Topic:Obesity SEE ALL TOPICS
Why are our service stations crack houses? And what does sugar do to the brain?
We look at the curious phenomenon of our service (petrol) stations being full to the brim with foods containing highly addictive substances.
Why dieting isn’t the answer to our weight problems
It can be all too easy to look and judge what appears to be an issue with overeating; are the facts however showing us that we haven’t been looking at the real cause?
I realised there was another way to live my life
Joel’s experience discovering the Sacred Esoteric Healing modality and a new way of living and working.
Obesity, Cancer, Dementia, Stillness, Tenderness, Relationships
Quick solutions and instant weight loss: looking for the magic pill?
We are looking for quick solutions, the instant weight loss, instant belly-fat removal without surgery, an instant solution – but does this really work?
Why do we overeat?
Do you ever overeat when lonely … as a reward after a challenging day … or for comfort? Here is an insightful exploration into why we overeat.
Over eating, Bloating, Body awareness, Emotions, Feelings, Eating disorder, Obesity
Childhood obesity: what are we doing to our children?
With the alarming increase in childhood obesity and overweight children in the world, are we looking at the deeper causes? What can parents do differently?
Are we consuming sugar or is sugar consuming us?
Our use of sugar has changed dramatically over the last 30 - 40 years. Do you want to be more aware and get a handle on your own sugar use?
Overeating: are you eating until you feel sick?
Our large food portions have in fact become normal. The body will often tell a very different story to the ones our taste buds do as we indulge in every mouthful. Why are we capable of overeating even until feeling sick?
Over eating, Obesity, Fatigue, Culture, Self-worth, Healthy living
Are we killing ourselves with food?
We are tantalised, stuffed and satiated to the point where it simply isn’t working! So what is it about our relationship with food that has become so complicated?
Food industry, Over eating, Obesity, Healthy diet, Eating disorder
Snacking – A modern habit?
Snacking is a modern habit fuelled by the food industry and is linked to overeating and rising rates of obesity. But why are we obsessed with the constant need to eat?
The fat myth continues ...
It is a myth that fat in the diet is the main culprit in the obesity crisis or responsible for heart disease. Instead we need to look at carbohydrates, sugar and gluten.
What is a hurt . . . and how do hurts relate to dieting and losing weight?
This article posits that it is our hurts that can cause us to overeat or to eat unhealthy foods.
Sugar, exercise and obesity: Let’s get real
This article looks at the cause of being overweight and obese. Is sugar a factor? Is lack of exercise a factor?
Food as a pacifier
Have we been using food as a pacifier since we were babies? Is this contributing to weight issues such as obesity and diabetes and our ability to live well and be vital?
Weight-loss, Diets, Connection, Obesity, Fat, Healthy diet, Emotions, Hurt
Food glorious food
Awash with food outlets, TV cooking shows, TV chefs and their latest recipe books, should we be healthier and eating better than ever?
Serge Benhayon TV – Obesity, Big Sugar and The Intelligence of Space
Could banning sugar from our diet provide an easy fix for the seemingly intractable problem of rapidly rising rates of diabetes and obesity that threaten to overwhelm health systems worldwide . . . or not?
Sugar, Obesity, Lifestyle diseases, Food industry, Intelligence, Diabetes
It is never about food!
Food is not the culprit for a plethora of disorders. It is all about our behaviour, awareness, responsibility and choices. We give our power away and then mask our weaknesses with poor food choices.
Portion distortion: lost track of how much to eat?
Should we be asking: why have we lost track of how much to eat?
Obesity, Weight-loss, Well-being, Body awareness, Eating disorder
Do wild animals have an obesity problem?
How is it that wild animals have no weight issues, yet human beings are suffering? Have we lost our connection to the true role food plays in our lives?
Serge Benhayon TV – Universal Medicine: Reversing the trends on lifestyle related disease
The World Health Organisation reports that 68% of people are dying of non-communicable lifestyle diseases. So what makes healing possible? In this video Serge Benhayon offers the key.
Energy, Productivity, Obesity, Lifestyle diseases, Clairsentience, Empowerment
Obesity – what is truly going on?
We cannot blame our worldwide obesity problem simply on our environment and marketing.
Fat Attack: shaming obesity does not work
When we attack fat by shaming obesity, we call it ‘bad’ instead of seeing it as the result of the emptiness, sadness and disconnection that it truly is. No diet or willpower can fix obesity – reconnection to the beauty within is the key.
The human face of sugar addiction
The human tragedy of sugar addiction – we are not just statistics. Do we hand over our responsibility for our health to marketing ploys and vested interests?
Gluten, dairy, corn ......... are the root of all evil
Sugar, gluten and dairy are combining with devastating effect on humanity.
Coeliac/celiac, Sugar, Gluten free, Obesity, Dementia, Evolution, Diabetes
Fitting life around food
Our July 2017 Audio of the Month looks at our relationship with food and why we overeat – you might be surprised!
Evolutionary diet
Many get criticised, judged and looked down upon due to being overweight, there’s a stigma and a lack of understanding, however is it possible that these things actually contribute to the global issue of obesity?
Rat parks, obesity, food, behaviour and connection
The stunning trends of obesity expose the way we live and our lack of purpose and community connection.
Ageless Wisdom, Obesity, Behaviour, Connection, Food industry, Clairsentience, Intelligence
Keeping off COVID kilos
Are COVID kilos getting you down? Tips for dealing with those COVID kilos.
Weight loss shakes: diet or dessert?
Constantly seeking the holy grail of weight loss? Exploring the shocking truth of weight loss shakes.
Calories, Diets, Losing weight, Obesity, Nutrition, Sugar, Weight
The taxing problems of diabetes
Diabetes and other lifestyle related disorders are reaching epidemic proportions with massive cost and health consequences. It comes down to dealing with our hurts.
Serge Benhayon and the vexed question of food and alcohol
On the subject of food and alcohol, when will we learn? Socrates taught us and now Serge Benhayon is presenting about the energetic responsibility of food.
Addiction, Alcohol, Body awareness, Ill health, Sickness, Obesity
Giving food, giving love
We may have learned that love is the same as food – has this fooled us into believing that food will give us that feeling of being loved?
‘A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down’ – Irony or just pure corruption?
Childhood and adult obesity, heart disease, diabetes, some of the most widespread health challenges known to man are not only on our doorstep, but in our homes. Did we get here through chance or was there something more sinister at play?
Accountability, Corruption, Obesity, Over eating, Sugar, Diabetes
Obesity, food and fasting
Food and Obesity are connected but not in the way one may expect.
Domestic violence, Hurt, Obesity, Parenting, Eating disorder
Are weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery the answer to weight loss for obesity?
This article questions whether weight-loss pills or bariatric surgery are the answers to weight loss and obesity, or do we need more individual responsibility?
Weight-loss, Obesity, Health conditions, Medical treatment, Diabetes
The demand for food is in our hands.
Food might be one of the most common topics of conversation, but we are the ones calling the shots – food supply is based on our demands.