Topic:Vitality SEE ALL TOPICS
Learning and living true physiotherapy – Part one
Kate Greenaway shares her experiences on learning what True Physiotherapy is all about in considering each patient as a physical, emotional and energetic being.
Hardness, Connective tissue, Tension, Vitality, Harmony, Intelligence
Debunking the myths about meditation
Let’s debunk the myths and restore meditation to its truth as a simple, practical and effective tool for re-connecting back to our innate inner-presence and thus to our natural vitality and ability to deal with life.
Understanding Esoteric Healing – A first hand experience
Esoteric Healing is a true complementary therapy, yet it makes no claims to cure anything. So what is its purpose? Adam Warburton shares his experience.
Healing, Awareness, Exhaustion, Relationships, Vitality, Practitioner, Body awareness
Dare we admit that we are not so well?
True health isn't the lack of a debilitating illness, but the presence of true vitality and wellbeing. Does anything less than that mean we are in fact unwell?
Did you know? ...
Did You Know is a section providing interesting points relating to healing and the human body.
Natural sugar vs refined sugar
The difference between digesting natural sugar and the sugar tsunami effect of refined sugar explains mood swings and why we feel hungry even when our clothes are getting tighter.
Sugar, Digestion, Vitality, Nutrition, Food science, Diabetes
Apparently, the Food Pyramid is making a comeback but does it meet the needs of the modern man?
Could the food pyramid actually be contributing to our ever-increasing health problems and making waistlines larger not smaller?
Serge Benhayon on Unimed Living
In this interview, Universal Medicine Director, Serge Benhayon, shares the story of a group of people who are living against the current societal trends of illness and disease and felt inspired to share this simple and practical way of living with the world.
Vitality, Health conditions, Lifestyle, Well-being, Healthy living
The ‘Self-Care ABC’
The ‘self-care ABC’s can be used anytime, anywhere to bring awareness and focus back to your body, making it a great tool for self-care.
Caffeine, Meditation, Universal Medicine, Emotions, Sugar, Vitality
A new level of productivity
A testimonial on the inspiration of the productivity of Serge Benhayon.
Work life balance, Work stress, Universal Medicine, Vitality, Testimonials
Exhaustion and chronic fatigue
Exhaustion was Lucy’s day-to-day routine, her definition of normal, she was heading towards chronic fatigue. Then a simple reading from Serge Benhayon gave Lucy an opportunity to see her normal was definitely not normal, that there was another way.
Those pesky Monday morning blues!
It’s Monday morning, the first day back to work after a weekend or a few weeks of annual leave. I hear a deep sigh as my colleagues sit down and turn on their computer and I smile ... once upon a time this was me.
By connecting to our natural rhythms we improve our well-being
Let’s look at some natural rhythms and cycles that we have that, if followed, support our personal development and well-being.
Connection, Human body, Well-being, Sleep, Health, Depression, Moon, Vitality, Disease, Menstrual cycle
Self-Care: the key to success in University
There is much more to academic success than top marks.
What is living medicine?
We often consider that medicine is something that is outside of us, that we take or do to make ourselves feel better. Did you know that the way that you live is your greatest form of medicine?
Medicine, Livingness, Health, Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Vitality
Commander of Light - music video
A powerful music video infectious with joy, love and laughter put together and performed by the Gentle Voices Germany
Music videos, Musicians, Music, Well-being, Vitality, Empowerment, Expression
Symptom relief or healing?
Do we seek symptom relief or healing, and is there a difference?
Do wild animals have an obesity problem?
How is it that wild animals have no weight issues, yet human beings are suffering? Have we lost our connection to the true role food plays in our lives?
Is it only food that we are eating?
Read more on the food bomb revelation of what is truly going on in the body when you choose to eat the foods you do.
Vitality, Evolution, Diets, Calories, Emotions, Food science
Championing the myth of living longer
People are living longer. Do we consider how they are living and what quality of life they have in their final decades? Is it truly living if we are medicated, drugged and artificially sustaining life in a body that is carrying so much illness and disease?
Medicine, Health, Well-being, Ageing, Vitality, Healthy living
Breakfast lunch and dinner: uncovering beliefs around food
Breakfast Lunch and Dinner: a naturopath challenges her beliefs around food and how her relationship with eating has changed.
Inflammation, Healthy diet, Vitality, Over eating, Food science
The changing definition of well-being
What does well-being really mean in regard to what we accept as healthy?
Lifestyle, Vitality, Ill health, Well-being, Health conditions, Disease
Exhausted and depressed at work: how falsely do we live life?
What makes us stressed, depressed or exhausted at work? This article considers the impact of not working as the ‘real-us’ and how this adversely affects our success, health and wellness.
Exhaustion, Work stress, Appreciation, Feelings, Stress, Work life balance, Vitality, Harmony, Well-being
Living your own medicine
Exploring the possibility that the way we live is a form of medicine.
Esoteric Chakra-puncture
Chakra-puncture is a healing therapy that restores a natural vitality by igniting the Nadis, the energetic cells, in the body.
