Topic:Depression SEE ALL TOPICS
Feeling the blues … to being depressed … to shining the light
No longer need we be a victim of low mood or even depression; as we begin to make choices that we know and can feel are loving for our bodies, then our minds will take care of themselves.
Depression, Appreciation, Lifestyle, Body awareness, Mental health
Why dieting isn’t the answer to our weight problems
It can be all too easy to look and judge what appears to be an issue with overeating; are the facts however showing us that we haven’t been looking at the real cause?
Depression in men – the awareness within
Depression in Men leaves us feeling isolated and overwhelmed, shrouded in a state of hopelessness. Could reconnecting to our body and being more aware of our movements set us on the path out of this male depression?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Mental health, Presence, Surrender
When exam stress becomes a matter of life and death: The effect of exams on student health and wellbeing
True intelligence springs from a healthy mind and body. Stress has a significant effect on mental health and physical well-being. Are we putting our students’ well-being first? Or, in the drive for academic achievement, are we leaving self-care, loving relationships and a healthy body behind?
Competition, Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Well-being, Intelligence
“I hate my job”: Ten signs to show you are ‘doing time’ at work
Do you hate your job, dream of not having to work or are you counting down the years to retirement? Presented here are the 10 signs that you’re ‘doing time’ at work, and how your road to freedom is an inside job.
Absenteeism, Career, Depression, Mental health, Work life balance, Overwhelm, Burnout
Addicted to guitar – Michael Serafin
This honest and revealing interview with Michael Serafin gives an insight into life as a teenager, and why and how he isolated himself with music and an obsession with his guitar.
Musicians, Depression, Addiction, Anti-social behaviour, Energy in music, Music, Lifestyle, Music videos
How alcohol had influenced my life
I never knew the full extent of how alcohol had influenced my life, until I made the choice to stop drinking it.
Alcohol, Self-worth, Marriage, Humanity, Depression, Connection
What is addiction and why do we become addicted?
Explanation of addiction and the abuse of substances or activities as a way of self-medicating against life.
Addiction, Gambling, Depression, Anxiety, Connection, Awareness, Relationships
Journey back to myself
I look back at my life of numbing myself with drugs as a time of being so lost in the world, wanting and seeking for that deep connection with myself, only to find it was there within me all along.
What do our quick fixes actually do to us?
A discussion on what are quick fixes, the concept of symptom matching and the possibility of finding true healing.
Sacred Esoteric Healing and how it changed my life
How Sacred Esoteric Healing changed my life and helped me cure my depression – making me feel alive and energised again.
Depression, exhaustion and adrenal fatigue
Depression and exhaustion could be a result of adrenal fatigue, meaning a depletion in kidney energy. Self-care is a great tool to have up one’s sleeve to help heal.
Body awareness, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Connection, Mental health, Well-being, Healthy living
Serge Benhayon, me and men
Otto Bathurst, TV and movie director, father of three, husband, talks openly about the stark reality men face today and how Serge Benhayon presents another way.
Work life balance, Cancer, Depression, Dementia, Cyber-bullying, Illusion, Diabetes
What is a hurt . . . and how do hurts relate to dieting and losing weight?
This article posits that it is our hurts that can cause us to overeat or to eat unhealthy foods.
The Way It Is – A Treatise on Energetic Truth
Is there more to us and to life than meets the eye; how did we get here and where are we going?
This is an interesting take on depression which occurs when our expectations are not met. The way out of depression is self-care.
By connecting to our natural rhythms we improve our well-being
Let’s look at some natural rhythms and cycles that we have that, if followed, support our personal development and well-being.
Connection, Human body, Well-being, Sleep, Health, Depression, Moon, Vitality, Disease, Menstrual cycle
What is the true meaning of the word evolution and why do we spend so much time avoiding it?
Cycles, Depression, Disease, Essence, Evolution, Exhaustion, Humanity, Illusion, Love, Soul, Over eating, Spirit, Time, Wisdom
The micro puppeteers – microbes and food cravings
Are our food cravings caused by microbes? Are we responsible for inviting the microbes into our bodies, and if so how?
Slow suicide is still suicide
Are we choosing slow suicide through poor lifestyle?
Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Health conditions, Depression, Ill health, Sickness, Death
Depression (a reframe)
This article presents the possibility that we might be depressed because we are seeing the truth of what is happening in the world. Perhaps others are not choosing to feel it and are therefore not depressed by it. Is it better to feel it or not?
About Serge Benhayon
After suffering from depression and giving up on the idea that life could ever be different or ‘better, Gabriele Conrad met Serge Benhayon. “Nothing and nobody had delivered, not even psychoanalysis and homoeopathy, and no bodywork modality or new age therapy had done the trick either.”
Healing, Depression, Ageless Wisdom, Medicine, Universal Medicine
Marijuana and Me
My first experience with marijuana happened at the age of 15. The group of friends I hung out with all came from unhappy backgrounds, as did I, and so the alcohol that I’d begun drinking at 14 was never enough to quench my thirst so to speak and I wanted to try dope, as did my girlfriends.
