Winning the lottery
Ever dreamed of winning the lottery? Seems like a great idea and you’d never have to work again, right!
The corporate takeover of our kids’ future
There is an alarming new trend for privatizing education around the world. Corporations have their eyes clearly set on education as a new opportunity for profit. But who are the winners and losers here as our children become ‘products’ in a corporations’ lust to make bigger profits?
Competition, Performance management, Money, Teachers, Corruption
Serge Benhayon TV – Business and Evolution
What does the economy of the future look like? When greed is no longer the driving force behind business, what will take its place? In this episode Serge Benhayon reveals why money is not the root of all evil and why ‘God is Business’.
Myth-busting retirement
This true story questions the cultural attitude that focusses on longing for retirement day so life can be lived more enjoyably. Do we really believe this to be true or have we not examined the issue to its full extent?
Just get a job!
From corporate executive to meat packing worker; is it really about what the job is, or just about working?
Why retire? Does it truly serve the individual who retires, and the workforce they leave?
Retirement is a relatively new concept, perhaps 100 to 120 years old.
Retirement, Ageing, Career, Work life balance, Health conditions, Money
The state of our work today
What is the state of our work today? How healthy, and joyful are we at work? What are the issues we face in our workplaces today?
Career, Work stress, Technology, Productivity, Opinion, Money, Corruption, Competition
‘All that glitters’ … design trends, latest fashion and our self-worth
Is it possible that we are actually caught in this culture or cycle of having the latest and the greatest, the newest and the fastest, the hottest & the sexiest and it’s not actually what we truly want – or who we truly are?
Turning a blind eye: 21st Century slavery served for dinner
Here is the crunch – slavery has never ended – as documented in Australia with the migrant workers who pick, pack and process our daily food. There are more slaves in the world today than ever before. How does this correspond with the way we run our personal lives?
From worrying about the doing to caring about the being
Too often we focus on getting the job done no matter what the consequences. However, if we were to take time to care for ourselves first, how would everything turn out?
Spending money and the evolution of supply and demand
Spending money influences the law of supply and demand. Is it possible that it is also evolutionary and healing too?
Money, Evolution, Empowerment, Responsibility, Humanity, Community
Money, responsibility and wealth
What is our relationship with money? Are we responsible in our daily living choices for money and wealth? What if our greatest wealth is not money?
Much ado about.... lockdown
What if there are some benefits to Lockdown?
Longing for retirement
Retirement is viewed as a well deserved right by most people. But are we all missing out when we place so much emphasis on reaching retirement and what is the quality of our relationship with work in the meantime?
Integrity in business
In our Audio of the Month for November 2024 Serge Benhayon presents where the true value in business is.