Living religion: a relationship with self, love and God
I used to hate religion and now I love it. Religion for me is fundamentally about love. My religion means taking responsibility for myself, my life and my choices in the knowing that I have within me much more power than I ever realised – and knowing that it starts with my relationship with me.
The human form: an evolutionary dead-end?
Once upon a time in a land far, far away, a miracle of God was born. Some call ‘him’ Adam, or ‘her’ Eve, while others refer to ‘it’ as the first Homo sapiens. And that was the beginning of the end...
The true power in reading Serge Benhayon's books
All my life it has been my wish to feel love for all equally. With the help of these books I found my way of living this – ever practicing!
Serge Benhayon TV – Business and Evolution
What does the economy of the future look like? When greed is no longer the driving force behind business, what will take its place? In this episode Serge Benhayon reveals why money is not the root of all evil and why ‘God is Business’.
Religion – a separative force or a healing power?
Is religion just a force that separates people and causes division, fighting and war or can it be a power that heals and unifies? What is it that makes the difference? Could the key factor have more to do with us than we realise?
The question of evolution
How evolved are we?
Evolution, Genetic, God, Humanity, Illusion, Livingness, Soul, Truth
Personal development – the many paths of not finding me
A reader’s journey from the discomfort of ruffled feathers to her own inner truth.
Space, God, Purpose and human existence
Is life on Earth about money, possessions and wealth or are we here to evolve, to become everything we can be?
Yoga – awakening intelligence from the body
What is the purpose of Yoga and what can we learn from our connection with our bodies? This audio takes us to a deeper understanding of awakening the intelligence of our body.
Son of God, Soul, Yoga, God
Living a religious life – returning to the Essence
Living religiously is the most simple thing on earth – it simply means living in connection with the Divine essence within us all. Divinity never leaves us, and all we need is a reflection from one living from their truth, to show us it is possible.
Evolution and creation, not an either/or, but true religion and true science
The debate over evolution (as per modern science) and creation (as per religion) keeps us distracted from the truth. The Ageless Wisdom Teachings need a good look in on this subject.
Space – where we all equally come from
Space is not emptiness; it is where we all come from, what is around and right through us. Is it then possible that space can come from deep within us and not just from without?
Journey back to myself
I look back at my life of numbing myself with drugs as a time of being so lost in the world, wanting and seeking for that deep connection with myself, only to find it was there within me all along.
What is a religious life – living in equalness
Living religiously is living in the deep knowing that all life is equal – every single human being comes from love, or from God, whether they choose to live this way or not.
Knowing divinity through my body
My divinity is something very tangible – I know that I am divine through my body. It is an experience of living in connection.
Religion is being held hostage; I want it back
We have lost true religion, our birthright, and our freedom to explore our relationship with God and the Divine. We want it back!
God is immanent
God for me is someone deeply felt and deeply known – there is no doubt or question about Him.
The Way of The Livingness – It’s My Religion
A religion where there is no preaching, no worshipping, no church to attend but a way of life that supports one to know that they are from God.
Livingness, Religion, Son of God, God, Healthy relationships
Standing solid in truth, love and tenderness
Serge Benhayon – a rock, a man who offers truth in love – God's Messenger.
What is it we accept? Is it all that we are or all that we are not?
Acceptance, Communication, Essence, God, Inner-heart, Love, Soul, Intelligence
Meet Serge Benhayon – Love, life and our return to Universality
Return to Universality – with unparalleled clarity Serge Benhayon presents the truth of life, love and why we are here on earth.
Ageless Wisdom, Universe, Philosophy, Miracle, Humanity, God, Evolution, DNA
In our inner-heart and body we are all the same
Testimonial by Susan Wilson on Serge Benhayon’s book, 'The Way of Initiation'.
The Truth about Truth and how it applies to all equally.
Body awareness, Energy, God, Harmony, Healing, Human body, Humanity, Inner-heart, Joy, Livingness, Love, Responsibility, Soul, Stillness, Truth, Universe, Intelligence
My understanding of abuse
Could it be that by limiting our understanding of abuse we fail to see that we are all being abused constantly?
