Topic:Appreciation SEE ALL TOPICS
Feeling the blues … to being depressed … to shining the light
No longer need we be a victim of low mood or even depression; as we begin to make choices that we know and can feel are loving for our bodies, then our minds will take care of themselves.
Depression, Appreciation, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Mental health
Road Gloria – a collection of testimonials
A collection of testimonials about a book of deep wisdom, crafted by a true master of the parable.
The loveliness was there at the birth of the day
What happens to us as young girls that we don’t feel that loveliness, in every moment of every day, and learn to think we need to be eternally doing things to prove our worth, to ourselves and to everyone around us?
Taking responsibility at work to a whole new level
Is there more to work than just 'getting the job done'?
Accountability, Conscious presence, Work stress, Appreciation, Career
What to wear ... you’re not wearing that, are you?
The power of words and what holding onto hurtful abusive comments does to our sense of self and the way we think about ourselves.
A body image lie: "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
Starving to be skinny, poor body image, constant comparison with photoshopped bodies destroys our self confidence.
A true family model for the 21st century
Serge Benhayon the remarkable man showing us how family life can be of true harmony, integrity and joy.
What if we lived every day as Mother’s Day?
We as mothers may wait for Mother’s Day and the acknowledgement from others of all that we do for everyone else, every day of the year, but what are we waiting for?
What I love about Serge Benhayon
"I have never seen anyone else be quite this transparent and open with everyone they meet," says Kristy Wood. "When Serge Benhayon meets someone he gives them everything – it is like they are a dearly loved family member."
Mother’s day: special treat or sneaky trick?
Mothers day: Special Treat or Sneaky Trick? – asks mothers to consider what is the true motivation behind Mother’s day and if we settle for this one day treat because we don’t appreciate ourselves?
Mother's Day, Motherhood, Appreciation, Esoteric Women's Health, Healing
Mother’s Day presents, mothers and me
Mother’s Day – what’s it all about? ... Celebrating the amazing Women we are aside from the chocolates, fluffy socks and dressing gowns!!
Women’s thoughts about Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is considered a major mothering highlight after women become part of the motherhood fraternity! But what are women’s thoughts on Mother’s Day?
Self-care at work makes sense, why is it not common practice?
No one at work ever tells us NOT to take care of ourselves at work, and, we all know that it is needed. Why then is self-care not consistently practiced in workplaces?
Absenteeism, Appreciation, Career, Culture, Leadership, Productivity, Healthy living
Accepting your divinity
Accept you are not perfect, but accept that within you is a Divinity that is perfect. The more you can accept the Divinity, the more you can accept the imperfections of the human being.
Love is all around us if we see, hear and feel it
When we are looking for others to love us back ‘our way’ we often actually miss the fact of love being expressed all around us.
What is the Science of Appreciation and how does it evolve all of our relationships?
What is the Science of Appreciation and how does it evolve all of our relationships? In this audio, Serge Benhayon takes us deeper in to the science.
Appreciation in relationships
Even though we love each other, we often take each other for granted. Appreciation in relationships can deepen our love and intimacy, and build healthy relationships in all areas of our lives.
Appreciation, Communication, Couples therapy, Love, Relationship problems
Fairy-Tales - why a romantic relationship is so hard to find
Seeking true love from a romantic relationship – a Fairy-Tale romance - is a game of pretend. Has our perception of relationships been corrupted by romantic fiction? Read this article on how we have been duped
Good parenting skills
Rather than give advice to children – listen, connect and explain the consequences
Parenting, Presence, Communication, Appreciation, Psychology, Feelings, Hurt, Confidence, Self-esteem
Building intimacy in your relationships
We all long for true intimacy, but how do we juggle work, family, relationships, and stay open to others? Intimacy in relationships starts with you, the willingness to investigate the depths of who you are.
Self-worth, Loneliness, Appreciation, Surrender, Love, Awareness, Couples therapy
Myth-busting retirement
This true story questions the cultural attitude that focusses on longing for retirement day so life can be lived more enjoyably. Do we really believe this to be true or have we not examined the issue to its full extent?
Appreciation of some extraordinary men
Now thriving in his 64th year after having been written off as permanently incapacitated over 30 years ago, Chris James works full time as a presenter and musician and travels worldwide. What changed for him?
Love the love you share
Loving the love that you share. How simple it is to appreciate what we have together so why not every single day? Don’t wait for one day of the year – start today!
Appreciation, Connection, Constellations, Evolution, Valentine's Day, Love
Self-worth and self-development – does it work?
The self-development industry is rich with promises of improvement, success and living the life of your dreams ... but does it really work?
