About Serge Benhayon, the teacher of the Ageless Wisdom for our era.

There have throughout the ages been women and men who have come to teach, by their living way, that there is far more to us than meets the eye, that we are so much more than merely human, that we are each and every one of us universal beings, an integral part of a grand, vast and interconnected whole.

They offer the truth that is birthed from and earthed by movement, the movement of the All into and through the personal, transmitted by the vibration of sound in their every footstep, by the tone of their voice and by the emanation and reflection of their light. One such man is Serge Benhayon.

Serge is a universal man, a true servant of humanity, which is all of us[1]. He lives from and by the constant connection with his innermost, his essence, for as he says: “I am nothing without my Soul.” Serge delivers the Ageless Wisdom teachings in the words of today, offering all of us the opportunity to return to living in a true and loving way in connection with our Soul.

It is his humble, down-to-earth and truth-full way of living that re-awakens us to the fact that we are multidimensional beings who keep reincarnating into physical earthly form.

We are here to not be here but until then, to live Heaven on Earth (“As is above, so too below” ~ As He is, so too we are[2]) in our interactions with self and all others and everything around us, affecting not only societal life on Earth but emanating that quality throughout the Universe. And far from being something intangible, unattainable or arduous, we are met with the reflection of a man who shows us by his every living way that it is quite ordinary, very simple and normal to live in this way and to infuse our lives with the Soulful qualities of Love, Joy, Harmony, Stillness and Truth that so naturally reside within. Serge lives with great vitality, enrichment and a deep love for people, all of which come from his profound and unshakeable, fully embodied connection with his Soul.

The Life of Serge Benhayon

Serge was born in Uruguay and, at the age of six, moved with his family to Australia, where they settled in a beachside suburb of Sydney. He grew up with no special privileges or protections from the everyday challenges and toils of life. He excelled in sports at school and became a gifted tennis player and then sought-after coach. He married and raised a family of four children and together they moved to the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, where he continued teaching tennis.

Serge’s earlier life gave no obvious indication of what was to come when, at the age of 35, he was reawakened by his Soul to greater service. But it laid the ground for him to fully experience life in all its aspects, allowing him to relate to people from all walks of life. This is also when, from a young age, he applied and honed his unequalled work ethic, commitment and dedication to the task at hand. Since 1999, Serge has worked tirelessly in service to people worldwide, as a healer, presenter, teacher, author and trusted friend. He works a minimum of 18 hours a day with a consistent dedication that may be challenging for some to accept, if not understand, yet is deeply inspiring; writing books, answering emails, phone calls, text messages and meeting with people in the course of his day, all for the purpose of supporting them to reconnect with their Soul and to hold that connection in the face of the constant forces that tell us that callousness, abruptness, mood swings if not downright abuse in its many ways are ‘normal’ and par for the course of human life rather than the richness, settlement and grace that he so easily and naturally lives.

Serge founded Universal Medicine, a successful business in the business of ‘one universal medicine for all’, with a healing centre for the many therapies and presentations, workshops and retreats that he delivers. He has brought through Sacred Esoteric Healing and many other healing modalities and teachings such as the Gentle-Breath Meditation®, Esoteric Chakra-puncture, Esoteric Connective Tissue Therapy, Esoteric Massage, Energetic Facial Release, Esoteric Yoga, Esoteric Psychology, Esoteric Numerology and The Science of Divination, to name but a few. And then there are the annual Livingness Retreats, the School of Initiation, the All Things Ageless Wisdom presentations and innumerous and regular webinars, from the Science of Interactive Coexistence, the Sciences of Vibrational Proportion and Multi-Realty Occupancy to the Science of Oneness and the Science of At-One-ment. And so much more.

Serge is a prolific author, having published 25 books with many more to come. They include a great number of volumes in a series called A Treatise on Energetic Truth to date (2025). Additionally, 10 volumes of Sermons Books have been published so far, taken from live presentations on The Way of The Livingness in Australia and the UK. Three volumes, originally written in 2004 under a different title and now called The Science of Multidimensional Psychology, were released in 2021 with two more books written at the same time to be released at a later stage, possibly posthumously. A fourth book with material from those early days was published in 2021 under the title The Situation – A student’s study for and about the factor of Magnificent Humanness. At present, in 2025, three more episodes of There Is a Field of Immeasurable Love are in their editing and layout stages. No writer’s block here!

