No longer ‘holding back’ in life

No longer ‘holding back’ in life
Whilst attending a healing course presented by Serge Benhayon in 2012, I had symptoms of a cold, cough and sinus problem. During the day I had to step away from my healing practice as I began to cough uncontrollably. Serge spoke to me and asked me about my symptoms and how long I had been coughing; I shared with him that I was on a detox program with a practitioner in Brisbane.
Serge presented to me ...
"You can’t hold back from us (the world) anymore"
Serge Benhayon
... and my immediate response was ‘Yes, I know’.
Serge’s words have been with me ever since, and I have thought of them often whilst at work, with friends, family, colleagues and even in the way I make daily choices for myself.
The impact of these words has been nothing less than grand throughout my whole life, my dedication to my work and my relationships.
I once labelled myself as someone who couldn’t talk in front of large groups (or small groups for that matter) and yet have since presented talks on an array of topics such as nursing as a career, staff awareness at work and self-worth for women – presentations I had always reserved for someone ‘more qualified’ to do – and yet through my own learning have come to realise that through not holding back my potential is limitless.
I consistently receive compliments and appreciation from people who feel inspired by me, how I live and what I present: the most beautiful thing I see is that they too are making their own choices to not hold back in their own lives.
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