We use medicine but don’t live it

We use medicine but don’t live it
Medicine is seen as outside of us; something we go to, to get answers and not something inside of us that we live.
We use medicine to make us feel better, take away symptoms, tell us what is wrong and to make it right again.
Medicine over the years has become more and more compartmentalised, split into different fields and specialties focusing on parts of the body and not the whole. Then there are specialists within those divided fields focusing on smaller and smaller parts of the body.
Let’s take dentistry for example: there is the general dentist who does a bit of everything, then you have specialists for gums, root canals, extractions, jaw joint problems, restorations and so on. And in medicine we have specialists for our lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, digestion, hormones and about every system in the body.
Whilst these specialists are needed and do amazing work, we become more and more focused on less and less of the body as a whole and forget that it is one being – a being that is interconnected by blood vessels, nerves, the lymphatic system and energy flow.
We have at present a tug of war going on between society and medicine. In the past medicine was revered and what your doctor said was taken without question, as they were the ones holding the knowledge.
However, now with information at our fingertips, humanity is saying to medicine, “Hey, we want you to fix us, but we don’t really think you know it all…” and are more willing to question the advice we are given.
On the other hand, medicine likes to think that it has it or it is the one with the answers because it is backed up by ‘science’ and ‘evidence based research’ and it reels under the criticism that challenges its authority.
So now instead of looking up to and respecting our medical professionals, we complain when medicine does not have a solution. Even when it does, we may not want to take what is on offer if we are suspicious of its motives and its apparent collusion with the pharmaceutical industry to pump us full of drugs.
However, we have the medicine we have asked for by being irresponsible and saying to medicine, “Sorry, I have lived without regard or care for myself for years and now something has gone wrong, I can’t function, so give me something to get me back on track, but please don’t ask me to change my lifestyle."
The medical field has simply responded to this and, instead of addressing our lifestyle habits and emotional state, doctors prescribe more medications, treatments and quick fixes to get us back into life.
The result is that now the doctor and medical practitioner are no longer able to spend any significant time with us to get to the underlying issues and we can abdicate responsibility for the role we have played in the lead-up to our conditions.
As a result of this, we have a medical system on the brink of collapse, weak at the knees and burdened by the disregard of society. Doctors are burning out under the strain and have become disillusioned with their role. The public is becoming less trusting of the medical system and sees it as something that has or is failing them.
Trying to fix the medical system from the same ideologies that created it and from our current predicament is not the answer, as:
“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” ~ Albert Einstein.
What is needed is real change and that change must come from within us and from the understanding that we are the ones that drive our body, fuel it, care for it and live with and in it.
Our body as a car on the racetrack of life
We look after our cars much quicker than we look after our body when something doesn’t feel right. Why don’t we pay attention to how we are driving our body when things go wrong? Are we settling for a quick fix?
We are the ones that are responsible for caring for ourselves and the choices that we make; choices that either foster health and wellbeing or not.
We choose how the body is treated.
Yes the medical system is there to support us but we too must play our part, rather than giving our power away to the doctor or becoming distrusting of medicine altogether.
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