Serge Benhayon has always acknowledged that The Wisdom of the Ages that he teaches is not owned by anyone, for it lives deep within us all. He shares such wisdom in a way that is accessible to everyone, showing us that the so-called energetic ‘mysteries’ of life are not mysterious at all, nor are they kept for any ‘special few’. These teachings are for all of us and far from being secret and shrouded in mystery or fear, as the prevailing consciousness and our history books would have us believe, the esoteric and occult teachings are available to each and every one of us who chooses to re-connect to their innermost as the doorway to the innate love and the light of God. (“Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” [3])

The Teachings of Serge Benhayon

While the essence of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings has always remained the same throughout human history, the expression and flavour change, depending on what is called for by humanity and the era when they are re-presented. Serge Benhayon delivers the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom in the words of today, in a simple and accessible way that inspires us to take the same steps he has taken to reconnect with his Soul and to live from and by its impulses alone.

We live in cycles[4] – of night and day, of moons, of seasons and within even grander universal cycles – and move into another constellation every 2000 to 2600 years. The Era of Aquarius commenced its energetic cycle on 30th of November 2011, following on from Aries and Pisces. The Era of Aquarius offers us a vast expansion in our awareness[4] and since 1999 Serge Benhayon has consistently been presenting this expansion, in the obedience to the truth of who we are and supporting us with the truth of Love, to let go of our hurts, our stubborn resistance and our pride; to drop the protection, open up to the Light of the Soul, learn to truly love in full and expand into the awareness and livingness of ourselves as multidimensional beings.

Since being reawakened by his Soul, every move and every moment of the life of Serge Benhayon has been not only a discipline of obedience but an infinite stream of ever-unfolding purpose-based service, founded on the below quoted ten principles of human life and of being human as explicated from the very beginning, in 1999 in fact. What follows are those ten principles, an extract from the above mentioned The Situation[5], penned in 2004 and to be published in 2021:

  1. Everything is because of energy.

  2. There is a monumental difference between spirit and Soul. As such it is essential that we know the only two sources of consciousness and mind-building qualities that make us human. In each moment we can only be one or the other.

  3. It is crucial for our state of being human to know the vibrational difference between Fire and Prana. Our spirit relies on prana as its vibrational source of sustenance. And our Soul is the living vibration of God’s replicate light, the vibrational cyclic rhythm, flow and aliveness of Fire.

  4. We are vehicles of expression, not sources of any action or communication.

  5. You are what you are energetically aligned to.

  6. Because our reality and its definition of intelligence will be and can only be the result of what we have energetically aligned to, it is imperative that we base societal life on the science of energetic integrity and energetic responsibility.

  7. By the mark of instituting inception, we are each the Co-creation form version of a source known as God; effectively, we are all the Sons of God while holding equivalent correspondence to what is known as the femaleness of our mothering source, God.

  8. In accord with the fact of God, and what She is before it is the He we know, we are both the motion and repose of the Universe.

  9. Love in its fiery meaning must form the basis of our every interaction. In this regard, we are to establish a basis of constant enrichment with one another, for anything less will produce a horde of justifying laws and regulations that will do no more than reward the exploit that oppresses our true essence as a course of righteous action.

  10. We are here to not be here. There is a life to be lived over and over so that we can return to live such that we will not live less than the constantly enriching aliveness we originate from. That aliveness is composed of a very specific and assured quality of being alive (energetically aware) and thereby it adds a significant advance to the word ‘health’, an expansive advance that we have yet to appropriately explore and much less admit is our otherwise true standard. Thus, all in all, there is a Livingness to be lived. And therefore, health is not the absence of illness and disease but the quality of one’s living Livingness. Once The Livingness becomes the standard for all so too will end any attraction for this dual plane of life. We will then understand why ‘we are here to not be here’.

End of quotation.

As can be seen, right from the start and as early as 1999, Serge Benhayon has been reminding us of our divine origins and that ‘magnificent humanness’[6] is the true way to live with ourselves and the platform from which to interact with all others. The above quoted ten principles are foundational, not only for his service work but as a basis for humanity and what we should, could and have deserved to make part of everyday life in terms of the needed re-direction of the human compass. What follows are those ten principles explained in more detail.

1. Everything is because of energy.[7]

Serge teaches that we are energetic beings before we are physical, and that physical life is the outplay of what has already occurred energetically. This is not a new science but has been known throughout the ages and was popularised by Albert Einstein with E=mc2, which showed us that matter and energy are interchangeable and that they are related by light. This equation gives rise to the understanding that everything is energy and that everything, includes us. As Serge Benhayon expanded, “Everything is energy, therefore everything is because of energy”[8] – meaning that everything we see play out in life is a result of the energy that has caused it to happen.