God doesn’t take sides
Most would agree it is petty to ‘play favourites’, so how can we even begin to entertain the notion that God favours a chosen few?
What is gluten sensitivity?
Did you know that it is possible to have an intolerance or sensitivity to gluten that hampers your vitality and well-being, without it showing up in your digestive system?
Coeliac/celiac, Gluten free, Bloating, Exhaustion, Vitality, Digestion, Nutrition
Have you ever considered what is true health and well-being?
There is a vast difference between being truly well and the absence of disease.
What’s for breakfast? Exploring our cultural bias ...
When my husband of Asian ethnicity first made fish soup for breakfast I realised I had a cultural bias against anything other than the traditional continental breakfast.
Exhaustion and burnout ... let's take responsibility
Can we really blame work for us feeling exhausted and burnt out? Or is there more to the stresses and challenges of modern day working life that we can actually take responsibility for and not feel so exhausted.
Exhaustion, Work stress, Stress, Sleep, Lifestyle, Vitality, Burnout
Burnout, disillusionment, pneumonia and finding Serge Benhayon
Meeting Serge Benhayon was truly life changing; he is unfaltering in his inspiration ...
Vitality, Work life balance, Universal Medicine, Well-being, Testimonials, Ill health, Sickness, Burnout
Burnout – the new normal?
Burnout is a hot topic, both at the workplace and the dinner table, but are we addressing the issue? Has being exhausted become our ‘new norm’?
Sleep, Gentle breath, Meditation, Exhaustion, Stillness, Vitality, Well-being, Burnout
Workplace Health and Safety: keeping it simple
Workplace health and safety starts with you and how you are caring for yourself. Simple changes in how you arrange your workspace to ‘fit’ you and the way you work can make a huge difference to your health and wellbeing.
Sleep – time to restore and refresh
Do you ever wake-up feeling just as exhausted as when you went to sleep? Discover how healthy sleep happens before you even close your eyes.
Vitality, Emotions, Well-being, Diets, Body awareness, Weight, Caffeine, Sleep, Fatigue, Insomnia
How to be in full time work and loving it
From withdrawal to being inspired to work full-time once again. Read how Jen now loves her work.
Livingness, Vitality, Appreciation, Shift work, Work stress, Overwhelm
Our essence – sugar laced or Soulful?
How do we really feel when we eat a delicious dessert? Read on to explore the not so healthy ill-effects that eating sugar can have on our body, being and soul.
Serge Benhayon on fitness, physical exercise and the gentle breath
Serge works 16-18 hours a day and with retirement not holding a single breath of intention he maintains that 'in order to serve in life we must be fit for life'.
Gentle breath, Lifestyle, Role models, Vitality, Yoga, Healthy living
A world first volunteer model
The charity of the College of Universal Medicine (CoUm) is run on an entirely volunteer model – everyone taking part is freely donating their time and expertise to build what is an extraordinary undertaking.
My resurrection from chronic fatigue syndrome
It is possible to obtain good health and establish a healthy lifestyle by making little changes to how we live.
From running to walking as exercise for my body
Ray was running to escape his problems; read how he instead began to walk and exercise for true health and wellbeing, and what a profound effect this approach to exercise had on his everyday life.
The impact of diet on our Livingness
Is it possible to change two things in life and live a more vital life? Check out how Nicole has done just that and made a huge improvement to her health and vitality.
To exercise with love
Choosing to exercise regularly in a very connected, gentle and honouring way to not only support the body physically, but also support our being and the way we are with our body every day.
Serge Benhayon – Inspiration for Life
Having met Serge Benhayon about twelve years ago, my life and that of my immediate family has changed beyond anything we could have imagined. I have been introduced to having a relationship with the truth of myself in a way that has deepened everything.
What is Chakra-puncture?
Chakra-puncture is a complementary healing modality that consists of needles applied very lightly to the skin to support energetic balance and order.
Self acceptance – the path to changing overeating
Many of us spend our lives lost to ourselves until we finally arrive at the knowing that love is not ‘out there’, it’s within us and that no amount of food is enough to fill the ‘perpetual hunger’ for love.
Vitality, Feelings, Body awareness, Awareness, Eating disorder, Healthy living
An introduction to body connection and body awareness
Habitual posture can lead to pain or discomfort, and not surprisingly has a direct affect on our vitality. In this experiential 2-part video we bring attention to how simply we can connect to our bodies, bringing awareness to how we stand and sit and the quality we move with through our day.
Exercise – it’s all in the movement
How much do we enjoy our exercise? Do we see it as a chore or is it something we actually look forward to every day?
Do we really need 57 varieties?
Why are there so many varieties of the same food available in our stores, and what does that mean about why we eat what we eat?
Reclaiming our mental health
Ill mental health has become the norm these days despite a concerted effort to find solutions. Isn’t it time that we broadened the scope of how we understand the whole concept of mental health and wellbeing?