The train wreck we call ‘art’: music and our responsibility as a global family
Defending music at all costs as the reality of a life is ignored – how did this become ok? On Mary Forsberg’s letter about the life and death of rock star Scott Weiland.
Death, Drugs, Alcohol, Anxiety, Depression, Abuse, Musicians
Why are doctors killing themselves?
Our code of ethics asks us to, “First, do no harm.” So why are doctors killing themselves?
Bullying, Depression, Exhaustion, Fatigue, Health, Medicine, Mental health, Overwhelm, Stress, Well-being, Burnout
Pre-natal and post-natal depression and mental health issues in the perinatal period – what are we missing?
There is a huge amount of advice and support available for women during the peri-natal period, yet women are increasingly struggling with mental health issues such as pre and post-natal depression, anxiety, self-harming and suicidal thoughts and behaviours. This situation naturally calls us to ask ‘why; what’s the part are we not truly understanding?’.
Healing depression – goodbye black dog
When I first saw Serge Benhayon in early 2004, I had been suffering from depression since my early teenage years. I was so used to feeling miserable and depressed that I did mention it only at the very end of our chat…
Depression, Mental health, Soul, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
Choosing our way out of depression
One person’s experience with depression — How they found their choices resulted in depletion and therefore depression, and how they made choices that supported them out of it.
Acceptance, Awareness, Depression, Self-love, Body awareness, Mental health, Healthy living
The lifestyle bubble and the curse upon men
Serge Benhayon first introduced the lifestyle bubble in 2012. What is it, and what has it to do with connecting to the heart of the everyman?
Competition, Depression, Lifestyle, Men's health, Anxiety, Tenderness
Healthy body healthy mind
Taking time to love your body can lead to a healthy mind which means less critical thoughts. Love the body and the mind will follow.
Health, Mindfulness, Therapies, Love, Anxiety, Depression, Feelings, Breath
Coming out of exhaustion and depression
How do you recognise exhaustion when living in constant stimulation is all you know? Discover those ways that keep us stimulated and away from the stillness we naturally are.
Teenage aggressive bullying, breaking the cycle of abuse.
There are many parents who are living with aggressive, angry and abusive teenagers. However, this is not who they actually are. Many teenage boys don’t know how to be themselves as they try to fit in with everything around them.
Bullying, Love, Abuse, Connection, Role models, Anxiety, Hurt, Depression
Cannabis, Marijuana or Marihuana: a drug by any name . . .
Cannabis is the most commonly used illegal drug in Australia. It comes from the dried flowers and leaves of the plant Cannabis Sativa. Other names for it are marijuana, marihuana, grass, pot, weed, mull, hash, dope...
Addiction, Drugs, Mental health, Depression, Alcohol, Caffeine
Depression is a message
Depression can be debilitating and could also be a message from our body that there is another way to live. The writer shares some tips on how she was able to overcome feelings of depression.
Depression, Exhaustion, Overwhelm, Connection, Essence, Confidence, Inner-heart, Soul
Bullying and suicide in construction – does building culture need to change?
Building industry culture encourages men to be hard, tough and strong. From the time men enter the industry as an apprentice, they often feel they have no choice but to enjoin this macho culture. Bullying is commonplace. Could this culture be contributing to the unusually high suicide rates in the building industry.
Depression, Burnout, Bullying, Stress, Drugs, Domestic violence, Exhaustion
Talking about suicide is a great start. Let's explore further.
Suicide is no longer the taboo topic it once was, and the problem of suicide, particularly amongst men, is now widely acknowledged, with a public campaign in full swing to encourage men to speak up. This is a great start, but what is really going on?
Awareness, Connection, Depression, Relationships, Self-worth, Tension
Post Natal Depression - A Health Stop
Post natal depression is nature’s way of stopping you from continuing a way of living that does not confirm and boost who you are.
Motherhood, Pregnancy, Depression, Birth, Self-love, Self-worth
Restaurants, spiked food and food industry manipulation
What mankind is eating is a disaster; we are doped up on dopamine and controlled by an errant food and restaurant industry.
Addiction, Alcohol, Depression, Food industry, Nutrition, Sugar
The childbirth journey: From poor mental health to enjoying fatherhood
Mental health problems are becoming increasingly common amongst men in the perinatal period. What are some of the factors that add pressure on new fathers, and how can things be turned around?
Losing ourselves in the effects of music
“Mourning over tragedies that are not our own.” Oscar Wilde’s ages-old insight into our relationship with music. How can we know the effect music is actually having on us? Do we ever stop to question it?
Depression, Energy in music, Emotions, Lifestyle diseases, Mental health, Musicians, Music videos
Feeling like a fake
Let’s turn imposter syndrome on its head
Life can be our medicine
Watch this short video about how we can support our mental health by learning to care for ourselves and choosing a healthy lifestyle.
Reclaiming our mental health
Ill mental health has become the norm these days despite a concerted effort to find solutions. Isn’t it time that we broadened the scope of how we understand the whole concept of mental health and wellbeing?