Topic:Esoteric SEE ALL TOPICS
Sacred Esoteric Healing
A truly healing modality taught by Universal Medicine. Simple non-intrusive techniques you can use on yourself, your family and friends.
The Esoteric is not a secret
What does esoteric mean? Is it truly a secret that is unattainable, or is it something that lies within the human heart, accessible to everyone? Serge Benhayon reveals the truth of the esoteric.
Ageless Wisdom, Brotherhood, Esoteric, Inner-heart, Universal Medicine
The Sacred Esoteric Healing modality
Sacred Esoteric Healing is a non-intrusive, non-invasive technique that supports and allows the client to deeply rest with themselves.
Frequently asked questions
Here you will find answers and interesting points to many common questions asked about Sacred Esoteric Healing.
How do I become a practitioner of Sacred Esoteric Healing?
An article that discusses the training and integrity requirements to become a practitioner in Sacred Esoteric Healing
Counseling, Training, Practitioner, Inner-heart, Healing, Harmony, Esoteric
Sacred Esoteric Healing – what can you expect from a session?
Experiencing Sacred Esoteric Healing isn’t foreign, in fact once felt, it is something so natural because of how it allows us to simply connect with our true selves.
Esoteric, Healing, Connection, Essence, Health, Love, Gentleness, Inner-heart, Stillness
What is the ‘Sacred’ in ‘Sacred Esoteric Healing’?
The ‘Sacred’ in Sacred Esoteric Healing is represented when a practitioner of this modality lives with the commitment and intention of Energetic integrity and Energetic Responsibility.
Love, Ageless Wisdom, Healing, Sacredness, Esoteric, Soul, Intelligence
Sacred Esoteric Healing as a way of life
Sacred Esoteric Healing sessions offer a marker of feeling at ease in one’s own skin, the feeling of just being able to be, clear of the impositions and forces thrust upon us in everyday life.
Sacred Esoteric Healing – A gift from heaven
A practitioner’s testimonial about the modality Sacred Esoteric Healing.
Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy
In this healing therapy, very light, gentle and rhythmic movements are applied by the practitioner, to the client’s body and connective tissue. It is deeply relaxing, supporting the client to release any area of tension in their body, allowing them to feel more still with a spaciousness and flow in their body.
Esoteric & Exoteric Philosophy – ‘The Sayings’
Esoteric means the inner-most, the place that is equally in every human being, irrespective of gender, age or race.
Serge Benhayon’s books – a lifetime study
Serge Benhayon’s books impart truth and sincerity and reawakened the knowing of what Ingrid Langenbruch had always known to be true but not found elsewhere.
World Religion Day – but do we know what Religion is?
Have you ever wondered what religion truly means?
I like these books – everything fits together and makes sense
Areas or questions that I had previously struggled with are now understood in a bigger picture where nothing is left out.
The simplicity of the esoteric
In our August 2019 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents the simplicity of the esoteric and how we want to avoid facing the choices we have made.
Introduction to Esoteric Massage
Brief introduction to Esoteric Massage
Esoteric, Massage, Harmony, Healing, Hardness, Tension, Surrender
These sayings are simple and yet so profound
Each time I open up this book I am presented with a Wisdom, a Wisdom from the Halls of Heaven.
What does it mean to treasure ourselves?
How my Esoteric Breast Massage allowed me to feel the depths we can go to, as women, when we choose to deeply appreciate and treasure ourselves
I can make my life one of truth
No longer do I need to seek for anything to save me or take any anguish away.
Esoteric, Love, Gay, God, Testimonials
A message and gift to my Mum
The book ‘The Joy of Ageing Esoterically’ includes stories of women and men who are enjoying and celebrating their beauty and power as they age. One woman was touched so deeply by their stories that she felt to share the book with her mum.
The Study Of Esoteric Medicine
Esoteric Medicine - the perfect partner for Conventional Medicine
Everything is because of energy
Everything is because of energy – therefore energy affects everything we do.
Esoteric Chakra-puncture
Chakra-puncture is a healing therapy that restores a natural vitality by igniting the Nadis, the energetic cells, in the body.
Esoteric Yoga – yoga for our world today
For many in our world today, stress and anxiety are commonplace. We have lost the ability to be still and know what this is. Esoteric Yoga is a modality that returns us to the divine quality of stillness within.
Paradigm-breaking writings of the 21st century
The works of Serge Benhayon come from a living embodiment of what is presented. These are paradigm breaking writings that will serve humanity for the next millennium and beyond.
Serge Benhayon: The truth of who we are
We are born from truth – so why do we as humans resist it so much?
Esoteric Yoga – a personal experience
As a fitness professional and yoga teacher, had tried everything. Nothing prepared her for the profound impact Esoteric Yoga had on her body…
The Teacher of All Teachers
There are qualities of a true teacher that can only be confirmed by feeling it for yourself. Serge Benhayon, through his teachings of the Ageless Wisdom and the consistency and beauty of his lived way, will one day be known in the hearts of man to be the teacher of all teachers.
Testimonials, Teachers, Soul, Esoteric, Education, Universal Medicine, Ageless Wisdom
The Esoteric – the umbilical cord to God
Could it be that the esoteric, when followed, is our living connection back to the Body of God?
Living medicine starts with the body
Medicine starts with the body and tuning in to how it feels so we can learn who we are from the inside and what we need to be ourself in life.
What is Esoteric Yoga?
Esoteric Yoga develops the quality that becomes the movement that you will magnify throughout your body.
The esoteric is about you living the real, whole and true you.
My experience of the Esoteric Breast Massage
Beverley shares her experience with the Esoteric Breast Massage modality, moving though any judgment and questioning of the modality to experiencing a treatment that has deeply supported her return to a truer expression of the woman that she is.
The Essence of Yoga
Yoga in essence, is about union with our Soul, the sacredness within. Serge Benhayon speaks on the true teachers who have delivered the essence of yoga to humanity throughout our history.
Ageless Wisdom, Esoteric, Lineage, Philosophy, Sacredness, Soul, Teachers, Yoga, Truth
Union within
How can exploring the union between your body and mind deepen the quality of your everyday life?
If the word Occult is sacred and all about God and His Ways, how come we changed the meaning to something spooky and sinister?
Esoteric, Essence, God, Illusion, Livingness, Love, Religion, Son of God, Truth, Universe
Serge Benhayon
Throughout the ages there have been those who have come to teach by their living way that we are so much more than human, that we are universal and an integral part of a grand, interconnected whole. The great teacher of the new era of Aquarius is Serge Benhayon.
Lineage, Esoteric, Ageless Wisdom, Religion, Cycles, Livingness
Esoteric Teachings and Revelations volume I – A New Study for Mankind
A book not just of quotes but real eye openers that inspire and invite reflection and deeper pondering.
What is Esoteric Massage?
Letting go of ingrained hardness, tension and disharmony held in the body through Esoteric Massage.
Immortalised as the God of Healing in Ancient Egypt, Imhotep was also a revered priest and scientist, a political figure and architect of the Step Pyramid of Saqqara. It is the quality that Imhotep lived rather that what he did that brought his connection to the Universal All to the world.
What are illness and disease?
What are illness and disease? Where do they come from? Is it possible that illness and disease do not come from outside us, but from the choices we ourselves make?