Topic:Self-esteem SEE ALL TOPICS
Domestic violence ... are we all responsible for the cycle of abuse?
Domestic Violence is at pandemic proportions in societies around the world. In this article we explore the reasons for this.
Why and how do we have loneliness in relationships?
Rebecca Baldwin interviews experienced Relationship Counsellors Annette and Gabe about loneliness in relationships.
Counseling, Self-esteem, Loneliness, Relationships, Emotions
Where is the flaw
How toxic is the assumption that there is such a thing as perfection, and who actually decides what is perfect and when? The pursuit of perfection keeps us in perpetual tension and in a never-ending idea of conforming to the highest societal conceptions in order to thus receive the greatest rewards.
How we start relationships
Relationships form so easily in our early years. Why does it become more difficult as we move into adult lives? Beautifully expressed, this article reminds us of the innocence we had as children in connecting to others and how we can re-establish that simplicity into our lives today
Good parenting skills
Rather than give advice to children – listen, connect and explain the consequences
Parenting, Presence, Communication, Appreciation, Psychology, Feelings, Hurt, Confidence, Self-esteem
The simplicity of true intimacy
Is intimacy something that is confined to the bedroom? Or can true intimacy include much more than this? Every day offers an opportunity to connect with people all around us. Intimate moments are something we can share with many people.
Exercise – it doesn’t need to be hard work
Exercise doesn’t need to be a strain or a chore. It can be a natural simple way to care for yourself with gentleness that helps you reconnect to your body and you, and to really enjoy your body.
No longer ‘holding back’ in life
Cherise Holt shares how a Reading from Serge Benhayon had a pivotal impact on her life in opening up to her full potential and the limitless possibilities changing the very way she viewed herself.
Self-loathing and low self-esteem
Have you noticed just how much we use self loathing to reject ourselves? It seems that to have low self-esteem, low self-worth and to actively engage in self-loathing is absolutely acceptable in society, that it’s a ‘normal part of life’. How did that happen?
Self-esteem, Rejection, Appreciation, Behaviour, Relationships, Self-worth
Everyone is born with a beautiful voice – Singing and speaking
In re-discovering the amazing voice that we are naturally born with we can all sing, speak and express freely!
Communication, Confidence, Performance anxiety, Raising children, Self-esteem, Tension, Expression
Self-love vs self-loathing
Reconnecting to self-love is how to break the cycle of hating your body.
Being your own valentine - real love begins with YOU!
Most of us can relate to wanting to feel special, adored or loved on Valentines Day. But what is it we are really wanting and seeking? What does Valentines Day reveal about the quality of our relationship with self, and others?
Self-love, Self-worth, Self-empowerment, Self-esteem, Valentine's Day
Body image: a new way to look at a growing issue
How men and women perceive their body image is a growing issue and is intimately linked with how we feel about ourselves. Could our body image issues be linked to the choices we make?
Before and after: Carmel Reid – the weight just dropped off
Carmel’s story on how her weight just dropped off after changing the relationship with herself.
Weight, Diets, Exhaustion, Self-esteem, Livingness, Gluten free, Weight-loss, Healthy living
Wanting to be thinner
This article asks us to look beyond the mere physical for the answers to why we always want to be thinner.
Top 5 tips for internet dating – fresh off the keyboard
Internet dating is a great insight and snapshot of where we are at and how we are relating to each other. Find out why shopping for a potential partner requires some stamina and heaps of understanding.
Losing weight on my self-love program
A personal story of losing weight almost as a side product of the deep healing and self-acceptance from a self-love program.
Who am I
Low self esteem and low self worth can cripple our sense of who we are. Here we ask why we accept that as normal.
A diet of treats and rewards
Why do we crave treats and rewards; what do they do for us? Is it possible to imagine living life without them?
Too beautiful for ice-cream
We often reach for food when tired, hungry or looking for a reward. Do we ever stop and wonder what we are nourishing? What if we are too beautiful for ice-cream?
Breaking up with food
Forget the diet plan! Breaking up with food asks us to look at the pain under the comfort-seeking eating patterns we desperately cling to and see what happens.
Weight-loss, Chocolate, Emotions, Self-esteem, Eating disorder
Stephanie Stevenson – what a glorious transformation!
