Living Medicine
Medicine And Living Medicine
Moving in harmony
As long as we are alive, we will be moving. Do we ever consider the great intelligence that must be in every cell of our body, that knows exactly how to do everything, how to respond to the nerve signals, move the muscles and coordinate them?
There is no such thing as an ‘alternative’ to medicine
‘Alternative medicine’ is a term that is often associated with many practices of variable efficacy, questionable ethics and sensibility. Many doctors do not recommend that people seek assistance for their health care only in ‘alternative medicine’, as the results are variable.
Your best medicine?
Love is something that we all crave; we all want to be loved and to love back in return. Could love be our best medicine?
What would happen if we became CEOs of our own health?
What would happen if we stopped seeing doctors as “Gods” and the answer to all our prayers?
The five essential ingredients of human beings
A car mechanic cannot fix a car if he does not know what the different parts of the car are and how they work together – likewise we cannot have a healthy body if we do not know the component parts; the ingredients of a human being.
How to listen to your body
Our body is constantly communicating with you, but are you listening or do you have your fingers in your ears? Listening to your body is really very simple . . .
The importance of breathing
The way we breathe affects our health and even the way we feel. Read more to find out about the benefits of breathing and how to breathe to feel relaxed and reduce stress
How are you?
How are you, really?
Healthy Living
What really is healthy living; is it being free of illness and disease or does it go deeper than that?
How love benefits your health
Love is who we are – it is our natural essence. Allowing love to flow in our body can be the strongest, most effective medicine in this world.