Life itself offers healing in every moment of every day. In truth, you are in the driving seat of your vehicle, instigating your own healing. The practical application of this is to be open to the awareness that you can either access or deny a potential healing in every living moment. Reading the articles in this category invites us to consider the support that Universal Medicine Therapies can offer us for healing, and how to normalise healing opportunities in our everyday life.
Everyday Healing
Our ability to heal unresolved hurts and blockages
Our ability to heal supports us to live the truth of who we are.
Renunciation is part of healing
What is the relationship between renunciation and healing? And how do we do it?
Learning and living true physiotherapy – Part one
Kate Greenaway shares her experiences on learning what True Physiotherapy is all about in considering each patient as a physical, emotional and energetic being.
Learning and living true physiotherapy – Part two
Kate shares her insight into True Physiotherapy and how she supports herself in assisting her patients with their own natural healing process.
Restoring balance in the body does not work: Supporting its healing does work
To revolutionise our failing health care system we need practitioners to assist clients to heal, not to ‘cure’ them, and for both practitioners and clients to take more responsibility with living in a more gentle and self-caring way.
Universal Medicine Therapies
Universal Medicine Therapies are popular healing modalities that are being practised all over the world, not only by complementary to medicine practitioners but professionals from all walks of life.
Healing is all about energy
If everything is energy then all that happens in life happens because of energy. When things hurt us, it is the energy that needs to be healed if we are to truly resolve those hurts once and for all.
How do Universal Medicine Therapies work?
Imagine a therapy where no one is ‘fixing’ you – but simply supporting you to feel the grandness that you actually already are. Universal Medicine Therapies are no fix – the practitioner offers a quality that the client can then connect to within themselves.
We know more than we think
We know more than we think, learning to trust the wisdom of our bodies, trusting what we feel, we know how to read energy.
Feeling like the hole in the doughnut
Feeling Like The Hole in the Doughnut is a negative thought that can only be felt when you feel disconnected to who you really are.