Topic:Ill health SEE ALL TOPICS
When you’ve gotta go…. you’ve just got to go
Can self-care be as simple as taking a toilet break?
Fixing or healing – which do you choose?
Explore the difference between seeking to be fixed or to truly heal. How we understand illness and disease influences our response to it – if we see it as something that just happens to us then we are reliant on the medical system to fix us, whereas if we see it as related to how we are living then we know we can also take steps to heal from within.
To heal is not the same as cure
Healing is not the same as a cure. Do we want a cure, or do we seek to go deeper to the root of the problem, or, have we given up on healing?
Your body and disease – what does it all mean?
Is there more to disease and illness than we allow ourselves to see? Could it be possible that there are deeper reasons for it happening?
Ill health, Sickness, Body awareness, Health, Disease, Lifestyle diseases, Medical treatment
Is the answer to our health right under our nose?
Could the way we live be our medicine? This article explores the possibility that this could be true, and shows us a way forward, a way to live.
Cancer – why me?
Why do I have cancer? A common question that medicine has not been able to answer. Could the answer require understanding who we truly are?
Cancer, Health conditions, Love, Wisdom, Ill health, Sickness, Death, Inflammation
Nursing, me and Serge Benhayon
A mini-story, presenting how knowing Serge Benhayon has inspired the development of self-care and has made the transition to full-time work joyful.
Work life balance, Returning to work, Self-love, Testimonials, Shift work, Ill health
Should we re-consider what illness and disease mean for us?
How do we see illness and disease? Do we see it as a final point, something that is a curse, or something that is healing, and returning us back to who we truly are?
Disease, Ill health, Sickness, Health, Body awareness, Healing
Health and healing
How do we understand good health and are we truly healthy? Is there more to good health than just not having a disease? To have truly good health we need to heal what is going on for us.
How do I return to good health?
How do we return to good health? When you feel unwell, how do you know what to do and what direction do you take when you want to feel well again?
Ill health, Health, Well-being, Human body, Lifestyle, Health conditions
Perception is our true intelligence – understanding life spherically
“Our hurts or the trauma we experience are never greater than us”. Serge Benhayon speaks of healing from trauma, the importance of dealing with our hurts, and the benefit of approaching life as a cycle or rhythm.
WARNING – Words could be damaging your health!
What if good is not good and better was bad? Suppose normal is harmful? What is truly good and what is truly healthy?
Ill health, Abuse, Corruption, Energy, Expression, Sickness, Livingness, Love, Reductionism, Soul, Spirit, Truth, Unimedpedia, Healthy living
Arthritis – more than physio, painkillers and joint replacements?
There is much that we can do to help treat and heal our arthritis …
A skin rash tells its story
What if a skin rash could tell its story of what it’s like being a rash all over its host – that is, a human body? Joan Calder offers us this tantalising article and insight into how she overcame a painful skin rash and what she learnt along the way about herself.
Inflammation, Self-love, Healing, Human body, Health conditions, Ill health
A deeper look at Asthma – why is it that we can't breathe?
On World Asthma Day, this article by leading lung specialist Sam Kim looks 'beyond the petri-dish' at the bigger picture of this disease and what is at stake if we don’t start to look at all the factors that contribute to its continued prevalence across our global population.
Work stress, Well-being, Lifestyle diseases, Humanity, Breath, Health conditions, Ill health
Symptom relief or healing?
Do we seek symptom relief or healing, and is there a difference?
Heart disease – is it all about love?
Facts and causes of heart disease and what you can do to help yourself.
Heart disease, Lifestyle diseases, Inflammation, Self-love, Inner-heart, Ill health
What is fire and fiery energy, why does it matter and what does it mean to you?
Breath, Energy, Essence, Expression, God, Human body, Humanity, Ill health, Sickness, Love, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
The changing definition of well-being
What does well-being really mean in regard to what we accept as healthy?
Lifestyle, Vitality, Ill health, Well-being, Health conditions, Disease
Healing Audio
Healing is not about curing or removing symptoms and nobody can heal you. So what is healing and how do we heal? Find out more with this collection of free audio.
Everything is because of energy
Everything is because of energy – therefore energy affects everything we do.
Why don’t I feel well? Is illness or disease just a random event?
Why don’t we feel well? Is it random, or a curse, or is it a result of something we have done, and if so, do we have the power to change the way that we feel?