Freedom of religion – a token gesture?
Do we really have freedom of religion when we use religion to separate, divide, go to war and commit acts of hatred in the name of God – as such is freedom of religion nothing more than a token gesture?
Outpourings from Heaven
Testimonial about The Way of Initiation
Scientific Laws. Where do they come from?
We learn Scientific laws at school and university. We learn to apply them in daily life. But where do they come from? Are they man made and owned like our legal system, or are they actually pre-existing?
Returning to a religious way of life
Whether we wait until that life changing moment hits, or whether we decide to look at it sooner, there is the opportunity for us, at all stages in life, to connect to something deeper.
Love is a beholding light that is for all equally. It is the beingness of knowing you are already everything.
I like these books – everything fits together and makes sense
Areas or questions that I had previously struggled with are now understood in a bigger picture where nothing is left out.
The ungodly behaviour of the Gods – is this true?
Why do we describe Gods as having ungodly traits? Is there a truth we are trying to obscure?
The hand of God
There are many that claim to represent God on earth, but in a world where actions speak louder than words, what action do we see?
The Battle for the Body – Part 1: Spirit versus Soul
Our bodies are vehicles of expression that can either be used to express all that we are (Soul) or all that we are not (spirit).
Human body, Awareness, Soul, Spirit, Sacredness, Surrender, God
Esoteric Yoga: union with me and God – at last
Looking for Union – I am often asked if I do yoga and my answer has been, “yes I do, but no, not in the way I used to practise and teach it”.
Yoga, God, Body awareness, Stillness, Cancer, Healing, Passing over
I am a student of The Way of the Livingness
Universal Medicine student Rebecca Baldwin shares what it means to be a student of The Way of the Livingness
Carola Woods – ‘Illumine’ album review
Prepare to be seriously rocked by Carola Woods new album ‘Illumine’. It will rock you.
The tangible way of Godliness…
What does it mean to live religiously on a very practical, everyday basis?
What is true religion?
Every religion in the world thinks that their religion is the true religion – but they can’t all be true. Is there such a thing as true religion? Is there a way to understand religion that is universal and when lived makes a true difference to health and well-being?
On karma and re-incarnation
“Karma is not by Divine nature bad. It is in fact about love. And, even when it feels it is not love, it still is, for that is what karma is bringing you back to.” ~Serge Benhayon
Evolution, God, Philosophy, Religion, Wisdom, Ageless Wisdom
A Treatise on Consciousness – evolution, what is it really about?
It was like a click... an aha! moment that with it brought so many more realisations and questions.
I can make my life one of truth
No longer do I need to seek for anything to save me or take any anguish away.
Esoteric, Love, Gay, God, Testimonials
What is fire and fiery energy, why does it matter and what does it mean to you?
Breath, Energy, Essence, Expression, God, Human body, Humanity, Ill health, Sickness, Love, Son of God, Soul, Spirit
My relationship my religion
The true meaning of religion is to reconnect, to be in relationship, and for Beverley, this means that her whole life is religious, as she connects with herself and all others she meets.
If it is not about love then nothing means anything
God is love, hence life is all about being love. We hold this connection and knowing deep inside us and can make it our everyday religion. Religion simply is the direct relationship with the love we come from and are forever part of.
Religion – We are all here together
Are our religious practices supportive of unity or separation? And how do these religious practices have us relating to one another?
We are God’s Children
If we are God’s Children, then what traits do we carry from such parentage?
God doesn’t take sides
Most would agree it is petty to ‘play favourites’, so how can we even begin to entertain the notion that God favours a chosen few?
God. It’s a Science.
Do you consider that God and Science are two separate things? Or are they one and the same?
What is a miracle?
The simple fact is that miracles are actually an expression of our connection with ourselves or another person at our deepest level; of our connection with God or nature.
Serge Benhayon: an author for humanity …
Serge Benhayon writes how the Soul would speak, unimpeded by the doctrines of formalised education. He reminds us of our humanity and inspires us to connect to the simplicity of our essence, our Soul.
