Serge Benhayon

Serge Benhayon
The Philosopher – Testimonials
Serge Benhayon & philosophy
In a world that did not make sense, a world I largely withdrew from, the philosophy presented by Serge Benhayon made complete sense of what I could see playing out with people, all the chaos and turmoil, and why we’re here and where we’re going.
Serge Benhayon and The Living Way
In a world where most people seem to just get through the day, this philosophical approach to life, founded by Serge Benhayon, shows that there is a way to live that is far more enriching for everyone.
How to rebuild trust
What happens when we don’t honour what we know is true, and how do we claim our inner authority? There are many ways and reasons we begin to doubt and lose trust in ourselves.
Philosophy is the love of wisdom
The word philosophy is from ancient Greek and means 'love of wisdom'. Serge Benhayon is a true philosopher and brings the Ancient Wisdom of the ages to modern day life in his courses, workshops and as a lived example for all to share.
Philosophy, simplicity and revelation
Serge Benhayon brings the one thing to philosophy that has been missing for centuries – simplicity.
Serge Benhayon – the natural philosopher
Philosophy belongs in everyday life, to make sense of things, and this is what Serge Benhayon delivers without reservation.