What it is to be a sexy, sassy, spunky woman

What it is to be a sexy, sassy, spunky woman
The first time I met Natalie Benhayon was at a workshop back in 2014/2015 that was hosted in a sports stadium. I observed the way Natalie walked from the stage to her chair. The first thought that came through was how arrogant she came across as she walked/moved across the room.
But was this the actual truth of what my eyes perceived? Or was there something more there that I was not allowing my eyes to receive?
You see at that time I was a very different person, going through ‘stuff ‘and during this I was very angry with the world. I was angry at everything; at people for not understanding or accepting me. I can only say I perspired anger, I spoke in anger, my body language was in anger, the tone of my voice was in anger and even my eyes were angry. In some respect I’m embarrassed to share this. However, I’m just being honest as to where I was in my life back then when I first met Natalie.
When we are in that ‘stuff’ that’s going on for us, life is not what it always seems, but it becomes our reality, our world, and we see no way out of it. But now my attitude, my respect and my love for Natalie has completely changed over the years because I live from a different place these days, inspired by the reflection that Natalie Benhayon continually offers me and all those around her. I needed to share that the impression I had of Natalie back then was from a total lie, an illusion to how I now observe and see her today.
What was it that fired me up to react when I observed Natalie walk across that stadium?
It was the fact that here stood this young woman who represented the sexy, sassy, spunky woman I was far from living at that point. And she had every right to represent this to the world with bells and whistles.
Over the years as my and our relationship developed, I’ve learnt so much from Natalie and this was one of the things that has notably evolved for me. That sexy, sassy and spunky isn’t defined by our age. It’s there within every woman and available to us all. Grey haired, wrinkles and cellulite just does not get in the way of this offering.
Over the years, I’ve learnt my way of being sexy, sassy and spunky. It’s not about being perfect in this – but who’s perfect and whose standards of ‘perfection’ are we trying to meet?
So, what changed?
I took baby steps and started to introduce things that felt right for me – from the simplicity of painting my nails to everything I wear on my skin. In my profession nail polish isn’t encouraged, but who’s to say I can’t paint my nails over the weekend? Why bum around in jogging pants and look like a sack of potatoes because I’m not galivanting about. When I can still feel sexy, sassy and spunky no matter the day or the clothes I wear.
As this became my norm, then the next was offered and from there I built MY sexy, sassy and spunky bank. An offering for others to see and feel and for the uptake, if they so wish.
I started to buy different clothes as I became more and more comfortable with my body. Dresses were rare in my wardrobe and before I knew it, I was purchasing dresses – some I wouldn’t even have thought of in the past. That sexy, sassy and spunky in me was unfolding.
I take pride and care of my body more than ever, and no doubt there will be more to add. To make the change, its starts somewhere and somehow and for me it was the step that I felt comfortable with, no pressurisation or expectation from anyone, but the love and care for myself.
So, what’s my impression of Natalie Benhayon now?
Well… she’s this worldly, wise, sexy, sassy and spunky woman. She’s a role model in every way than just the one. She is an inspiration to many women, of all ages, colour, religions, cultures etc. She is that first breath that breathed you forth when born, she brings you home – it is that simple.
In my eyes I see Natalie as a woman of the world ready to share everything she has as it is equally available to everyone.
I absolutely love her for who she truly is and what she brings to all of us… as I now do myself in my own unique way.
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