal Love
We think of self-care as something we need to do, so that our human body can function better. There is a basic truth to this, but what if self-care is just not an end in itself but a doorway, a bridge back to the magnificence of who we truly are, to Universal Love?
I knew I had found truth again
Shelley Jones shares how The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth showed her Truth.
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Connection, Inner-heart, Testimonials
Weight Loss and Living with Contentment
If I could use one word to express my life now it would be contentment. This has not always been the case. My life used to be a constant wave of ups and downs...
Energy in words
Words are energetic expressions and therefore convey energetic imprints: they are a living thing.
What it really means to turn the other cheek
In our Audio of the Month August 2021 Serge Benhayon presents how there are many different ways to fight back when we are confronted but if we don’t react there is something deeper to realise.
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Serge Benhayon and all of us – portals for truth
Is it possible that every single one of us has the same capacity to speak the truth that Jesus did?
Ageless Wisdom, Humanity, Lineage, Livingness, Religion, Philosophy, Son of God
Sleep is part of our daily medicine
What if how we sleep, which then affects how we live, is part of our daily medicine?
You cannot bully your way to Heaven
Judith explains how she has used bullying for most of her life without realising the effect on others.
Discovering the missing ingredient in my life
‘On the outside my life appeared to be successful and happy, but underneath I felt unsettled, like something was missing’. Lorraine shares how she rediscovered the missing ingredient that transformed her life.
World Religion Day – but do we know what Religion is?
Have you ever wondered what religion truly means?
Before and after: Carmel Reid – the weight just dropped off
Carmel’s story on how her weight just dropped off after changing the relationship with herself.
Weight, Diets, Exhaustion, Self-esteem, Livingness, Gluten free, Weight-loss, Healthy living
The power of movement
Is space just space with no difference? Why does a pub feel different than being in nature? The key lies in movement.
Human nature and our schooling – examining the purpose of education
Is the purpose of education no longer about right living and more about acquiring skills for a successful life, with little regard for the impact of our choices? The effects of this shift on Education from classical views like Plato’s are concerning and profound.
The purple books: everything we are not told
Have you ever questioned what life is all about, or complained about it being mundane or purposeless as we live one day after another? The truth is, we know there is more, and when we make this enquiry we are really asking where the parts that bring depth and wisdom have gone.
When truth comes along…
Truth comes with a livingness, with a lived way. If it is just talk and not lived it only holds a potential of truth that has to yet prove if it can persevere.
Livingness, Truth, Philosophy, Responsibility, Corruption, Relationships
The Outlier
The robust study of evidence is a much needed and important aspect to science, yet the statistic tendency to dismiss the outliers can mean that something becomes normal that might be far from normal.
The Livingness before and afters
Embracing the principles of the Way of The Livingness has transformed the lives of people the world over. These before and afters speak for themselves
Can Universal Medicine Therapies cure cancer?
Universal Medicine Therapies offer no cure. Read on to find out what a cure actually is and why these therapies have no interest in or purpose to offer that.
Disease, Healing, Harmony, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Therapies
What is living medicine?
We often consider that medicine is something that is outside of us, that we take or do to make ourselves feel better. Did you know that the way that you live is your greatest form of medicine?
Medicine, Livingness, Health, Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Vitality
The fashion industry and true expression
Fashion that doesn’t play by the rules but comes from a livingness? For Industry Professional Adele Leung, fashion is how she lives her life.
It is never about food!
Food is not the culprit for a plethora of disorders. It is all about our behaviour, awareness, responsibility and choices. We give our power away and then mask our weaknesses with poor food choices.
Living with connection
If we only focus on the physical body we are missing a key ingredient in what it takes to be truly vital and well.
Why can’t we say ‘healing’ in conventional medicine?
Healing is something natural and innate, so why don’t doctors like or trust the word healing? Has the word ‘healing’ been bastardised?
The Study Of Esoteric Medicine
Esoteric Medicine - the perfect partner for Conventional Medicine
UniMed Retreat
Introducing a taste of future life on Earth
If it is not about love then nothing means anything
God is love, hence life is all about being love. We hold this connection and knowing deep inside us and can make it our everyday religion. Religion simply is the direct relationship with the love we come from and are forever part of.
Healing and religion: a true relationship
Did you ever imagine the relationship between healing and religion could be inextricably linked? What is it we have missed then in our understanding of these two words.
Healing, Religion, Healthy relationships, Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Health
World religion day – do we know what religion truly means?
The word Religion has been misrepresented throughout history. The true meaning of this word is not widely known by people, it is very beautiful and not what we think.
The Livingness Workshops
An introduction to the 3 one-day events that form The Livingness Workshops.
The science behind The Way of The Livingness – a relationship with sensitivity and God
Theosophy, faith, reason… so begins the conversation whenever religion is mentioned. But True religion starts with the awakening of our sensitivity…
Living your own medicine
Exploring the possibility that the way we live is a form of medicine.
