Who stole God from science: Part 1

Who stole God from science: Part 1
As we look into the history of science, a history that reaches as far as civilisation can be traced, we find the origins of modern science.
There are modern scientific principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, geology, astronomy, medicine and dentistry that date back to the earliest civilisations. How did the scientists of old come up with scientific ideas in the first place? Where did these amazing insights, discoveries and scientific principles come from?
How did the engineers, builders and their teams of workers of ancient Egypt build the Great Pyramids with such precision that they still stand today as testaments to the living wisdom of our predecessors? Why were they constructed in such way as to be aligned with the Constellation of Orion?
Dating back to a time even before the Pyramids of Egypt are the world’s oldest temples at Gobekli Tepe. These amazing structures, believed to be more than 10,000 years old, were built using methods not able to be explained by modern technology and later carefully covered with earth to conceal them. How and why did this ancient society construct these temples and why then hide them?
From where did Pythagoras get his inspirational ideas about mathematics, harmonics, optics and astronomy? What gave him the inspiration with the Pythagorean community, to develop an egalitarian society that would form the foundation for democratic government, a concept that would later spread throughout the world?
How did Leonardo da Vinci know to design flying machines that resemble a helicopter more than 500 years before technology could bring it to reality? Leonardo’s drawing of a mechanical knight would inspire the creation of a surgical robot for prostate cancer that has revolutionised cancer treatment for men. Was this a coincidence, or was Leonardo a true seer, anticipating what the future generations would need?
What inspired Copernicus to consider that the Earth and planets moved around the Sun – a heretical view that challenged the doctrines of the Catholic Church and was punishable with imprisonment or even death.
The foundations for the ancient scientists, and for many great scientists that have followed, were that Science, Religion and Philosophy were one. This understanding came from the way they lived and their connection to the all, including God.
The process of scientific discovery was also founded in the wisdom of using the reflections found in nature, combined with the understanding that everything is connected. This was then set against the backdrop of relating our purpose here on Earth to the cycles we live amongst, and of course how this is occurring in relation to time, space and the rest of the cosmos.
Hence everything was considered as interconnected, with science being naturally holistic in its truest sense.
Examples of this are seen in the works of a long lineage of scientists, who were not just scientists but “all-rounders” such as Pythagoras, Plato, Hypatia, Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Isaac Newton, Madame Curie, Max Planck, Einstein and many, many more.
In this series of articles we will explore the works of these great men and women. Often these great works were rejected, misunderstood or later reinterpreted, obscuring the amazing wisdom they brought with such simplicity. At some point in time the philosophical consideration of the divine was extracted from science, the two being seen as unrelated, unconnected and even to be opposing forces.
We will explore the origins of this division in the next article and see how it continues to affect us today.
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