Heaven’s Joy

Heaven’s Joy
‘We have known each other for quite a long time: Andrea and Chris are sister and brother and we first met Urs when we were teenagers... Today Andrea and Urs are a couple, and Andrea, Urs and Chris live together in a wonderful, lovely house!
We began to play together as a trio a few years ago and presented concerts in Germany with our own songs. In April 2014 we recorded the first ideas for ‘Love Is Who We Are’ and in March 2015 we started to record our new album that we launched in November 2015.
‘Love Is Who We Are’ is made to offer a heavenly quality to the listener to lift you up to your true potential, to remind us all of who we truly are and that we can – by our daily living – bring back a deeply loving quality to our life, our bodies, our relationships and to the world.’ Our recording phase was a beautiful intense time. Before recording a song we always made sure that we felt a clarity within ourselves, and joyful and harmonious with each other.
We always recorded the songs in an atmosphere that was light, joyful and with a deep connection to each other, aware of a greater plan and purpose to this music. We supported each other to be in our true power and expression; we were aware that it was about bringing this message of harmony to everyone who would ever listen to the music.
And this connection and commitment doesn´t stop when we leave the studio. We know that everything we do is part of a bigger picture, and that how we live in our daily life is significant and carries through in the quality of the music. We always share how we feel, clarify if something is in the air, and support each other with the intent of building true harmony.
The harmony between us is lived, and the connection to our lived love can be felt in the music as it is played. Music always transports the quality we live in.
All songs are written and composed by Andrea Leonhardi in collaboration with Urs Fuchs & Chris Krämer, arranged, mixed and recorded in our Studio in Germany by Urs & Chris.
The songs are inspired by the way we live and work with people, which is in turn inspired by the work of Serge Benhayon and Universal Medicine.
See more at www.heavensjoyfullmusic.com.
Urs Fuchs has worked as a musician for over 30 years on stage and in various studios, and has played on about 100 CD productions with artists worldwide including Farfarello, Ulla van Daelen, Sally Oldfield, Jon Lord (Deep Purple), Frida (ABBA), Clannad (Ireland), Nippy Noya, Wolfgang Niedecken / BAP, (Germany), Peter Krauss, Miller Anderson (Spencer Davis Group), Ian Melrose, Carrie Newcomer. Mario Argandona (Scorpions). He also played and composed songs in collaboration with Andrea Leonhardi, for the Varieté – Shows of Da Capo Germany.
A multi instrumentalist, Urs plays guitar, bass, percussion, piano, sings and is owner of the “Joyfull Music-Studio” in Germany. He currently plays in several live bands and projects like Farfarello, Talking Water, with the Harp player Ulla van Daelen, Njoy Paradise, Zebra Sommerwind (German Folk), The Gentle Voices (Germany), Chris James (Australia) and Heaven’s Joy.
Urs teaches guitar, percussion and bass for children. He also plays, reads and sings with children the story of Pinocchio, in a puppet-theatre. Urs works as a practitioner of Universal Medicine Therapies.
Christian Krämer has a diploma in drums and studied drums at the Drummers Institute in Germany. He has been teaching drums since 1992 and is founder and owner of the drum school “Drum-Coaching” in Leverkusen/Germany (www.chris-kraemer.com.
With his know-how of over 20 years of teaching drums, Christian teaches children and adults to find their own expression through their instrument, and their rhythm of life, by including bodywork and the Esoteric Healing modalities of Universal Medicine to the drum lessons.
Chris has played in various bands and is currently together with Urs and Andrea (Njoy Paradise, Heaven’s Joy) and The Gentle Voices (Germany). He plays concerts with Chris James (Australia) and supports his workshops in Europe by playing drums.
Andrea Leonhardi always loved to sing and to write songs. She sings, plays piano, guitar, percussion, saxophone and is composer of many songs for various albums.
She has played and sung in many bands and projects in France and Germany, and on various albums and together with Urs in the trio ‘Zebra Sommerwind’ (German Folk). Andrea sang and danced in the Varieté Da Capo (Germany), and with Urs composed the music for the Varieté Shows.
Andrea currently plays with ‘Njoy Paradise’ and ‘Heaven´s Joy’ together with Urs & Chris, and Chris James (Australia). She leads the choir ‘The Gentle Voices (Germany)’ and offers sound groups, workshops and voice & expression coaching.
She has run her own clinic for 25 years, and is a practitioner of Universal Medicine Therapies.
Filed under
Music, Relationships, Musicians, Harmony, Connection, Livingness