Appreciating the wisdom, truths and universal laws we are all from . . . as presented in the books by Serge Benhayon
Serge Benhayon’s purple books uncover a universal understanding and way of being, forever holding and allowing us to deepen our connection to the divine and Soul.
Religion is a living connection
Religion is a way of living a loving way of life with everyone, with humanity. It is about people . . . about connection
Accessing Multidimensionality: A walk in the park
Is it possible that accessing our multidimensionality is as simple as a walk in the park?
God. It’s a Science.
Do you consider that God and Science are two separate things? Or are they one and the same?
Earth calling Mars – Want some irresponsible tenants?
Is Planet Earth a throwaway item; are our relationships dispensable? With our history, could we seriously consider Family Humanity suitable tenants for another unsuspecting planet? But the burning question is, ‘why do we want, or need to, escape this planet?’
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Brotherhood, Harmony, Livingness, Relationships, Supremacy
Gluten-free grudge
Some 15 years plus, when catering for gluten-free choice was merely a desirable noun, I sat at my breakfast table in one of Lisbon’s finest hotels. Today I owe an apology to the gentleman who sat at a table next to mine …
Coeliac/celiac, Nutrition, Medicine, Lifestyle, Livingness, Gluten free, Healthy diet
Religion and The Way of The Livingness – Audio
A revelatory collection of audios presenting the liberating truth about religion, and the greatly misinterpreted use of this word.
Free downloads, God, Science, Philosophy, Religion, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Prayer
From worrying about the doing to caring about the being
Too often we focus on getting the job done no matter what the consequences. However, if we were to take time to care for ourselves first, how would everything turn out?
Integrity in the midst of the house of lies... The Way of The Livingness
In the midst of our current global crisis, and the multitude of lies and corruption of our society, there is a most powerful example of a loving, healthy and productive way of life that sections of the Media, on the basis of a personal vendetta with no investigation, have wantonly slandered. Why is this?
WARNING – Words could be damaging your health!
What if good is not good and better was bad? Suppose normal is harmful? What is truly good and what is truly healthy?
Ill health, Abuse, Corruption, Energy, Expression, Sickness, Livingness, Love, Reductionism, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Unimedpedia, Healthy living
The Science of Reflection – what is it reflecting to us?
Have we ever stopped to consider what the science of reflection actually means, and what it means for us in our everyday lives?
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Humanity, Anti-social behaviour, Religion, Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Accountability, Livingness, Persecution
In our Essence we are One
Once we know our true essence our view of the world and humanity changes.
Healthy sleep: It’s how I live
Anne struggled with sleep until learning that how she lives determines how she sleeps, and that this then determines how she lives.
The Livingness and Food
Leaders like David Perlmutter, Daniel Amen, Chris Kresser, Mark Hyman and Serge Benhayon are now thoroughly exposing the food industry and its malpractices. Food is responsibility and medicine.
How to be in full time work and loving it
From withdrawal to being inspired to work full-time once again. Read how Jen now loves her work.
Livingness, Vitality, Appreciation, Shift work, Work stress, Overwhelm
Who or what is God and what does He mean to each of us?
Ageless Wisdom, Energy, Essence, Evolution, God, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Unimedpedia
Serge Benhayon and The Living Way
In a world where most people seem to just get through the day, this philosophical approach to life, founded by Serge Benhayon, shows that there is a way to live that is far more enriching for everyone.
Ageless Wisdom, Testimonials, Livingness, Lineage, Religion, Philosophy
Serge Benhayon: The truth of who we are
We are born from truth – so why do we as humans resist it so much?
A day with Serge Benhayon
What stands out spending any amount of time with Serge Benhayon is the endless supply of energy this man has to draw from.
Work life balance, Livingness, Performance management, Practitioner, Relationships, Retirement, Therapies
He who controls movement controls it all
I’m sure you’ve heard expressions like ‘you are what you eat’ or ‘your thoughts shape who you become’. What if we are what and how we move?
In full flight
Mankind is passionate about understanding life and yet appears to avoid the one irrefutable fact – that life is energy
A world first volunteer model
The charity of the College of Universal Medicine (CoUm) is run on an entirely volunteer model – everyone taking part is freely donating their time and expertise to build what is an extraordinary undertaking.
The College Of Universal Medicine
From its inception, the College of Universal Medicine heralds a revolutionary new way for education and group work.
Ageless Wisdom, Education, Community, Livingness, Humanity, Lifestyle, Well-being, Healthy living
Ageless Wisdom Audio
The Ageless Wisdom has always been with mankind but we have chosen not to heed it. Are we now ready to consider what it has long been offering us?