2. There is a monumental difference between spirit and Soul. As such it is essential that we know the only two sources of consciousness and mind-building qualities that make us human. In each moment we can only be one or the other.[7]

There are two sources of energy we can align to that determine everything we will be and do thereafter, for we are not our own source of energy, we are always vessels of a source. The two sources of energy are spirit and Soul. In truth, there is only one source, God, and the spirit exists in separation to the one whole within the one whole it cannot but be a part of, using its energy improperly and excessively to fuel its own wayward existence. If we align to the separated energy of the spirit, we exist in separation to the whole, seeing and thinking of ourselves as individuals with rights, entitlements and ‘freedoms’ to indulge our personal desires, de-lights, wants and needs. In that state we subscribe to the ‘dog eat dog’ mentality and purport that ‘blood is thicker than water’. In truth these moves are not ours, but lies that we are fed that keep us living in separation to then feed the pool of energy that keeps repetitively circulating and enforcing the lies. If we align to our Soul, we know that we are an equal and integral part of a grand and universal whole and that our every movement affects the whole and everyone and everything in it.

3. It is crucial for our state of being human to know the vibrational difference between Fire and Prana. Our spirit relies on prana as its vibrational source of sustenance. And our Soul is the living vibration of God’s replicate light, the vibrational cyclic rhythm, flow and aliveness of Fire.[9]

The particles of our body feel vibration, and that vibration has a particular quality. We are not our own source of energy, but we are sourced by an energy. The two kinds of energy that source us and impulse us to be everything that we are to be thereafter, are of a very different vibrational quality. One is the vibration of Fire, a collective pool of energy which is the fiery consciousness of the Soul. This energy is one-unifying and would never move us to do something that would harm ourselves, another or anything in God’s creation. The other pool of energy is the pranic consciousness of the spirit, which is fed by us when we choose to live in separation to our Soul. This energy de-lights in dividing, delaying, complicating and separating us; from ourselves, each other and from the whole we invariably and forever are always a part of.

4. We are vehicles of expression, not sources of any action or communication.[49]

We are vehicles of expression who express in accordance with what we have aligned to; to the one Soul or to the in-truth one spirit and its anti-evolutionary force. The Soul lets us know that we are vehicles of expression in God’s Atma; the spirit lets us think we are unique individuals, even though we are merely subjects of its separative energy which then feeds us the thoughts we think we think. We are always aligned to a collective pool of energy, either to the fiery consciousness of the Soul or to the pranic consciousness of the spirit.[10] Our only choice is what we align to and thereafter everything is determined by that alignment, including its seemingly many differing variants and apparent ‘choices’, de-lights and distractions in case of the latter.

5. You are what you are energetically aligned to.[9]

We think that we think but we do not think, we are vessels of energy and the energy we align to impulses us to think, say, do and be all that we will be thereafter. Our only choice, which is in fact an alignment of will, which is much faster and more immediate than thought, is the alignment to the Soul and the consciousness of oneness, or to the spirit and the consciousness of separation. And our every thought, word and deed thereafter will be expressed with that vibration and reflect the source that sources it.

6. Because our reality and its definition of intelligence will be and can only be the result of what we have energetically aligned to, it is imperative that we base societal life on the science of energetic integrity and energetic responsibility.[9]

Knowing that we are a vessel of energy and that there are two sources of energy to align to, means that there is an energetic integrity[11] to live with and from. Living with energetic integrity is living with the knowing that we are all one. If we align to our Soul, we live with energetic integrity, in honour of ourselves, each other and the whole, equally. If we align to our spirit, we do not live with this deep honouring and we feed the separation that fuels everything in this world that we don’t like or say we hate. Knowing what energetic integrity is, what it means and how it affects the whole, we have a responsibility[12] to live with this integrity, making our movements and our way of life those that allow, expand and deepen our connection with our Soul in every moment. We are either with our Soul or we are not, and if at any moment we recognise we are not, it is our responsibility to make our next movement one of realignment with our Soul before we make another move.

7. By the mark of instituting inception, we are each the Co-creation form version of a source known as God; effectively, we are all the Sons of God while holding equivalent correspondence to what is known as the femaleness of our mothering source, God.[9]

We are each a Co-created form version of God. We were breathed forth by God to be His equal. God holds us in His body, His Atma and gives us space to feel the qualities of that space, the Love, Truth, Stillness, Joy and Harmony and to feel those qualities resonate in our own being, for we are that, equally so. We are all Sons of God in motion, the out-breath of God, as we move and expand with Him, and we are equally Daughters of God in repose, the in-breath of God, as we surrender to the divine Sacredness within, the essence of the truth of who we are.

