Did you know? ...

Did you know? ...
that your body has 45,000 Nadis (energy centres)
that you have heart chakras in the palm of your hands and thus each hand shake is an opportunity for a loving connection to another. Rather powerful to feel the importance of gentle tender touch and the healing that can take place via our hands
we live under the influence of cycles that repeat again and again
that our particles are actually little patches of intense vibrations of energy in lots of space? Really there are no separate atoms and no 'solid' matter
menopause signifies the completion of a cycle, and an opportunity to embrace a new phase of nurturing for a woman in her life
that the essence of a man holds the same loving quality as the essence of a woman
the way you communicate and express with others can be Sacred and Esoteric and Healing
on the inside adults are as equally sensitive, tender and precious as children
that the way you live in your day affects the quality of how you will sleep at night
we are all born with the ability to feel energy all of the time and that we are naturally clairsentient, that is, we are able to FEEL and SENSE light / energy. When we are connected to our essence we are naturally clairsentient and we can feel everything about life through energy
the body has a natural harmony; in anatomy and physiology this is called homeostasis. The minute we step away from this natural harmony in our bodies, the body registers a disharmony against its natural rhythm and this is the beginning of illness and disease
that having alcohol and drugs disconnects you from your essence and your ability to feel and intuit, by numbing or over-stimulating your body
we tend to hold on to and protect our hurts rather than hold on to and choose to express love
the kidney cells hold our life force energy, our vitality for life
when we speak ill, with judgment, or emotionally of another they receive the negative energetic imprint of that ill
that by loving other people we improve and expand love in our own families
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