Burnout, disillusionment, pneumonia and finding Serge Benhayon

Burnout, disillusionment, pneumonia and finding Serge Benhayon
Burnt out, disillusioned and with a 3-time recurring bout of pneumonia was how I ended the year 2001, after 15 years of working-life as a naturopath in integrative medical practices.
Despite the best medical and alternative health care received, my health remained unresponsive. Reaching the end of my tether, I happened upon Serge Benhayon, and with him received a level of care, insight, understanding and a healing experience that was profoundly different from anything l’d known and from which I have never looked back.
Within a week I had complete resolution of the lung complaint, and was thereafter able to restore a level of vigour and vitality over the next year that I’d found unattainable for those entire years prior, despite the dedication with which I practiced and applied what I knew.
As a result of the profound and life-changing understanding and approach to healing I was introduced to by Serge Benhayon, I subsequently trained in the modalities offered through Universal Medicine, and resumed what is now a thriving practice ... no burnout, no ill-health and a deeply satisfying practice of health-care that sees the same results I experienced on a daily basis.
Serge has remained for me to this day unfaltering in his inspiration, his ever-generous and insightful support, his accessibility and understanding of human nature and the current issues faced by us as a humanity. As well, his profound yet commonsensical wisdom, the deep humility with which he conducts himself in everyday life, the effortless ability to raise every person regardless of race, creed or circumstance to a place of equality and in this effortlessness and equality, to feel not his greatness, which is indeed grand, but your own. Extraordinary!
I can unequivocally say that everything I now have in my busy, rich, deeply satisfying personal and professional life, from the alive vitality I feel in my body daily, to the depth and quality of relationships I now have with family and friends alike, to the real-ness of connection and openness I experience with clients, strangers and those I might have called acquaintances, to the flow and ease with which my life unfolds, to the simplicity of truth I now see in all around me, to the joy I experience in the smallest of things, to the effortlessness of choices to eat, drink and live in a way that supports a preciousness within, to the fact that I FEEL precious within ... and to the ever-unfolding awareness that there is so much more than even this to life, is due to the living example offered daily and selflessly, by Serge Benhayon.
Filed under
Vitality, Work life balance, Universal Medicine, Well-being, Testimonials, Ill health, Sickness, Burnout