Topic:Harmony SEE ALL TOPICS
A school camp reflection: Using nature as a classroom
What happens when educator Brianna Croke takes a group of eleven incredible teenage girls of all personalities, differences and flairs on a three-day school camp?
Learning and living true physiotherapy – Part one
Kate Greenaway shares her experiences on learning what True Physiotherapy is all about in considering each patient as a physical, emotional and energetic being.
Hardness, Connective tissue, Tension, Vitality, Harmony, Intelligence
Sound vibration, science and music - revealing energies and patterns of harmony
Sound vibration affects matter and expresses or reveals the underlying frequency pattern of energy. This science can be used to increase our awareness of harmony and disharmony in us.
To heal is not the same as cure
Healing is not the same as a cure. Do we want a cure, or do we seek to go deeper to the root of the problem, or, have we given up on healing?
Love in intelligence
Books that forever expand our perspective, bringing us back to a very humble sense of what it is to love with love in intelligence.
Good medicine starts with you breathing you
Learn about how good medicine starts with your breath, and living you every day.
Medicine, Lifestyle, Harmony, Breath, Body awareness, Gentle breath
In search of a new evidence base
We seem to be fixated on evidence -based medicine but are missing the one set of criteria that matter the most when testing for efficacy.
Religion, Evidence-based, Harmony, Love, Joy, Truth, Stillness
Retroverted uterus – living life backwards
With retroverted uterus, ovarian cysts and endometriosis on the rise, can such issues with our female parts reflect which direction we are ‘living life’ as women?
Confidence, Health conditions, Empowerment, Harmony, Sacredness
Getting real or still dreaming about paradise?
Can this be it? What kind of society would we really love to live in? Does the answer lie in constructing our idea of ‘paradise on earth’ or is there more to it?
Illusion, Harmony, Anxiety, Gentle breath, Philosophy, Son of God
Energetic Integrity and Energetic Responsibility
Have you ever thought about what the consequences are for each and every moment of our expression and movement ? Read about what it is like to live a life understanding the principals of Energetic Responsibility and Energetic integrity
Did you know? ...
Did You Know is a section providing interesting points relating to healing and the human body.
How do I become a practitioner of Sacred Esoteric Healing?
An article that discusses the training and integrity requirements to become a practitioner in Sacred Esoteric Healing
Counseling, Training, Practitioner, Inner-heart, Healing, Harmony, Esoteric
Sacred Esoteric Healing as a way of life
Sacred Esoteric Healing sessions offer a marker of feeling at ease in one’s own skin, the feeling of just being able to be, clear of the impositions and forces thrust upon us in everyday life.
Lifestyle vs. Livingness
This article explores the difference between lifestyle and livingness and how living life from your true essence leads you to healthy living.
Livingness, Lifestyle, Philosophy, Behaviour, Culture, Essence, Harmony, Illusion, Healthy living
Quality of presence – reflection
Everything in nature is there to reflect to us the many and varied qualities we are and can expand. What is the quality of our reflection communicating?
Jenny James – ‘Shining On’ album review
Pure country music at its heart, with the direct and innocent honesty that Jenny James’ voice delivers. Songs that anyone would be busting out to join in on – ‘Shining On’ is truly celebratory.
Is that all there is?
‘Is that all there is?’ How many have had this very thought, have felt the emptiness of life’s anticlimax? Can and do we have access to more, to the ‘ALL’?
Loneliness, Harmony, Work life balance, Stress, Exhaustion, Connection
The five principles of God
Our April 2018 Audio of the Month shares the five practical principles of God and their application in our daily life – what could be more gorgeous than that!
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
Books that are challenging, yet make so much sense
These books make a lot of sense even though they are challenging at times. They helped this reader understand that how she lives her life each and every moment makes a huge difference, not just for herself but also for everyone.
Jenny James
Jenny James writes music that asks us to look deeper, beyond life that we accept or ‘know it to be’. Her songs are Universal, her voice has a purity that brings clarity, beauty and depth to any style and supports the sacredness that is within us all.
Harmony, Musicians, Music, Presence, Expression, Connection, Performance anxiety
Michael Benhayon, Glorious Music – interview part 2
Michael Benhayon of Glorious Music shares his approach to producing music, his awareness and commitment to the energetic quality of music, and how his working life and his music are inextricably linked.