Your body is a living experiment
Every choice we make impacts the body – experiment with your choices and feel the effects on your body. See yourself as a living experiment and have fun with it.
What if we see people instead of numbers when we look at cancer statistics?
UK cancer talk week – Serge Benhayon lays tribute to the UK and how they make available statistics about what is really going on.
Cancer, Family, Ill health, Health conditions, Humanity, Palliative care, Passing over, Death, Breast cancer
Have you ever considered what is true health and well-being?
There is a vast difference between being truly well and the absence of disease.
Serge Benhayon on medicine
Is there a Universal form of medicine that is available to us all?
I have a disease – can I feel well?
When you have a disease, can you feel ‘well’ or do you have to feel ‘sick’?
Health conditions, Stillness, Inner-heart, Ill health, Sickness, Medical treatment, Connection, Cancer, Death
Slow suicide is still suicide
Are we choosing slow suicide through poor lifestyle?
Lifestyle diseases, Lifestyle, Health conditions, Depression, Ill health, Sickness, Death
Fighting cancer – What if there is another element, a fundamental element that we have overlooked?
Everything is energy – is the one absolute truth that applies to everything in the world we live in, including illness and disease.
Cancer, Disease, Ill health, Sickness, Emotions, Death, Healthy living
Burnout, disillusionment, pneumonia and finding Serge Benhayon
Meeting Serge Benhayon was truly life changing; he is unfaltering in his inspiration ...
Vitality, Work life balance, Universal Medicine, Well-being, Testimonials, Ill health, Sickness, Burnout
Gentle exercise for cancer support
A gentle exercise program that is adapted to the individual can offer many health benefits as a cancer support for people going through chemotherapy treatment and/or radiation therapy.
Cancer, Connection, Fitness, Ill health, Sickness, Well-being
Living Medicine Audio
This priceless collection of free Living Medicine audio and quotes offers us a great understanding and healing about our amazing bodies and the wisdom they carry.
Free downloads, Body awareness, Cancer, Healing, Human body, Medicine, Universal Medicine, Ill health
Penelope Scheenhouwer – reflecting on her journey
Penelope Scheenhouwer’s inspiring story of how she changed her ideal about her body image and came to her true size.
Self-worth, Fitness, Ill health, Sickness, Healthy living, Body image
The forgotten side of dementia
We are in the middle of a new and burgeoning burden of disease. It is the forgotten side of dementia in the era that has prided itself on extending human life.
Suicide in Healthcare – a personal problem or systemic failure?
One look at the suicide statistics for doctors reveals that something is seriously amiss in the state of being of our healthcare providers.
Medicine, Stress, Self-worth, Ill health, Sickness, Exhaustion, Burnout
We are sinking
The coalface of illness and disease. We are spending billions of dollars keeping people alive, yet investing nothing in the thing that we must invest in.
Boys don’t cry: men in crisis
Why does it take so long for a man to see a doctor? Men are in crisis, dying before their time and the trend is increasing. Dean Pirera explores why men are so poor at looking after themselves.
Good real estate… It’s hard to find
Our human real estate – our body – is depreciating, with no end in sight to this cycle. When and how will this cycle turn around?
Chronic discomforts – the relationship between men’s bodies and their daily choices
As men we have become used to living with daily pain. But should this be normal, is there a different way, and is our body telling us more than we think?
Serge Benhayon and the vexed question of food and alcohol
On the subject of food and alcohol, when will we learn? Socrates taught us and now Serge Benhayon is presenting about the energetic responsibility of food.
Addiction, Alcohol, Body awareness, Ill health, Sickness, Obesity
Giving food, giving love
We may have learned that love is the same as food – has this fooled us into believing that food will give us that feeling of being loved?
We have to live medicine
If medicine means to heal in full, what does that signify and how does that apply to us? Everything we do every day has an impact on our body – medicine is made up of the choices of how we live.
How are you?
How are you, really?
Health, Health conditions, Human body, Ill health, Sickness, Well-being
Who invented medicine anyway?
We have diminished our natural awareness of our bodies and our health and given our power away to the modern medical systems.
The body’s intelligence
Why do we not place as much importance on the intelligence of the body as we do on the intelligence that comes from the brain?
Health conditions, Disease, Ill health, Medicine, Human body, Intelligence
Don’t shoot the messenger!
We have one of the world’s leading experts in health and medicine with us 24 hours a day – our body! How can we deepen our relationship with our bodies and listen to what our bodies are telling us?