Topic:Addiction SEE ALL TOPICS
Why are our service stations crack houses? And what does sugar do to the brain?
We look at the curious phenomenon of our service (petrol) stations being full to the brim with foods containing highly addictive substances.
Addicted to guitar – Michael Serafin
This honest and revealing interview with Michael Serafin gives an insight into life as a teenager, and why and how he isolated himself with music and an obsession with his guitar.
Musicians, Depression, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Energy in music, Music, Lifestyle, Music videos
Building a nest
This true story shares how the writer changed the way he worked from working to support his habits, where life had no meaning, to truly loving work.
Drinking alcohol is not good for you . . . trust me, I’m a doctor
I am a doctor, so I cannot show you my face or use my name on this article, but I wanted to write it to bring home the point that drinking alcohol really is not good for you.
Before and after giving up alcohol - Introduction
Everyone loves a drink, right? Drinking alcohol is fun, social, normal, even good for you… or so we have been told. But studies in recent years have shown what our bodies have always known… that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.
Men and alcohol
Read how 5 men view alcohol in today’s society and what impact it has had on them as men and the people around them. Whilst their expressions are all different, there appears to be a common thread amongst them.
Begin breaking the battle with the sweet poison
Is sugar (the sweet poison) leaving a bitter taste in our body as well as in the national health services around the world? This article begins to explore why we might be addicted to sugar ...
What is addiction and why do we become addicted?
Explanation of addiction and the abuse of substances or activities as a way of self-medicating against life.
Addiction, Gambling, Depression, Anxiety, Connection, Awareness, Relationships
Choosing a relationship with alcohol or me
My relationship with alcohol started when I was very young…
My miraculous life
In the 1980’s, in amongst the fog and the haze of my intense drug and alcohol addiction, a very sweet and loving 12 year old asked me, ‘Why do you do this to yourself, Deb?’
Abuse, Addiction, Anxiety, Miracle, Self-empowerment, Universal Medicine
Video game addict
A personal account of the damaging effects of being addicted.
Psychology, Addiction, Drugs, Overwhelm, Connection, Gaming, Hurt, Breath
Are we consuming sugar or is sugar consuming us?
Our use of sugar has changed dramatically over the last 30 - 40 years. Do you want to be more aware and get a handle on your own sugar use?
When does sugar addiction begin?
Anyone who has gone cold turkey to give up sugar knows how difficult it can be and just how addictive sugar is. So when does our addiction to sugar begin?
Sugar in salty food – piquant flavour or dastardly mix?
We think we decide how much sugar we eat, but we get extra sugar hidden in salty foods and nearly every drink we have. Salt and sugar mixtures give an exciting taste in the mouth – but this excitement has its price: we numb what we feel. Salt and Sugar – a dastardly mix!
Sugar – A quick fix for exhaustion. Or is it?
When we need a quick pick up, feel exhausted at the end (or the start) of a day, we reach for sugar in its many guises. Sugar sets us on a pattern of exhaustion and craving for more sugar.
Coffee: Do I love it, or do I need it?
I used to love coffee. Drinking coffee was the only way I thought I could get through each day, as I was working too hard, on not enough sleep.
That’s entertainment? Wired for distraction
Entertainment? We increasingly plug in to an incessant supply of entertainment/distraction fuelling an insatiable demand to ‘fill the space’ in our lives. But who is the real Goliath in this tale?
How to care for yourself during the Coronavirus pandemic
We are living in unprecedented times during the Coronavirus pandemic. Fear of catching Coronavirus COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-2, has changed the world, the way it is run and how we live in it.
Addiction, Disease, Health conditions, Human body, Lifestyle diseases
The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth
Is there more to us and to life than meets the eye; how did we get here and where are we going?
Brainwashing, supply and demand
Our Audio of the Month for November 2017 presents how through scientific evidence it has been proven there is no such thing as brainwashing – so what is really going on when we use that term?
From denying smoking to giving up smoking without trying
As an adult, I came to learn the truth about smoking cigarettes and ended up giving up smoking without trying.
Cherry ripes, jelly snakes and music – same, same
Going sugar free? Ever thought about the similarities between the effects of sugar and that of music on your body? They may be more alike than you think.
Confessions of a meditation junkie
Read a former mediation junkie’s guide to the best 5 meditations not to try.
Alcohol abuse – what’s normal?