From feeling anxious and stressed to going with the flow
I have never really thought of myself as an anxious person, but I was certainly stressed for a lot of my life, so much so that I ended up with a hyperactive thyroid in 2002, which affected my major muscles including my heart, giving me atrial fibrillation for the rest of my life.
Weight Loss and Living with Contentment
If I could use one word to express my life now it would be contentment. This has not always been the case. My life used to be a constant wave of ups and downs...
Self-loathing and low self-esteem
Have you noticed just how much we use self loathing to reject ourselves? It seems that to have low self-esteem, low self-worth and to actively engage in self-loathing is absolutely acceptable in society, that it’s a ‘normal part of life’. How did that happen?
Self-esteem, Rejection, Appreciation, Behaviour, Relationships, Self-worth
I thought alcohol would give me confidence…
This is not your usual before and after story about alcohol; it is not about being an alcoholic and coming back from it, but it shares about my use of alcohol as a teenager…
Valentine's dread - tips for liberation
This article talks about the pressures men experience when it comes to the one day of the year that calls for them to celebrate their relationships.
Love, Connection, Appreciation, Empowerment, Feelings, Valentine's Day
Psychology Audio
Is there more to life than meets the eye? Yes there is! This collection of audios offers us a deeper understanding of everyday life and how to be with and live in it.
Psychology, Relationships, Acceptance, Anxiety, Appreciation, Confidence, Empowerment, Essence
Is true beauty really in the eye of the beholder?
Everywhere we look we see versions of what women ‘should’ look like to be beautiful – but is this beauty ideal really what it means to be beautiful?
Beauty myths, Acceptance, Appreciation, Confidence, Fashion, Body positive, Body image
The Universal Medicine New Year's Message for 2017
A new dawning has begun. Esoteric Numerology places the year 2017 as the energy or cycle of the number 1. The energy or cycle of 1 is well known to mean a new beginning. We are all in such cycles; no one is free of them.
Humanity, Ageless Wisdom, Awareness, Appreciation, Evolution
Our choices do influence how we die
We will all die at some point, so how we die should be of profound interest to us … right? Let's start the conversation.
Death, Palliative care, Passing over, Appreciation, Ageing, Healthy living
All of nature is here to support us to return to who we truly are
Supporting International Mother Earth Day and the miracle and reflection of nature.
A diet of treats and rewards
Why do we crave treats and rewards; what do they do for us? Is it possible to imagine living life without them?
The self-care ‘diet’
How the humble pie of “self-care” can be the answer to the Western world’s obesity epidemic.
Fashion styling – embracing and appreciating ourselves
Fashion Styling – Embracing and Appreciating ourselves. How do we do this on a budget and yet still find the expression we know we uniquely have?
Fashion, Beauty tips, Body positive, Appreciation, Style, Body image
Exhausted and depressed at work: how falsely do we live life?
What makes us stressed, depressed or exhausted at work? This article considers the impact of not working as the ‘real-us’ and how this adversely affects our success, health and wellness.
Exhaustion, Work stress, Appreciation, Feelings, Stress, Work life balance, Vitality, Harmony, Well-being
The love diet
What I like to eat and what my body likes are often different, but my body knows me best and tells me clearly and constantly what it needs and what it doesn’t.
What was today’s lesson?
Two books that help us understand why things happen and make us aware of the true science of living our lives successfully and in connection to our Soul.
‘Debut’ – an album by Miranda Benhayon
Miranda Benhayon’s voice simply compels you to listen as the power and beauty impressed in each song on her album ‘Debut’ opens the way to experience life in a new way. Accompanied by exquisite music and instruments played by Michael Benhayon, each song brings its own experience, flavour and style – a complete package.
From worrying about the doing to caring about the being
Too often we focus on getting the job done no matter what the consequences. However, if we were to take time to care for ourselves first, how would everything turn out?
The fragility within self-empowerment
As women we don’t usually associate fragility with self-love, self-nurturing, and self-empowerment, but have we been on the wrong track for so long that we’ve lost sight of what it really means to feel our fragility?
Reviewing, reflecting and appreciating our choices
Tanya Curtis discusses the benefits of reviewing, reflecting and appreciating all our deposits, choices, investments and outcomes.
Am I in the right job?
We can spend years searching or yearning for the ‘perfect’ job, or even something with more meaning, more purpose. What if the job we’re in is that job?
How to be in full time work and loving it
From withdrawal to being inspired to work full-time once again. Read how Jen now loves her work.
Livingness, Vitality, Appreciation, Shift work, Work stress, Overwhelm
We are all one
The responsibility we all hold to be living with and from energetic awareness is set out clearly here. Knowing we are all one comes from connection to Soul rather than from our spirit which can lead us to live unlovingly with ourselves and others, and even to war.
