Topic:Anti-social behaviour SEE ALL TOPICS
The good corporate citizen
Consumer expectation can be a powerful influence for changing corporate behaviour, so don’t we see the same thing with religions?
The first time I heard my favourite band
The day that music changed my life, my friends and my whole world view. Read how Simon’s life changed when, as a teenager, he discovered his favourite band.
Anti-social behaviour, Energy in music, Lifestyle, Music, Musicians, Role models, Teenagers
Addicted to guitar – Michael Serafin
This honest and revealing interview with Michael Serafin gives an insight into life as a teenager, and why and how he isolated himself with music and an obsession with his guitar.
Musicians, Depression, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Energy in music, Music, Lifestyle, Music videos
How much has education really advanced us?
We have long viewed education as a positive force in our society, one leading to progress and better, more civilized lives. But is that really true? From headhunting to pornography . . . how far have we really advanced from what we think of as our ‘primitive’ selves? How are we breeding desensitization to violence in our kids?
Education, Anti-social behaviour, Pornography, Role models, Raising children, Psychology, Tenderness, Gaming
Why wait? Let’s discard out-of-date and abusive attitudes about gender now!
The battle of the sexes has become a world war. Domestic violence is currently headline news, publicly exposing the horrendous abuse kept hidden behind the closed doors of our very own homes. The media is now onto it, but are we fully addressing our part in it?
Abuse, Hurt, Anti-social behaviour, Conflict, Gender equality, Feminism, Self-worth, Relationship problems
How do we become a less violent society?
Violence is an accepted part of our everyday – we expect it. So how do we become a non-violent society, or said another way, how do we come back to being a loving race of people?
Musical responsibility
Ever considered the impact that certain music, artists and their behaviours have on society, and is there such a thing as 'musical responsibility'?
Behaviour, Anti-social behaviour, Accountability, Music, Music videos, Musicians, Role models
Recording studio life – Finding the 'magic'
A place where ‘magic happens’, the recording studio is where artists or band's aspirations are fulfilled and distilled into ‘musical gold’. The truth in most cases is much less flattering.
Music, Drugs, Anti-social behaviour, Musicians, Energy in music, Connection, Harmony, Productivity
Earth calling Mars – Want some irresponsible tenants?
Is Planet Earth a throwaway item; are our relationships dispensable? With our history, could we seriously consider Family Humanity suitable tenants for another unsuspecting planet? But the burning question is, ‘why do we want, or need to, escape this planet?’
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Brotherhood, Harmony, Livingness, Relationships, Supremacy
Freedom of religion, it's no crime: 21st century persecution
The ageless wisdom has historically been targeted by hatred, jealousy and persecution. This article outlines the 21st century model of the all too familiar witch hunts and pogroms that litter our historical landscape.
Humanity, Anti-social behaviour, Religion, Abuse, Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Accountability, Livingness, Persecution
Diving beneath our reasons to drink
When I was younger, I was like everyone else I knew – I enjoyed good food, wine and beer regularly, and I drank much more at the occasional dinner or night out with friends. I chose to believe that a glass of wine or a beer or two each evening was good for me.
Serge Benhayon TV – Domestic violence: a modern plague
In this revealing interview Serge Benhayon sets the bar for decency way above what we have made ‘normal’ in this current climate of abuse and the modern plague of domestic violence.
Self-worth, Abuse, Anti-social behaviour, Gender equality, Emotions, Love, Relationship problems
OCD or the real me
When I was eleven a lot was going on in my life including serious illness in my family, and I also started senior school. Soon after I started compulsively washing my hands in every break, for the whole break.
Drinking alcohol was not ‘normal’ for me at all
When I started going to nightclubs and having my own parties, introducing alcohol into my life all seemed ‘normal’. Everyone else was doing it, so why not me?
Web history - can not delete - file saved to karma folder
We tend to go about our lives ‘online’ using computers and other electronic devices in a flippant manner, wandering from site to site as if we were some kind of digital nomad looking for a long-lost home that never was.
Accountability, Ageless Wisdom, Anti-social behaviour, Lifestyle, Pornography
Crying out for connection: technology and us
Will our obsession with technology lead to us living a ‘virtual’ life? With the advent of the mobile phone what has happened to dinner-table and face to face conversation? Are we more connected than ever, or are we drifting apart?
Connection, Communication, Anti-social behaviour, Technology, Addiction, Presence, Culture
It is never about alcohol
Most drinkers believe a little of alcohol is OK, but is it OK to not be who you truly are?
Alcohol, Inflammation, Sugar, Hurt, Evolution, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Awareness, Sex
An exploration of leering
Objectifying women has been part of men’s lifestyle for eons, to the detriment of men’s relationships with women and themselves.
Boys and pack energy
Why do boys change behaviour dramatically when around other boys?
The mosh pit of life
I once believed that a ‘mosh pit’ was the best place to be, but bruised and worn out after each concert I began to question how is the mosh pit like everyday human life?
The unspoken pandemic
There is an unspoken pandemic killing hundreds of thousands of people a year with millions more succumbing to its ill effects.
The race to the bottom
Modern human life is not working. Many people are suffering, but too few are questioning the callousness that has entered our societies.