How many drinks are a ‘normal’ or safe amount to drink? When we decide what is a normal and acceptable amount of alcohol to drink, what exactly are we saying yes to?
Cocaine and Chocolate, kissing cousins?
Cocaine and Chocolate are both addictive substances activating the same chemicals and pleasures systems in your brain; yet one we can buy over the counter and is socially acceptable the other is a class A drug.
From smoking marijuana to breathing life
The 70’s was the era of sex, drugs and rock‘n’roll, and there was plenty of it to go around. Getting stoned, going dancing and having sex with a stranger became the norm.
Exposé on the food industry: science of profit
Raw insight into the Food Industry with its use of media and advertising in raising profit margins. It would appear that the food industry’s biggest share is in our digestive tract and the dividends are sky-high.
Is sugar really a poison?
Is sugar really a poison? Best answered by discovering what happens to you when you don’t have it for a while …
Addicted? Who? Me?
How many of us have said, ‘I’m addicted to my morning coffee’, ‘Got to get my news fix for the day,’ ‘Sex – just got to have it’? Our relationship with addiction has become a fashionable commodity; lets cut out the middle-man and get to what we are really craving.
The identification of dealing drugs
Growing up, drugs were never really spoken about; they were considered bad and for those who did not achieve much in life. Yet among my extended family, drug use was commonplace.
Before and After alcohol: all around me to none
I grew up with alcohol around me all the time, it was normal for it to be wine o’clock instead of afternoon tea and I didn’t even know that it was not healthy to wake up and have your flagon of wine on the bedside table.
Marijuana and Me
My first experience with marijuana happened at the age of 15. The group of friends I hung out with all came from unhappy backgrounds, as did I, and so the alcohol that I’d begun drinking at 14 was never enough to quench my thirst so to speak and I wanted to try dope, as did my girlfriends.
Miracles and Alcoholics
Mum has been an alcoholic for as long as I remember and I never in my wildest dreams thought that she would be able to stop, but miracles do happen!
Smoking… hot? Not!
Smoking cigarettes is not smoking hot. Well it is in the sense that the end that is on fire will burn you if you touch it, but it is so not hot in the sense of it being sexy, or glamorous, or desirable.
Addiction, Anxiety, Confidence, Drugs, Connection, Hurt, Healing, Alcohol, Gentle breath
Before and After I stopped smoking weed
Smoking weed, marijuana or ganja, whatever you want to call it, was normal in my family. It was just as normal as smoking cigarettes, it was around me all the time growing up, it was socially accepted and never hidden, so I thought it was just what you do.
Alcohol abuse – a 360° turnaround
How do we go from being repulsed by alcohol as a child, then addicted in our late teens, to then having no attraction to alcohol later in life?
How I quit drinking and felt more confident
Alcohol has been a part of my life for a good 13 years, until I quit drinking 2 years ago. And in that time, I don’t think I’ve ever really enjoyed the taste; it has always been about how it has made me feel – or not feel.
How I stopped smoking and saved thousands of dollars
I started smoking at a young age – my brother took me into his room when I was seven and said: Here, try this… And then once I had smoked a whole cigarette he said: Now you can’t tell on me… and that is where it all began.
Smoking dope (marijuana)
Marijuana came into my life as a relief from the feeling of tiredness through lack of sleep and a continual bombardment of thoughts and the feeling of everything coming in on me. I was not happy, work was drudgery and I was after an escape from this cell that was my life.
Addiction, Drugs, Heart disease, Insomnia, Sleep, Alcohol, Love, Hurt, Healing, Exhaustion
‘Wasted’ is a term we would use when we got stoned. We could sit around for hours smoking pot and doing nothing. ‘Wasted’ couldn’t be a better word to use.
Teenage drug abuse – Is it just a passing phase?
If you are thinking teenage drug taking is a ‘just a passing phase’, read one mother’s deeper understanding of this.
Living with a marijuana smoker – it’s not natural
I thought marijuana was harmless and natural, until I lived with someone who smoked it.
The effects of alcohol – listen to my thoughts or to my body?
The first time I can remember trying alcohol was when I was in my early teens. It made me very sick, but I kept trying to drink, to try and be like everyone else.
How I quit smoking and found me
Today I am in my early 60’s and I have been smoke and alcohol free for seven years now, but the battle to quit smoking took me 16 years.