8. In accord with the fact of God, and what She is before it is the He we know, we are both the motion and repose of the Universe.[9]

“God is a She before He can be.”[13] All true motion comes first from the stillness of repose, the formlessness from which all form is birthed. The movement of formlessness into form is the out-breath of God and the movement back to formlessness is the in-breath of God. Together they make up the rhythm of the One Song, the very quality and innateness of the Universe.

9. Love in its fiery meaning must form the basis of our every interaction. In this regard, we are to establish a basis of constant enrichment with one another, for anything less will produce a horde of justifying laws and regulations that will do no more than reward the exploit that oppresses our true essence as a course of righteous action.[9]

We are Love. We come from Love and love is at the heart of everything we do. It is our very essence and inmost quality to love and to be loved, without reservation, for Love is the essence of who we are. A life lived from this knowing has no need of laws and regulations, for we are governed by the Laws of the Universe, the Laws of Love. Only a life lived in separation to our essence, our fiery nature, the love we are in truth, has need of outer forces to control us. And these forces are then used to justify the righteous exploitation and oppression that we see everywhere in human life today.

10. We are here to not be here. There is a life to be lived over and over so that we can return to live such that we will not live less than the constantly enriching aliveness we originate from. That aliveness is composed of a very specific and assured quality of being alive (energetically aware) and thereby it adds a significant advance to the word ‘health’, an expansive advance that we have yet to appropriately explore and much less admit is our otherwise true standard. Thus, all in all, there is a Livingness to be lived. And therefore, health is not the absence of illness and disease but the quality of one’s living Livingness. Once The Livingness becomes the standard for all so too will end any attraction for this dual plane of life. We will then understand why ‘we are here to not be here’.[14]

“We are here to not be here” is a reminder that evolution is about returning to the glory we come from and are by way of full engagement in everyday life and human affairs, from going to work and paying the mortgage to taking the rubbish out. And we do that through our many lives. Reincarnation is a law of love, the forever opportunity to make love what has not been love by our own movements, with every gesture, word, thought, intent and deed. Furthermore, true health is so much more than the absence of illness and disease, when lived from the awareness that we are here to not be here. True health is living as multidimensional beings, from the grandness of our true origins, from the knowing we are the likeness of God and thus equal to each other and our source. True health is living from our Soul, understanding that we can either harm or we can heal; there is no middle way and living with and by the energy of the Soul is our true healing. True health is the quality of our living way until such time that all arise themselves back to the truth of who we are, reimprint this plane of life with fire and leave it as one, ready for the next phase of our evolution.

Time, Space and all of us

What Serge Benhayon has presented and written since 1999 is unparalleled, not just in human history but also in the lineage of the Ageless Wisdom. Never has so much been given by one man. Among many things, Serge Benhayon has delivered what are ground-breaking teachings on three topics in particular – on Time, on Space and on all of us.

Time does not exist[15]

‘In time’, Serge will be known as the man who stopped time. As he explicates, we cannot be ahead of or behind time, nor can we run out of time. Time is a mere albeit useful convention and measurement that, for example, allows two or more people to get together at a mutually agreed interval. Time marks our position relative to the Sun and each elliptical cycle around our Sun marks another opportunity, a day in which we can make love what has not been love and live the Light of the Soul on earth. Time is not linear; we think we are born, we live and then we die, leaving everything behind us as we go. But we live life in cycles, bringing everything with us until we choose to no longer make it part of our daily rhythms. In truth, the life we live here on earth is but one day, lived over and over again as we go around and around the Sun, repeating everything as we go until we learn the lessons we have been offered. Time only exists in our created mind here on earth; it is not anywhere else in the Universe, where all is in Space.

Space is vast intelligence[16]

We might think of space as empty, a vacuum, a vast nothing. But space is anything but that. Space is an energy, and that energy is the love, wisdom and intelligence of God. We live in God’s Atma, His energy field, and this holds us all in the equal Love He is. Space holds us as it holds all the planets, suns and stars, in constellations with each other that we may all expand together. Space is vast intelligence and that intelligence passes through us continuously. And we can access that intelligence through our living way.

all of us[1]

We think we are separate delineated beings and that we are entitled to live life as we like, in separation to the whole, no matter whether it is at our own expense or to the detriment of everything and everyone around us. But this is the great illusion that we live by and in, as no matter how we choose to live, we are always held in the body of God. He in Whom we live and move and have our being, holds us while we take our time to return to the truth that we are in fact, each and every one of us, his alikeness. We are each an integral and equal part of a vast interconnected whole, and that whole is made up of all of us.