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Soul, Essence, Religion, Free downloads
Heaven’s Joy
The band ‘Heaven’s Joy’ began to play together a few years ago after years of experience in the music industry playing with various artists. Their amazing new album ‘Love Is Who We Are ’ is available through
Music, Relationships, Musicians, Harmony, Connection, Livingness
Science is beauty
Breaking down the barriers we hold between the Sciences and the Arts. Exploring the inner essence of science as a thing of great beauty.
Discovering self-care and bringing it into my life
“The way I had lived seemed quite normal to me. I had no concept that in fact I was living in a way that was disregarding to me and everyone else.”
Ageless Wisdom, Livingness, Self-love, Therapies, Universal Medicine
A student of our own body
The audio excerpt describes what it means to be a student of your own body: the best medicine is to create a way of being that lives the true you. You then become your own master at knowing and understanding your own body.
Religion: What it means to me
Do we know religion innately? What is God to a child, before we are sold society’s various images of Him? One woman on God and Religion.
Religion, Connection, God, Essence, Breath, Presence, Livingness
Two years in The Livingness
How does a social butterfly reconnect to a depth of beauty and richness that no amount of socialising can bring? Read Kyveli’s story for inspiration of how simple it can be.
The Eureka Daily
Ever wonder where genius comes from? Could it be more about how someone lives than anything to do with their IQ?
My resurrection from chronic fatigue syndrome
It is possible to obtain good health and establish a healthy lifestyle by making little changes to how we live.
Who do you move for?
Slumped in grumpy posture or standing bursting with joy… what comes first – how we feel or how we move?
The Way of The Livingness
Presenting the religious way, aspects and principles of the Ageless Wisdom.
The great difference in a job interview
Read how Steve takes a different approach to conducting interviews that takes out the need to intimidate people.
Livingness, Brotherhood, Career, Competition, Leadership, Returning to work, Self-esteem
A Serge Benhayon quote – life-changing and ever-lasting
The Way of The Livingness, while being the true religion for mankind, is superbly practical, down to earth and immediately applicable in everyday life.
How much of what I do is truly me?
Our September 2020 Audio of the Month looks at a tension we all live under and questions how true we are to who we truly are.
An eye for food
The highly sensitive eye is just as susceptible to the poisons of sugar and excess carbohydrates as the rest of the body. The eye responds to stress negatively.
Studying a PhD with a difference makes a difference
Can there be a simple and nurturing way to study without ending up frazzled? Absolutely! The Way of The Livingness and Teachings of Serge Benhayon offer a new way – one where self-care is at the forefront, and with self-care as our foundation, even the sky is not the limit with what we can accomplish.
The three great mistakes of humanity
Three great mistakes have kept humanity spinning around the same problems; maybe its time to admit we were wrong
The impact of diet on our Livingness
Is it possible to change two things in life and live a more vital life? Check out how Nicole has done just that and made a huge improvement to her health and vitality.
The quality of how we live affects our sleep
Many people suffer from sleep issues these days. In our September 2019 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon offers a wonderful key as to what is going on and how to deal with it.
How to live from your soul – thank you Serge Benhayon
How does one show their appreciation to the man who shows you how to live in divine connection to all equally? ‘Thank you Serge Benhayon!’ doesn’t begin to cover it.
Truth, Universal Medicine, Son of God, Appreciation, Livingness, Role models
If the word Occult is sacred and all about God and His Ways, how come we changed the meaning to something spooky and sinister?
Esoteric, Essence, God, Illusion, Livingness, Love, Religion, Son of God, Truth, Universe
Our relationship with life and death
Death is the most inevitable part of life, yet we choose to ignore its imminent coming. When we do look at it, for the most part, it is with fear and disdain. But have we got it all upside down?
Waiting for the Messiah
Messiah figures, most religions have them but how does the new religion of the Way of the Livingness approach the idea of a ‘sent one’?
Without the science of energy, philosophy is a mere charade
What makes philosophy real, practical, deeply wise and in harmony with universal intelligence? Serge Benhayon presents the key to applying true philosophy in life.
Most cancers are almost completely preventable
Seyfried is saying “You can’t get cancer if you are Mitochondria healthy, which points to a Ketogenic diet and to avoid the common high sugar, high carbohydrate diet that most people follow today. High drama ahead when the medical world catches up.”
Cancer, Sugar, Diets, Evolution, Genetic, Livingness, Inflammation, Ageless Wisdom
Serge Benhayon
Throughout the ages there have been those who have come to teach by their living way that we are so much more than human, that we are universal and an integral part of a grand, interconnected whole. The great teacher of the new era of Aquarius is Serge Benhayon.
Lineage, Esoteric, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Cycles, Livingness
Self-care the path to awareness and the true self
The benefits of self-care are numerous and significant, however, the personal benefits are not an 'end point' but a path to deeper awareness and connection to self.