Musicians, Productivity, Role models, Energy in music, Music, Harmony, Music videos
Discover the joy of Harmony, the harm of disharmony and more!
11th of November Remembrance Day, 100 years on, was their sacrifice worth it?
One hundred years on from the First World War ending, was the sacrifice of all those young men who died in the trenches in the most appalling conditions worth it? Is the world we currently have created a good testimony to their sacrifice? Do we have anything to feel proud of?
Conflict, Connection, Evolution, Harmony, Humanity, Healthy living
Those pesky Monday morning blues!
It’s Monday morning, the first day back to work after a weekend or a few weeks of annual leave. I hear a deep sigh as my colleagues sit down and turn on their computer and I smile ... once upon a time this was me.
Moving in harmony
There is something important to understand about the quality of our movements. Find out in our Audio of the Month for July 2019.
Introduction to Esoteric Massage
Brief introduction to Esoteric Massage
Esoteric, Massage, Harmony, Healing, Hardness, Tension, Surrender
Can Universal Medicine Therapies cure cancer?
Universal Medicine Therapies offer no cure. Read on to find out what a cure actually is and why these therapies have no interest in or purpose to offer that.
Disease, Healing, Harmony, Livingness, Universal Medicine, Therapies
Recording studio life – Finding the 'magic'
A place where ‘magic happens’, the recording studio is where artists or band's aspirations are fulfilled and distilled into ‘musical gold’. The truth in most cases is much less flattering.
Music, Drugs, Anti-social behaviour, Musicians, Energy in music, Connection, Harmony, Productivity
Our monthly period – curse or woman’s wonder?
All over the world, whether steeped in beliefs, tribal customs or rituals, a woman’s period is often perceived as a curse or at the very least an inconvenience and something dreaded. Katerina writes that our menstrual cycle, whether we have painful periods and suffer PMT or not, can offer us the deepest possible treasure from the innate wisdom that lives within.
Menstrual cycle, Women's health, Human body, Harmony, Wisdom
This book has become part of my daily rhythm and this is a huge support
Bianca Barban describes how Esoteric and Exoteric Philosophy, the Sayings has become a part of her daily rhythm and a huge support in her life.
Ageless Wisdom, Harmony, Healing, Wisdom, Testimonials, Inner-heart
Symptom relief or healing?
Do we seek symptom relief or healing, and is there a difference?
All of nature is here to support us to return to who we truly are
Supporting International Mother Earth Day and the miracle and reflection of nature.
Harmlessness – our true quality lost in a world at war
The world is at war, no matter which way we look at it. We are retaliating and fighting to ‘protect’ our ‘own’ borders. And yet does the power to end warring and disharmony lie in our very own hands?
Abuse, Awareness, Behaviour, Conflict, Harmony, Tension, Brotherhood, Supremacy
Religious tolerance
By allowing tolerance in our lives we accept less than the love that we all are in our essence.
Function, harmony and health
We are told that to be healthy we need to achieve a level of physical fitness, but even super-fit athletes get sick, so why are we placing value on our physical condition ahead of the quality and harmony that is needed to support our body?
In our essence we hold a natural harmony with each other. We are pulled to being one.
Harmony Day is a good opportunity for us to question what stops us from being harmonious with each other when harmony is our natural way of being?
Exhausted and depressed at work: how falsely do we live life?
What makes us stressed, depressed or exhausted at work? This article considers the impact of not working as the ‘real-us’ and how this adversely affects our success, health and wellness.
Exhaustion, Work stress, Appreciation, Feelings, Stress, Work life balance, Vitality, Harmony, Well-being
Esoteric Chakra-puncture
Chakra-puncture is a healing therapy that restores a natural vitality by igniting the Nadis, the energetic cells, in the body.
Letter to my body – from trash-tip to temple
When your body is pining for more sleep, asks for nourishing food and to be honoured, held and cherished like the Temple that it is, what do you do? What treatment do you offer back to your body?
God doesn’t take sides
Most would agree it is petty to ‘play favourites’, so how can we even begin to entertain the notion that God favours a chosen few?
Earth calling Mars – Want some irresponsible tenants?
Is Planet Earth a throwaway item; are our relationships dispensable? With our history, could we seriously consider Family Humanity suitable tenants for another unsuspecting planet? But the burning question is, ‘why do we want, or need to, escape this planet?’