Stephanie became overweight and a yo-yo dieter because she was always comparing herself to others and not feeling good about her body. Things changed when she came across Universal Medicine ...
Self-esteem, Weight-loss, Self-worth, Over eating, Confidence, Body image
Finding out I am a sensitive guy through Sacred Esoteric Healing
Men compromise their true qualities in order to fit in with what society expects them to be. Can Esoteric Healing support them to reveal and let go of the beliefs about themselves that are not true?
Hardness, Modality, Practitioner, Self-esteem, Stillness, Tenderness
Changing your life
Changing your life usually means trying to achieve an ideal however if we stop and connect with who we truly are, we may find that instead of changing or striving, we can simply BE who we already are from within.
Self-worth, Self-esteem, Connection, Losing weight, Tenderness, Body image
Low self-esteem is a product of having a picture as to how we should be, and believing that we do not meet those requirements. What if you can build a new relationship with self-esteem?
Self-loathing is intense hatred directed at ourselves, often focused on how we look, or how we think we should look. When we stop believing all the things that are wrong with us, we may find a way to connect to the beautiful preciousness we innately are.
Weight, Diets, Rejection, Gentle breath, Self-esteem, Body image
Self-Care: The essential ingredient to building self-confidence
A psychotherapist shares how self-care has changed her life by building her confidence to be herself in life no matter who she’s with or what she’s doing.
Sun Shining Through
Looking outside for the ‘fix’ in life, to relieve the tension between her and the world, only to find it through connecting to the stillness within.
Natural or normal – how are you living?
How do we go from being lovely full expressing babies with no inhibitions to living life considered, calculated for risk and control? Why is our normal so far from the joy we have as babies?
From feeling a victim to living a joyful life
Regina shares that when she was growing up, she felt totally misunderstood and a victim of life. So, she learnt to shut down; to shut herself away from a world that she found way too hard to live in.
The great difference in a job interview
Read how Steve takes a different approach to conducting interviews that takes out the need to intimidate people.
Livingness, Brotherhood, Career, Competition, Leadership, Returning to work, Self-esteem
The Before and After Project
The purpose of the Before and After Project is explained – how being in a body that is of a dysfunctional weight leads to feelings of misery because your body does not reflect who you truly are.
When will women be ok with their weight? When is enough, enough?
When will women start accepting their bodies and cut the self-loathing and weight issues? When will we understand that true beauty comes from how we feel inside?
Self-esteem, Diets, Weight, Self-worth, Body awareness, Body image, Weight-loss
Competition and self-esteem: Turning the tide on competition and comparison in schools
Here Judy Felix looks at competition and comparison, the extent to which it has become part our lives, the impact on self esteem and relationships and asks: could there be another way for us to live and be educated?
Competition or connection: What are students really learning?
We often use the phrase ‘healthy competition’ but how ‘healthy’ is it? What if children are receiving another message from the pressure of ‘winning and striving to be the best’, that has a significant impact on their wellbeing?
Anxiety, Connection, Relationships, Self-esteem, Teamwork, Teachers
How 'Gifted and Talented' policies destroy access to true intelligence
Is any child more special than another? All have gold to bring. "It’s like they are saying we are not worth anything," says a student not chosen for the ‘Gifted and Talented’ programme.
Choosing a wedding dress: a stocktaking moment to connect with our body and honour ourselves
Women usually ‘know’ when they have found their perfect wedding dress. What if women used the same process to guide themselves with other aspects of their lives?
Body Shape – curves from Heaven
We are born with natural curves, shapes and angles, so why do we think we are fat when we are not? This article asks what is beneath our pictures of feeling fat or of not accepting our body shape or weight.
Grand Designs Part 1 – The shape I am
When your body’s shape looks strange, it’s easy to feel like there is something wrong with you. Read how one man’s life was transformed by reconnecting to The Ageless Wisdom.
Grand Designs Part 2 – From the stars
Is our body shape and life experience pure chance and coincidence? Read one man’s experience of returning to see the grand design that we are all a part of.
The House of Mirrors
We look to mirrors to confirm how we are, but is what we see true to life? Or is there more going on than meets the eye?
Can you imagine being a star?
Can you imagine being a star? Do you love looking at the social media of famous people? This article explores the ‘other’ side of the glamour of acting.