Religion and The Way of The Livingness – Audio
A revelatory collection of audios presenting the liberating truth about religion, and the greatly misinterpreted use of this word.
Free downloads, God, Science, Philosophy, Religion, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Prayer
We cannot be without God and Religion
This article explores the topic: losing God and losing my Religion, and asks the question whether that is even possible.
Serge Benhayon and Religion – Who is this guy?
Who is this Serge Benhayon guy and what's all this stuff about religion? Is this man simply someone who's committed themselves 100% to not holding back in delivering the truth? A back-row sceptic speaks.
It is our evolution and joy to return to our Divine essence the Soul.
Unimedpedia, Soul, Love, Harmony, Essence, God, Son of God
Who or what is God and what does He mean to each of us?
Ageless Wisdom, Energy, Essence, Evolution, God, Livingness, Sanat Kumara, Son of God, Soul, Unimedpedia
Serge Benhayon – the universal man
Serge Benhayon is a Universal Man – What does this mean? How does a man with no tertiary education be an expert on science, philosophy, religion and medicine to name a few? Find out in this article how Serge Benhayon truly represents what it is to live universally and be a Universal Man.
Son of God, Universal Medicine, Wisdom, God, Ageless Wisdom, Lifestyle
The Battle for the Body – Part 2: Male versus Female
What is the real reason behind the seeming divide between male and female?
Human body, Awareness, Soul, Spirit, Sacredness, Surrender, God
Made in His image
Many religions say man is made in God’s image, but have we taken this too literally? Do we use this to justify many ungodly behaviours?
Co-Creation, Divine Creation and Creation
Understanding Co-Creation, Divine Creation and Creation explains a lot about our world and supports us in our return to who we truly are.
The lost science of the stars
When Science threw Astrology out, we were left with the pointless, dry science of Astronomy. Can we save the day and bring these two together again within ourselves?
Ageless Wisdom, Astronomy, Constellations, Evolution, God, Planets
Religion: What it means to me
Do we know religion innately? What is God to a child, before we are sold society’s various images of Him? One woman on God and Religion.
Religion, Connection, God, Essence, Breath, Presence, Livingness
The Esoteric – the umbilical cord to God
Could it be that the esoteric, when followed, is our living connection back to the Body of God?
Books which deepen us into our awareness
A spherical, profound and sustained expansion in awareness is available to anyone who chooses to not shy away from the true inspiration on every page written by Serge Benhayon.
Who stole God from science: Part 2
Pythagoras, through his connection to the Ageless Wisdom, was able to bring through scientific, philosophical and religious principles that have shaped the course of history.
Who stole God from science: Part 1
How, without the technology of today, did the scientists of old come up with amazing insights, discoveries and scientific ideas that reverberate through the ages? This article, the first in a series, offers us the opportunity to reflect on the place of God in science.
The face of Sacredness
There is nothing more beautiful, divinely authoritative, and rich as a woman in her Sacredness, she is a leading light in every way. And every woman holds this essence in spades.
Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita
The eternal message of Krishna is one of true love; there is a truth to love that is far greater than the ideal we have been conditioned by the institution of family to think it is. Would the way we live life be totally transformed if we were to apply this living truth to our own daily lives?
“Souvenirs of Love” – what is love truly and what is keeping us from living it?
Our natural state of being is Love. So why are we insisting on holding on to hurts, making them more important than living who we truly are.
Clairsentience is the science of feeling energy. It is something we all can do and have been able to do since we were children. So why do we not make proper use of it now?
Unicorns, Hummus and One Unified Truth
Of all the beliefs in the world about god, could there be a one unified truth?
Mathematics – the science of reflection and vibration
Without diminishing the significance of what mathematics has shown us through its power to measure and produce models of all that we see around us, the question arises: is that it?
Bringing science to life – the true purpose of science
Is the purpose of science to serve humanity in its ever-expanding demand for a better life, a better future, to make it all easier?
Space – our responsibility
Space is more than we might think – if we have thought about it at all. And have we ever thought to take responsibility for how we use space, our space and all space?