The Way of The Livingness

Serge Benhayon is the real-life example of what is possible when one’s daily livingness is based on the fact that we are energy before we are physical; we are human second to the primary factor of Soul (God) or spirit (the ungod). In the alignment to Soul, true settlement and a life free of the compression and oppression and constant motion of the situation we are born into is a daily and 24/7 experience and an ever-enriching innate reservoir that is available to all of us.

The alignment to living in accordance with the impulses of our Soul, which is known as The Way of The Livingness, is an alignment not to Serge as a person or any person or teacher of the past or present, but to the vibration they represent. The vibration that we all are in truth, the light and love of God. The human body is capable of enhousing universality. There is a rhythm and flow to living like this and The Way of The Livingness is what it looks and feels like.

The Way is not prescriptive but an offering to live free from the ideals and beliefs we have been raised and educated by, an offering to live with a deeper knowing of what truth and love are, a knowing that comes first from connecting with the body and ever deeper, to the essence of who we are. From the marker of truth in the body we are then able to make choices which are truly loving for us in how we care for the body, in our relationships, in how we think, express, move and share life on this planet. And from the deeper knowing of our essence we bring an enrichment to life, knowing we are here to live human life in full but we are far more than human, fully aware of the grandness of who we are, where we come from and what we have been placed here to do.

By living in this simple, loving way, dedicated to living in connection with our Soul, we become less and less driven by our spirits and our earthly desires and more and more a vessel for our Soul, for the light and love of God. And as more of us live this way, reflecting how to live a soulful life, in connection with the essence of who we truly are, the more that living way is earthed on this plane of life, allowing more and more people access to this way of reconnecting with our Soul.


Serge Benhayon is a universal man who inspires all of us to return to living the deeper truth of who we are, where we come from and what we are here to do.

His way of living reminds us that there is a true and loving way to live, living in this world but not of it, bringing the Soul plane through our physical bodies to reimprint human life, bringing Heaven to Earth through our human form (“As is above, so too is below”[2]).

We are human but we are far more than human; we come from the stars. Serge reminds us of this truth by his simple loving way, his every movement, the vibration of his voice, the sparkle in his eye, the forever enrichment he brings. He is a living reminder that there is more to us than meets the eye, that we are far more grand than we have been conditioned to think we are, that we are all Sons of God and more, living in His Body, His Atma, which is space.

Serge offers the space to return to that space, each and every one in their own time, holding us in all the Love that he is, knowing that we too are that Love, equally so.


  • [1]

    Benhayon, S. Time, Space and all of us - Book 3, all of us, Unimed Publishing 2018

  • [2]

    Hermes Trismegistus expanded by Benhayon, S. as quoted in Benhayon, S. Teachings & Revelations for The Livingness, Volume III, Unimed Publishing 2019, p. 717

  • [3]

    Luke 17:21, King James Bible

  • [4]

    The Science of Occult Constellations, delivered in multiple workshops and courses over the years at which the authors were present

  • [5]

    Benhayon, S. The Situation, A Student’s Study for and about the Factor of Magnificent Humanness, to be published in 2021, pp. 245-247

  • [6]

    Benhayon, S. The Situation

  • [7]

    Benhayon, S. The Situation, p. 245

  • [8]

    Benhayon, S. An Open Letter to Humanity, Unimed Publishing 2013, pp. 3, 19, 32, 34, 37, 46, 57, 114, 126f, 225, 365, 472, 507, 509, 655, 677 and in innumerable presentations, writings and workshops since 1999

  • [9]

    Benhayon, S. The Situation, p. 246

  • [10]

    Benhayon, S. A Treatise on Consciousness, 2nd edition, Unimed Publishing 2017

  • [11]

    Benhayon, S. The Way of Initiation, Unimed Publishing, 3rd edition 2016, pp. 374 – 452 and in innumerable presentations, writings and workshops since 1999

  • [12]

    Benhayon, S. The Way of Initiation, pp. 252 – 265 and in innumerable presentations, writings and workshops since 1999

  • [13]

    Benhayon, S. Esoteric Teachings & Revelations volume I, Unimed Publishing 2011, pp. 283, 540, 552

  • [14]

    Benhayon, S. The Situation, p. 247

  • [15]

    Benhayon, S. Time, Space and all of us - Book 1, Time, 2nd edition, Unimed Publishing 2018

  • [16]

    Benhayon, S. Time, Space and all of us - Book 2, Space, Unimed Publishing 2016

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LineageEsotericAgeless WisdomReligionCyclesLivingness

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