The process of death and dying is intense in a human sense and made more so by modern medicine’s (and our own) attachment to physical life at all costs. When we die our physical body passes over and all that we consider is ‘us’ – our likes, dislikes, personality traits, quirks and foibles, our achievements and the life we have lived – is no more; but a far greater and grander part of us lives on. We are much more than human and there is far more to life than our physical reality.
Our human body is important and needs to be cared for deeply, but not just for its own sake; for the way we care for ourselves determines whether we will be a vehicle for our spirit, and all that separates us from others on this plane of life; or a vehicle for our Soul and all that is loving and unifying. And so the way we care for ourselves and are cared for, up until our last breath, matters immensely.
What if there is a way of looking at human life that places the process of death and dying in its true perspective and supports us to go through the process with others and ourselves with grace, dignity, love and even joy?