Serge Benhayon
Universal Intelligence and Serge Benhayon
Universal Intelligence and Serge Benhayon
What did you do on your Summer Holiday?
The stresses and drudgeries that we frequently experience in everyday life appear to be a ‘given’, but do they have to remain that way. What if there were another way of living?
Serge Benhayon and The Ageless Wisdom
It is often said that someone is capable of ‘thinking outside the box’, implying that it is somehow ‘fresh and new’: what if there were no box, no limitations to the intelligence every one of us can access? Enter the Ageless Wisdom.
Serge Benhayon and Universal Truth
What we readily accept as ‘intelligent’ in the world doesn’t necessarily behave in an intelligent manner, make sense, or have true wellbeing at heart. What is this version of intelligence?