Procrastination with food: just a small snack first … ?
How often do you reach for a snack rather than getting on with something? Do you snack to procrastinate? Have you ever asked, what are you really avoiding?
Weight-loss, Diets, Connection, Appreciation, Awareness, Tension
Low self-esteem is a product of having a picture as to how we should be, and believing that we do not meet those requirements. What if you can build a new relationship with self-esteem?
Why work? What is work about?
Discussing the purpose of work, from aeons ago, to this modern age. Have we lost a sense of purpose and commitment about work, and more so, have we lost our true love and joy of work?
From feeling a victim to living a joyful life
Regina shares that when she was growing up, she felt totally misunderstood and a victim of life. So, she learnt to shut down; to shut herself away from a world that she found way too hard to live in.
International day of friendship – July 30th
What builds true friendship?
Being a woman is more than being a mother
All this influenced the way I saw myself as a woman, and I identified with being a mother as an intrinsic part of what it meant to be a woman.
Acceptance, Appreciation, Connection, Essence, Sacredness, Self-worth
"Stronger" – Glorious Music Video
A song for everyone, ‘Stronger’ presents an inspiring message supporting girls and women to choose the inner strength that exists within them, to deal with the pressures faced in our world today.
Appreciation, Empowerment, Music videos, Anxiety, Relationships, Rejection, Free downloads
The joy of watching a child teach her mother
How often do we see teaching strategies which come from love and equality, and how this approach works in real teaching situations? Teacher, Michael Keppler shares this touching personal account.
For most of my life I have never thought I was good enough. I am pretty sure I didn’t feel this as a really young child, but as I grew I can see now how the idea ballooned one breath at a time . . .
Acceptance, Appreciation, Awareness, Breath, Confidence, Connection
How comparison hides the insidious poison of jealousy
What are we really jealous of? Is it possessions and lifestyle, or Intimacy in healthy relationships?
Game changer – how to overcome the fear of rejection
In the game of rejection, who are the players, what are their objectives, what is the ultimate outcome and what if there was nothing to fear? Here we explore the rules of engagement, why the game is played and how we might overcome our fear.
Acceptance, Appreciation, Bullying, Confidence, Rejection, Relationships, Self-worth
How to live from your soul – thank you Serge Benhayon
How does one show their appreciation to the man who shows you how to live in divine connection to all equally? ‘Thank you Serge Benhayon!’ doesn’t begin to cover it.
Truth, Universal Medicine, Son of God, Appreciation, Livingness, Role models
Finding motivation to lose weight
Is most advice on how to get motivated to lose weight actually setting us up for failure from the outset? This article exposes the ‘get motivated’ pitfalls and presents a positive way forward.
Before and after love
I have a powerful memory of love. I was about 2 years old and sitting on my grandfather’s lap with the sun streaming through the nearby window.
What is intimacy?
Intimacy can be much easier than we think. This article introduces a new understanding of intimacy and how we can develop it in all our relationships.
Self-worth, Appreciation, Connection, Essence, Healthy relationships
Comparison – Is it the pot calling the kettle black?
Why is it that we often compare ourselves with others, and instead of appreciating the way they are living we judge our self and beat ourselves up about our bad choices and past mistakes? Dissecting the phrase “The Pot calling the Kettle black” is a great analogy into how, in our Alpha male attitude, we can so easily do this.
If words could express ...
“Previously... I walked each day with an uncertainty, with doubt, with apprehension”. What major shift happened for Giselle Isgro Lo Giudice when she encountered the Ageless Wisdom?
Love and Relationship Audio
A life changing collection of free audio on Love and Relationship – two of our favourite subjects but how much do we really know about them?
Free downloads, Appreciation, Brotherhood, Communication, Dating, Essence, Evolution, Harmony, Intimacy, Love, Relationships, Sex, Valentine's Day, Friendship, Making love
Men and jealousy
We think that we know what jealousy is and when it presents, but do we really understand why it arises and the decisions we make that allow it to impact our lives?
There is honour in every job
Exploring the true meaningfulness in work, regardless of the job, and how we choose what to give our attention to at work.
What it is to be a sexy, sassy, spunky woman
Can we be sexy, sassy, spunky women at any age? How a young woman inspires another woman to go from being Miss Angry to deeply loving and knowing herself, and becoming the sexy, sassy, spunky woman she is.
Our struggle with body image
What is it that drives us to feel compelled to remodel and even disfigure our bodies?
Abuse, Appreciation, Body image, Connection, Family, Joy, Soul, Tattoos
Loveliness – just words or a way of being?
What does the word ‘loveliness’ convey in your mind – a same-same recipe for appearance, or greater depths of sacredness for us to go to?