Understanding the deeper essence of self-care…
Could there yet be deeper aspects to consider when consolidating our understanding of self-care? This article will offer more to consider regarding our relationship with self-care.
If the word Occult is sacred and all about God and His Ways, how come we changed the meaning to something spooky and sinister?
Esoteric, Essence, God, Illusion, Livingness, Love, Religion, Son of God, Truth, Universe
My sister, the wardrobe and the loaded gun
The loaded gun was innocuous, loaded and with a story that casts centuries of the legacy of institutionalised religion.
Without the science of energy, philosophy is a mere charade
What makes philosophy real, practical, deeply wise and in harmony with universal intelligence? Serge Benhayon presents the key to applying true philosophy in life.
Returning Home
Connecting to God (and deeply with ourselves) through the body is part of the energetic journey back Home that everybody will go through, sooner or later. This journey is of a beauty that cannot be done justice to through words, in which we register in total awe the grandness beyond grand, both that we truly are and that has never left us.
Who stole God from science: Part 3 – Hypatia – science and divinity as one
There have been many accounts of the life of Hypatia (350-415 AD) much of which is fiction and hearsay. What we do know is that she was a brilliant philosopher, mathematician and wise woman renowned for her teachings on life that she openly shared via the Alexandrian School.
One of the most fundamental teachings one can ever be exposed to is the difference between spirit and Soul… so what is the difference?
Unimedpedia, God, Illusion, Soul, Abuse
All of us – What we always wanted, but never cared to seek
The décor might have changed, but true evolution lays not in the material but how we treat ourselves, each other and from there, all we share this planet with and Earth itself.
The Rosicrucians
The true history of the Rosicrucians and how they fit into the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom
Religion, Lineage, Philosophy, Son of God, Ageless Wisdom, Evolution, God, Livingness, Spirit, Soul
How many of us truly know and live the sacredness we all innately are? Find out more about sacredness and how to reconnect to and live it in our everyday lives.
Abuse, Cycles, Evolution, God, Role models, Sacredness, Soul, Spirit
Chris James – ‘it is’ album review
Divine presence and magnificence is what summarises this album. The union of Joy, Harmony, Love, Stillness and Truth. When heaven breathes, this is the sounds it makes.
Full circle to the truth
The first time I was introduced to anything spiritual was when we visited my great aunt’s place when I was nine years old. She was renowned in the town where they lived for reading the cards and being very accurate in her foretelling.
Shining a light on the BIG questions of life
If you want answers to the Big Questions that we ask about the meaning of life, this is the book for you. Through the art of parables we gain insight into the simplicity and grandness behind the seeming complications we so readily subscribe to in daily life.
The key is surrender
In our April 2022 Audio of the Month Serge Benhayon presents what is so precious about surrendering and how it is the key to finding the truth of who we are.
The Situation - review
Have we exchanged our magnificent humanness and the riches of heaven for lives of individual self-gain, competition and drudgery, ruled by entitlement, ownership, effort and knowledge?
Is your yoga practice leaving you empty?
How is it that we can keep our body active in a yoga practice yet find our focus drawn to ‘what is wrong’ rather than enjoy a nurturing enrichment from our movements?
Connection, Essence, God, Soul, Yoga
‘Divinity Is Birthed’ by Victoria Warburton - album review
If you were ever in doubt about our divine origins, if you ever felt lost, caught up in the chaos of the world, or struck by a hurt, then these ten tracks will serve as your guiding light.
Teachings & Revelations Volume IV – review
An indispensable compendium of conveyed wisdom for us all, in a world plagued by lies and untruths, where abuse in all its forms is normalised and general lovelessness dominates the model of life.
The why of relationships
We are schooled that we can only have one or a few special relationships. But why accept this when we can instead open up to the possibility of every relationship?
Reading Serge Benhayon’s books
Reading Serge Benhayon’s books is an experience like no other; it is a surrender into what we already are. Moreover, it does not end on closing them, but continues in a different form.
Do we come from purity of something else?
In our Audio of the Month for August 2024 Serge Benhayon presents how we are in the comfort of the lie of living a lineal view of life rather than living the divinity we innately know.