Perception is our true intelligence – understanding life spherically
Perception is our true intelligence – understanding life spherically
Following on in a series of short video presentations Serge Benhayon presents and delivers on a vast range of topics.
Serge openly admits that his presentations can be challenging for some as he asks us to re-visit certain areas of our life that we attempt to leave behind, but are yet to be healed, addressed or dealt with.
From his experience of working with people over many years, one thing Serge consistently presents is that “our hurts or the trauma we experience are never greater than us”.
Serge speaks of healing trauma, the importance of dealing with our hurts and the purpose and benefit of approaching life as a cycle or rhythm. He also asks us to consider the impact that living out of rhythm has on the magnificent order in which we can live. And could this in fact explain the alarming rise in illness and disease, at a time where we have greater advances in medicine available to us all.
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