Do we come from purity of something else?

Do we come from purity of something else?

"Wisely considered, it makes no sense that we progress from being an ape (come from the apes) to develop a form of intelligence that is cruel, cunning, deceiving, vile and murderous as well as having the potential and or nature to be loving, caring and very nurturing. No other creature is senselessly so extreme."

Serge Benhayon An Open Letter to Humanity, ed 1, p 250

What if we did not come from apes, Adam and Eve or the stork but from the pristineness of divinity. Why would we make up these stories.

60% Complete

Do we come from purity or something else?

Exposing the problem and lie of the lineal view of life.

"A part of the whole does not come void of the energetic quality of the whole it belongs to. And therefore, never does a part of the whole not carry the energetic quality and activity of all of the parts that make the whole what it is.

It is for this reason that we must not ever accept or say it is ok to have a part of the world that is lacking harmony and or love, for if there is such a part, no matter how small, it says that it is that everywhere, and hence, we have not yet completed our task to make humanity the oneness we originated from. "

Serge Benhayon Time, Space and all of us, Book 1 – Time, ed 1, end

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