Addiction, Drugs, Emotions, Self-worth, Lifestyle, Healthy living
A personal account of addictions
Deborah McBride shares how she healed her drug and alcohol addiction. Why is that we reach out for something outside of us to dull ourselves from what life brings and we think we cannot cope with: why are alcohol and drugs such an enticing option and how do we kick addiction to the kerb?
Alcohol – a scourge on society?
We know the dangers of alcohol use, and its ripple effects on society, so why is it we continue to drink it?
Why do our children need to self-medicate with junk food, energy drinks and smoking?
This article explores why our children are prone to self-medicating with harming activities: the answer lies very close to home…
Addiction, Raising children, Role models, Parenting, Children
Drinking alcohol & my lack of self-worth
I can remember my last hangover like it was yesterday… My last hangover felt exactly the same as my first hangover, yet I drank consistently for 19 years.
Cannabis, Marijuana or Marihuana: a drug by any name . . .
Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia. It comes from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant Cannabis Sativa. Other names for it are marijuana, marihuana, grass, pot, weed, mull, hash, dope...
Addiction, Drugs, Mental health, Depression, Alcohol, Caffeine
Men share on their first experience with porn
Five men share their first experience with pornography, and how it affected their lives
Internet porn – the ultimate educator for normalising abuse and violence in our relationships
As we determine what intimacy, love and connection means in our society, internet porn has become a global sex education and created a new ‘normal’. Do we want this abuse to infiltrate and influence our children’s lives?
My Addiction to Marijuana
How did this woman stop smoking marijuana after being addicted to it for 33 years? When even the diagnosis of breast cancer and having two young children was not enough to get her to stop?
Confessions of a drama queen
The rollercoaster ride of the drama queen approach to life can’t hold a candle to the power of our true presence! With top tips for creating steadiness instead of drama, this is a must read!
A brief description of addiction and an invitation to deepen your understanding that there is another way to live.
The taxing problems of diabetes
Diabetes and other lifestyle related disorders are reaching epidemic proportions with massive cost and health consequences. It comes down to dealing with our hurts.
Serge Benhayon and the vexed question of food and alcohol
On the subject of food and alcohol, when will we learn? Socrates taught us and now Serge Benhayon is presenting about the energetic responsibility of food.
Addiction, Alcohol, Body awareness, Ill health, Sickness, Obesity
Crying out for connection: technology and us
Will our obsession with technology lead to us living a ‘virtual’ life? With the advent of the mobile phone what has happened to dinner-table and face to face conversation? Are we more connected than ever, or are we drifting apart?
Connection, Communication, Anti-social behaviour, Technology, Addiction, Presence, Culture
Eating patterns and comfort eating
Why do we eat? How does our drive to eat affect our relationship with food and our eating patterns? See how to change patterns of comfort eating by using a simple connection tool.
Connection, Addiction, Gentle breath, Gentleness, Eating disorder
Pornography and the ‘theft’ of our true essence
What is the energy behind the addiction to pornography… and other addictions for that matter?
Restaurants, spiked food and food industry manipulation
What mankind is eating is a disaster; we are doped up on dopamine and controlled by an errant food and restaurant industry.
Addiction, Alcohol, Depression, Food industry, Nutrition, Sugar
It is never about alcohol
Most drinkers believe a little of alcohol is OK, but is it OK to not be who you truly are?
Alcohol, Inflammation, Sugar, Hurt, Evolution, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Awareness, Sex
Addiction to pain killers, the rise of opioids
There is a world-wide epidemic that started under the guise of medicine. Prescription pain relievers – synthetic opioids such as fentanyl – play a big part in a serious international crisis that affects public health as well as social and economic welfare.
The stomach is the centre of individuality
Before the supply there is the demand and the food industry bends over backwards to please, satiate and pre-empt the next wave of our gargantuan appetites – but how do our bodies handle what we impetuously demand?
The de-light of perpetuated resurrection
What if tomorrow is an invention and does not in truth exist? And does that then mean that we cannot start dieting, exercising, becoming a better or kinder person tomorrow? And furthermore, do we actually get a kick out of this merry-go-round that is not going anywhere?
Dreams of Pad Thai
Are you fantasising about lunch at 10am? There might be more to it than you realise!
The unspoken pandemic
There is an unspoken pandemic killing hundreds of thousands of people a year with millions more succumbing to its ill effects.