Self-love, Body awareness, Connection, Livingness, Well-being
Returning Home
Connecting to God (and deeply with ourselves) through the body is part of the energetic journey back Home that everybody will go through, sooner or later. This journey is of a beauty that cannot be done justice to through words, in which we register in total awe the grandness beyond grand, both that we truly are and that has never left us.
Francis Bacon: his Divine Livingness
In Renaissance England, Francis Bacon worked for James I as Lord Chancellor (1618), the top position of government in the realm. How did he manage to live in an immensely grounded way, earthing the Light of Hierarchy, within the corrupt and duplicitous echelons of state?
Sexual relief or making love: men talk
Read of the experience of a group of men discussing what making love means, what they have come to understand, and how it is quite different to sexual relief.
Sex, Livingness, Intimacy, Making love, Healthy relationships
A fast train into a ‘normal’ second half of my life
My life is vastly different now, it seems easier to write about what I no longer do. No longer am I searching for love. What is it that I have found, and what does my life actually look like?
Astral – Maya, Glamour & Illusion
Find out why it is so essential to understand what Astral energy is and how to free yourself from its seductive and harmful grips.
Awareness, Bullying, Conflict, Corruption, Emotions, Energy, Essence, Evolution, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Spirit
Religious un-freedom – the failure to protect human rights in Australia
Do we have religious freedom in the democratic and freedom loving nation of Australia?
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Livingness, Persecution, Religion, Universal Medicine
The divine life of Francis Bacon
In Renaissance England, Francis Bacon worked for James I as Lord Chancellor (1618), the top position of government in the realm. How did he manage to live in an immensely grounded way, earthing the Light of Hierarchy, within the corrupt and duplicitous echelons of state?
An Esoteric Yoga session: simplicity and union
With no strenuous postures, asanas or movements, an Esoteric Yoga class or session presents the simplicity of union – body and being as one – for the living of our everyday lives.
Body awareness, Connection, Conscious presence, Livingness, Stillness, Therapies
The Rosicrucians
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
Religion, Lineage, Philosophy, Son of God, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, God, Livingness, Spirit, Soul
Gautama Buddha
Demonstrating his dedication to truth, Siddhārtha Gautama, the Buddha, embarked upon discovering the nature of reality. His commitment and dedication to that path offer us much to consider in our daily life and offer a way to arise above the turmoil of everyday existence.
Tomorrow never comes
Have you ever earnestly declared that this is the last packet of cigarettes, the last drink, the last block of chocolate and the last time you will overeat because tomorrow you will most definitely choose differently?
Body image, Diets, Healthy living, Livingness, Losing weight, Time
Feeling like a fake
Let’s turn imposter syndrome on its head
The Lineage of the Ageless Wisdom is always with us
Humanity has strayed far away from living in accord with the Divine vibration of the Soul and yet the teachings of The Lineage stand strong, a shining light in today’s tumultuous world.
What did you do on your Summer Holiday?
The stresses and drudgeries that we frequently experience in everyday life appear to be a ‘given’, but do they have to remain that way. What if there were another way of living?
The magic of practicality
Have you ever known what’s best for you and then done the opposite? Is there a way of living that honours the intelligence of the human body?
The Soul has no memory
This revelatory August 2022 Audio of the Month, might have some of us realising that we are much more intelligent in the true sense of the word than we thought we were.
God invented business
Our September 2022 Audio of the Month reveals why the office cleaner is so important, how God created business and what that means to us in daily life.
Ever reacted? This fun, practical, revelatory conversation is for you!
Have you ever felt how harmful and exhausting reactions are? Would you like to free yourself from the chains and imposition of reactions? This wonderful audio conversation covers that and more.
Anxiety, Behaviour, Emotions, Livingness, Relationships, Responsibility
Men in Livingness
These stories from real, everyday men are powerful and demonstrate that it is amazingly transformative for a man to re-claim himself from the lifestyle bubble and roles that are the norm.
Healing is the removal of that which you are not
In our June 2023 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents the healing fact that there is nothing wrong with us.
Are you eating more than food?
Does what you see, hear and feel have as much impact on your health and wellbeing as what you eat? Get ready for a potentially life changing look at everything you do.
The igniting fuel of purpose
Serge Benhayon presents how we are designed to have purpose in life in our Audio of the Month for July 2023.
Discover the joy of being a student of yourself
Our Audio of the Month for December 2023 presents why The Livingness is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, what this means and why it is so important.
Sacredness and the deliciousness of your living way
In our Audio of the Month for July 2024 Serge Benhayon offers the true meaning of sacredness and how there is a simple and delicious way we can live that benefits all.
Do we come from purity of something else?
In our Audio of the Month for August 2024 Serge Benhayon presents how we are in the comfort of the lie of living a lineal view of life rather than living the divinity we innately know.