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Brotherhood, Harmony, Livingness, Relationships, Supremacy
‘Debut’ – an album by Miranda Benhayon
Miranda Benhayon’s voice simply compels you to listen as the power and beauty impressed in each song on her album ‘Debut’ opens the way to experience life in a new way. Accompanied by exquisite music and instruments played by Michael Benhayon, each song brings its own experience, flavour and style – a complete package.
Heaven’s Joy – 'Love Is Who We Are' album review
The inspirational album 'Love Is Who We Are' by German band ‘Heavens Joy’ offers the opportunity to connect with great music and the joy of simply feeling the beautiful qualities of who we naturally are.
In search of harmony – finding ‘the real thing’
Singers and performers often talk of the momentary high and come down after a performance. Is there a way of singing and performing that leaves us feeling whole: what is the ‘x-factor’ that makes all the difference?
Being right versus living in Harmony, Joy, Stillness, Truth and Love
For more loving and harmonious relationships read this article on letting go of being right. Surrendering to the us rather than arguing over who’s right or wrong can lead to joy and harmony.
Sound and living cells – the science of sound
Have you ever been near a forest fire? The roar goes right through your body! Have you heard of glass breaking when singers hit the highest notes? Biologist Dianne Trusssell de-mystifies the facts about science and sound
It is our evolution and joy to return to our Divine essence the Soul.
Unimedpedia, Soul, Love, Harmony, Essence, God, Son of God
He who controls movement controls it all
I’m sure you’ve heard expressions like ‘you are what you eat’ or ‘your thoughts shape who you become’. What if we are what and how we move?
One plus one equals three
Is modern science knowledge or gnosis? What about God?
Heaven’s Joy
The band ‘Heaven’s Joy’ began to play together a few years ago after years of experience in the music industry playing with various artists. Their amazing new album ‘Love Is Who We Are ’ is available through
Music, Relationships, Musicians, Harmony, Connection, Livingness
Deborah Savran – 'Let My Heart Lead The Way' album review
With a voice that delivers power, sass and delicate beauty all in one, Minneapolis USA based singer Deborah Savran brings her own exquisite style to the compositions of Australian musician Michael Benhayon with her debut album ‘Let My Heart Lead The Way’.
The deafening sound of war and peace
What if ‘peace’ as we know it is one huge illusion? The world in ‘peace-time’ is consistently becoming a more violent place to live in – this is no illusion, but a very real quandary. Could the Peace Treaties we sign be as damaging as the cannons of war?
Serge Benhayon TV – Religion, Co-existence and the Science of Reflection
What is the true nature of religion and how can there ever be a relationship between religion and violence? How we can live together and how does this apply to life through the Science of Reflection.
Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Harmony, Evolution, Brotherhood, Healthy relationships
Accepting all of you
Acceptance is the ability to understand that you’re not perfect but that there is a divinity that can be accepted.
The joy of rediscovering the true meaning of the word ‘Joy’
Unimedpedia, Stillness, Soul, Love, Essence, Harmony, Joy, Truth
Three great reasons to ditch your New Year's resolutions before you even make them and how to make true change instead ...
How often do we make New Year resolutions to get ourselves fit and well only to find they we have made ourselves empty promises again? This article challenges this yearly practice by offering another way to make lasting change in our lives.
Behaviour, Body awareness, Weight, Self-love, Well-being, Harmony, Nurturing, Weight-loss
The difference between peace and harmony
When compared to war peace feels amazing but how we are living is a long way from harmony.
Michael Benhayon – ‘Live the Light’ album review
Michael Benhayon’s Live the Light is an album that defies and redefines our known concepts of music.
Music videos, Musicians, Harmony, Energy in music, Emotions, Role models
Sacred movement
Are we willing to consider that how we live and move can pollute our body in a way equally as huge as the impact of fossil fuels, chemicals or urban build up?
Sparkling Eyes - Heaven’s Joy - Music Video
Music to light up your day, you can’t help but smile and sing with Sparkling Eyes – ‘a joy to hear’ with the beautiful, rich tone of Andrea Leohardi’s vocals accompanied by band members Urs Fuchs, Chris Krämer and the Gentle Voices.
The Ageless Wisdom Teaching on relationship and the Science of Reflection
We are in relationship with everything and everyone all of the time and through this we are offered myriad reflections. This article reveals the challenging yet divinely powerful Science of Reflection.
Tension, Stillness, Sacredness, Relationships, Harmony, Ageless Wisdom, Connection
School stress: The real test at school
Does a successful week at school mean coming top of the class? Maybe there is a greater feat for kids, even more difficult to achieve – how to stay yourself with everyday school stress! Do we accept school stress as ‘the norm'?
Michael Benhayon, Glorious Music – interview part 1
Michael Benhayon of Glorious Music shares about performing live, his musical background and how he produced 6 Albums in 4 years while simultaneously working full-time and leading a rich family life.
Musicians, Productivity, Role models, Energy in music, Time management, Music, Harmony, Lifestyle, Music videos
Yoga and the five ingredients of heaven
Yoga simply means union with God. Our Audio of the Month for May 2020 reveals the five ingredients of heaven that we can live in our everyday life to experience the joy of that union.
Singing cells – science and the music of the human body
Tune-in to how your ‘cells are singing’ today – a cacophony or a symphony? Biologist Dianne Trussell on the human body in relation to sound, vibration, expression and wellbeing.
Healing sound and music therapy – What makes sound healing?
If healing sound is not confined to musical styles, from where does the ‘healing quality’ in music originate? In every moment we have the potential to offer healing with sound and music: this is great in theory but what principles apply and how can we put this into practice?
Serge Benhayon on Brexit
The recent Brexit vote in the UK exposes some very deep ills in society. But Serge Benhayon invites us to look even deeper.
What if stillness is actually our natural state of being? A quality we can remain in touch with, through the activity of our lives, enriching our experience of life, of joy and … simply being ourselves.
The Joy of Ageing, Esoterically – is there something special here?
What is it that people feel when they are drawn to this book? Is it possible that it speaks volumes before you even open and read it?
Don’t shoot the messenger!
We have one of the world’s leading experts in health and medicine with us 24 hours a day – our body! How can we deepen our relationship with our bodies and listen to what our bodies are telling us?
Love and Relationship Audio
A life changing collection of free audio on Love and Relationship – two of our favourite subjects but how much do we really know about them?
Free downloads, Appreciation, Brotherhood, Communication, Dating, Essence, Evolution, Harmony, Intimacy, Love, Relationships, Sex, Valentine's Day, Friendship, Making love
Quality of movement = Quality of life
What if the way in which we move determines not only the quality of our own life, but has a ripple effect upon all of life?
Constellations, Behaviour, Body awareness, Conscious presence, Harmony, Yoga
Moving in harmony
As long as we are alive, we will be moving. Do we ever consider the great intelligence that must be in every cell of our body, that knows exactly how to do everything, how to respond to the nerve signals, move the muscles and coordinate them?
The science of group work
Have you ever noticed that when you get together with a group of people, interesting ideas can come through that no one would have thought of when alone?
Music in harmony
Popular music and songs are designed to have ‘good’ harmony and clever, pleasing combinations of sounds, but what is that sound offering?
A love letter to a love song
What is true devotion? This song from Tina Kopa and Catherine Wood speaks of devotion beyond the constructs of the age we live in; timeless and unspeakably beautiful.
Our innate way
Learning to live from our innate essence, rather than all of our conditioned ways, can be simpler than we think and lead to more ease and settlement in life.
Being with what is – as is
Are the pictures and expectations we have in life robbing us of all we are and can naturally be?
Understanding our food choices
This is a personal account of how our food choices can deliberately sabotage our joy and wellbeing.
Catherine Wood
Catherine Wood has worked extensively as a freelance musician, with a resume that includes everything from classical to funk to jazz to pop and anything you can think of in between.
Our crazy stray from harmony
In our Audio of the Month for September 2023 Serge Benhayon presents the vast contrast between the magnificence of the universe we are equally a part of and the way in which humanity lives in conflict within it.
The space beyond time
The demands of time can feel like an immovable fact of life that rules most people’s lives. But what if there was a greater, more wholesome way to live?
Essence, Exhaustion, Harmony, Soul, Time
The Arab Golden Age
Before the Renaissance blossomed into its full expression, the Ageless Wisdom flourished in the Arab World.
Integrity in business
In our Audio of the Month for November 2024 Serge Benhayon presents where the true value in business is.
What is with the Equinox?
What is the significance of the Equinoxes, why do we acknowledge them, and what comes of them in our lives as Human Beings living on Earth?
Tiptoeing around the truth
What could be moving a child to walk in a way that society decrees to be abnormal? What could possibly be under their feet that they do not want to feel?